I dont think ive ever posted on this site, ive read alot of posts, but, keep to myself. I am an ex JW, Df'd. However, I have reached my limit of bull #hit about the witnesses. Doctrinal debates, personal experiences, fine. we are all free to have an opinion. but stupid slanderous crap, IM really getting sick of.
JW's a destructive cult? get friggin life. or a clue. Have people had bafd expereinces? yes. myself included. but the same goes for any group on the earth . any church for sure. your not tied to a chair and made to stay there. your not made to go thru the baptism process. you dont like it? diont do it. if your a child, as I was, you may have other issues to deal with as far as reality etc, but, again, this isnt any different in any other church.
My children are still JWs, and I can say, they are happy, healthy, productive and pleasant people, who are moral, trustworthy and kind. this is ALL due to the way we raised them, as Jehovahs Witnesses.
I cant give this site anymore of my time really. I respect Randy's intilect, and experience. BUt it really is filled with bitter, complaining people, finding anytihg and everytihng they can wrong with the WT. theres plenty wrong, you dont need to exagerate and make up crap.
JWS are NOT a cult, and not destructive. they are ahigh control, fundamental chriustian group. agree or not, fine. leave. speak about real things, not bull. I am sickened to see some idiot post a video on themain page about "abuse of the watchtower", a vid about a child very abused, apparently. I watched all three videos, I heard nothing of the watchtower . if i missed that reference, the point is, what does that have to do witht he watchtower? a child gets abused in every church and group in this world. every damn church has this issue. to my knowledge, I dont think the elders were allowingf this. its absurd. I understand the policy about child abuse"scandal" and all that. fine. BUT cmon. it simply makes everyone on this site look like exactly what the WT says they are, bitter, ex brothers beating their brothers, and have nothing better to do. Im sure ill get negative rsponse to this here. im not reallynintereste in discussing. just pissed off enough tto comment. thanks