I don't remember ever reading anything that would indicate this to be bad for JW. But knowing JW, it could be somewhere. As you stated since jury usually are pulled from voter registration, it rarely becomes and issue, but in the past week, I read in somewhere that some jurisdictions are starting to do jury selection from other lists like property tax lists or drivers license. And that really makes more sense if you really want a jury of peers.
JoinedPosts by maxwell
Jury duty???
by Strawberryfieldsforever ini was just wondering if jury duty was considered taking part in the world.
i just found out that my mom had jury duty a few months ago and went!
i've never been a registered voter and thought you had to register to be called to jury duty.
cosmetic surgery!!!
by Debz inall these shows lately on telly - like nip/tuck etc.
highlighting cosmetic surgery got me to thinking of about 20 odd years ago as a dub..how prevalent cs was.
i knew two young women (aged about 17 / 18) who had breast reduction operations in the same cong, of course it was very `hush, hush` at the time but considering it was a small country cong - that seems like a rather high ratio of non-necessary surgery to me........any other experiences of this?
Uh, have you looked at most of those boob jobs? They never look perfect. They look rubbery, shiny and fake.
I disagree. I have seen several good boob jobs. The reason the breasts on Baywatch look shiny is because they are putting oil and makeup on them. Granted, there are those girls who get too large of implants, that look extremely fake.I disagree also. I'm not sure I would use the word perfect, but I think a lot of boob jobs look very nice. I have a slight preference for the natural look given equals in everything else, but there's a lot of diversity between women's natural look. The synthetic look just seems to add a little more diversity to the mix.
Some boob jobs are cosmetic and some are for health reasons. I was watching Discovery Health channel the other day and they showed a teenage girl around 16 or 17 who had some genetic deformity that made one of her breasts almost non-existant. She could wear clothes that hid this condition so no one in her school really knew about it, but she decided to get her breasts equalized, inserting an implant in the non-existant breast and changing the other to match the implant (can't remember whether they reduced or enlarged to get the match). I'd classify that as medical and cosmetic, since it did change her appearance but also corrected a deformity.
There does seem to be a lot of cosmetic surgery going on. I wonder what elderly people will look like when I get old. Will there be a set of "beautiful" haves and a set of wrinkly have nots?
Is it a sin to watch the MAN show?
by Singing Man in.
oh dear god i love the man show i am sorry but i do.
and i also love to watch the juggies jump on the trampoline, thank you jusus.
Love the man show and love MXE too. Those voice overs on MXE are hilarious. I wonder where they found that show. Perhaps the same place they found the Godzilla movies?
"I'm not interested" / "Have a good day" ??
by Gopher inwhat did you or other jw's say when told by a householder "i'm not interested"?.
a lot of jw's in our area have the habit of saying "well, have a good day", as if to fill the awkward silence.. but if you studied your "conversation stoppers" section from the reasoning book, you find other possibilities:.
"would you be interested if you could find out how you could see your dead loved ones again someday?".
I tried using those things in the Reasoning book a few times. I don't remember whether I had much success, but in the last few years I would just end the conversation with "Have a good day" or something similar. Honestly, it was more as a way to fill the awkward silence and end the conversation than as a sarcastic parting stab. I stopped using the replies to conversation stoppers because I started to think it was kind of pushy to try to keep a conversation going when it was obvious they were not interested. If the person was not decisive enough to close their door immediately after saying "I'm not interested", then I could end the conversation for them. Personally, if I was not interested in talking to someone, I'd say "I'm not interested, bye bye." There would be no time for a reply after I said bye bye because the door would be closed by then.
Religious Freedom
by Yerusalyim inhave i missed it or have we not discussed the move by france to forbid the wearing of religious symbols and garb in public schools?
no hijab (scarves worn by muslim women) or kippot (the beanies worn my orthodox jewish males).
how do you feel about this?
I've heard it is secularization as well. I don't think religion has any place in schools or government, but this seems to be going overboard. I wonder what is the stand on wearing a cross. Generally, I don't think any piece of clothing or jewelry should be cause for alarm or instability. If some non-muslim gets angry because they see a muslim wearing their head-covering, or someone anti-semitic is upset to see a skull cap, the problem isn't with the person's non-threatening way of practicing of their religion. The problem is the intolerance of the non-muslim or the anti-semitic. It is a social problem. And while you can't dictate how someone feels when they see these symbols of faith, schools should be able to demand that kids act sociably and orderly. Demanding that kids remove their religious garb isn't the way to deal with it.
Pedophile is Slain in VA Prison
by maxwell ini rarely post on this subject simply because i don't have the experience to generate or fully understand the intense emotions that come along with child abuse.
i have noticed some recent threads about proper punishment for a pedophile.
and today i saw an interesting article in the washington post today so i thought i would share it.
I rarely post on this subject simply because I don't have the experience to generate or fully understand the intense emotions that come along with child abuse. I have noticed some recent threads about proper punishment for a pedophile. And today I saw an interesting article in the Washington Post today so I thought I would share it. Hopefully I'm not duplicating something that's already been posted.
Pedophile Is Slain in Va. Prison Notorious Case Led To Change in Law
Interesting quote from the victim after he heard his molester had been killed:
Andrews, who last year successfully lobbied Virginia lawmakers to fund a program that allows the state to seek civil commitment of sex offenders after they serve their prison terms, said yesterday he was shaken by the news of Ausley's death.
"I'm still very conflicted, and I'm trying to come to terms with it," Andrews, a computer programmer, said from his Miami home. "I did what I did to keep him off the street. Nobody deserves to be murdered."
I don't presume to have answer to how to deal with child abusers, but the article does go on to mention how Virginia and few other states have created laws that allow certain sex offenders to be held indefinitely. Mr. Andrews lobbied successfully for that type of law in Virginia.
Did you ever lead a double life?
by imzadi inthose of you who are now x-jws, did you ever lead a double life while you were "in"?
did you have "worldly" friends, watch r rated movies, drive fast cars and do other things you weren't supposed to do, yet believed you were a "good" jw because you belived in the truth, "put in time", and attended meetings?
if you did, how long did it take you to see the truth about the truth and leave?
When I think about double life, I think about teenagers acting good at home and the kingdom hall but being totally different at school to fit in. But I suppose some things I did as an adult would qualify after looking at this thread. I looked at porn and went to a few R-rated movies before I decided that the JW were wrong. The porn bothered me, the R-rated movies didn't seem like a big deal. I would never talk about seeing them at the hall, but I wouldn't have been at all flustered if an elder had seen me entering or exiting an R-rated movie. Not something I made an effort to hide. The porn was another thing.
Did you ever lead a double life?
by imzadi inthose of you who are now x-jws, did you ever lead a double life while you were "in"?
did you have "worldly" friends, watch r rated movies, drive fast cars and do other things you weren't supposed to do, yet believed you were a "good" jw because you belived in the truth, "put in time", and attended meetings?
if you did, how long did it take you to see the truth about the truth and leave?
No, I was mostly a good little JW while growing up. Not perfect. But I never hid the fact that I was a JW when I was at school and I was never ashamed to see my schoolmates in field service. Part of this was because I was a nerdy guy anyway.
However, many of my fellow JW schoolmates did lead double lives to varying degrees. One was an elder's daughter. She had a "worldly" bf and everyone at school would see them together often. She eventually got pregnant. Of course, I didn't see that part, but it wasn't surprising given all the other stuff I'd seen. That's one thing that I let myself feel guilty about for a while. I was thinking I should have reported her as she was an unbaptized publisher. But although she made the mistake of getting pregnant at a young age, I didn't really see her do anything other than what any young teenage girl would do. Other JW classmates would curse and hit on girls, have their gfs, but keep it on the down low at the KH. Many of those that I observed doing that had never been unbaptized publishers so I worried less about not reporting them. I heard that some got into drugs. In fact of all the years I was in high school, I can think of only one other JW schoolmate (he was a senior when I was a freshman) that is still a JW now. And over the four years I was in high school, I was probably with between 10-15 other JW schoolmates. I probably saw less than half of what went on. As I mentioned, I was nerdy, even when compared with other JW kids, so I was out of the loop on a lot, maybe most, of what happened.
Being Theocratic Before Meetings
by Nosferatu inone thing that my mother was trying to instill in me was to be "theocratic" before the meetings.
many times i would drive me and my mother to the meetings while listening to "wreckx-n-effect" or "ac/dc".
she would usually give me hell for this and told me i should listen to kingdom melodies to get my mind prepared for the meeting.. another "problem" was the conversations that went on before meetings (or even on field service) where me and someone else my age would be talking about something completely unrelated to the "truth".
Music in the car on the way to the hall. I think my mom might have talked to us about this once or twice, but my dad would often play secular music on the way to the hall, nothing to risque, mind you. When I started driving myself, I did try to focus on the meeting, but I must admit to playing rap music on the way to the hall a few times even though my favorite music is jazz. Once I was out in field service with a bunch of other young guys late teens early twenties. We had rural territory where I grew up, so you spend a lot of time in the car. Most of the time if any music was played at all, it would be kingdom melodies, but the guy who was driving the car this time decided to play his own tapes. He had some rap music with all the obsenities you want and in the one of the lines the rapper says something like 'before you step to me, you better be stepping to Jehovah'. In other words, he's even badder than Jehovah. The guy who was driving went on to become a ministerial servant. He's probably an elder now. They were already training him on public talks when I moved away.
Aztec - This one's for you!
by czarofmischief inthis is a serious question i was going to raise anyway, and since aztec feels that she is being ignored .
all right, i'll take aztec for 1000 dollars, alex.
here's the question:.
Regardless of the book its found in, I think that ideally the statement is true metaphorically. You may begin to pick up each other's mannerisms and finish each other's sentences and hopefully develop some common goals. But hopefully not fleshly. I wouldn't want my wife to start looking like me. That's quite scary.