I seem to remember some strange event or events, but I can't remember exactly what they were. I'm one of those people who needs absolute proof. So basically I say whatever it was could have been explainable in some rational way. Or perhaps it was outside the realm of any human understanding. Events that we can explain include dreams that may seem very real and there's the hallucinations that can come as a result of drugs or mental illness. Those things seem real to me. Outside the realm of human understanding there is the realm of supernatural beings, which I now don't see any reason to believe in or totally rule out.
Another interesting thing, I remember hearing lately is how small children are often unable to distinguish between things in their imagination and things that happen in reality. In kindergarten, the librarian told us that a witch lived in one corner of our library (It was some area that we never went to, probably an office area) and would come out if we were bad or we talked loud in there. I actually believed that for several years even after I had gone on to another school and went a few grades higher. I never connected it to demons although my parents were teaching me that along with plenty of other JW beliefs. I just believed there was an actual witch there in that room in that area. Then one day something just clicked and I realized she had been just trying to scare us and successfully doing so with me. But I often wonder why I believed that for so long. Of course, a small childs mind is not like an adults, but I do think it is interesting what a humans will allow themselves to believe.