hmmm. Of those three examples murder, rape and incest, I can't think of any circumstance where rape is not wrong. I have heard of women who have rape fantasies, believe it or not, but if you want it, then by definition (those querky definitions), its not rape. Murder? Is it murder when you kill someone in self or family defense? Incest, thought of as bad these days but was acceptable in past cultures and in certain circumstances in some cultures today.
When I was a JW, I had a lot of moral absolutes. Now, I don't know that there is a God. Yes, I think my lack of knowledge and loss of interest in making the pursuit of knowing the unknowable has affected my view of moral absolutes. Is it always bad to lie? Is it ok to tell a white lie? Personally, I think at times its best just to withhold information, but as my mind stands now, I would not think badly of someone for telling a "white" lie if there is such a thing. I hear people shout about honesty more than anything.