I never had any problems, if anything, I had remarks about my freedom of expression.
" provocatively" of course meaning alot.
in my cong it meant moving your body in any way at all.. the spirtual ones of the cong of course would not dance and if they did would do a kinda slow motion running type dance.
totaly embassring to look at.. .
I never had any problems, if anything, I had remarks about my freedom of expression.
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
Bohm, hmmmmm, your guesing aren't you? When I totally believe in something, I stake my life, are you willing to stake YOUR life?
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
bohm, your in love with yourself, self gloly, only YOU know what's best for everyone. Anytime you want to challenge me about true life, be my guest. People like you come a dime a dozen. How much are YOU willing to bet?
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
bohm, your pitiful, truly pitiful!!! Your best answeres are exactly what I've said, distractions, distractions.You don't have the guts to admit your wrongs not to me or anyone else! Your entire life hinges in you being right! Self-righteousness is your mode of life, everyone is wrong and I mean everyone else, exept YOU. Why are you on this forum if you were never a JW?
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
bohm, yes I do, at least I admit my faults, how about you? Your self-righteous and a face safer and won't admit to it, what a sham!!!!!! This must have been your character since childhood. You remind me of what the scripture says at Galations 6:3. "For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he is deceiving his own mind." What a pity!!!!!
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
'Oh, by the way, bohm, you siad, '...repeating the same ad-hominem is a poor replacement of an argument.' Apparently you don't play golf, because repeating the same swing is a must for better golf scores!
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
bohm, you are nothing more than a self-righteous cream puff!!! Everything has to be YOUR way! PS and I have provided enough info for others to do their own research, what have you provided on this subject besides being self-righteous? You have NO clue what it is be an ironworker, none whatsoever!
the standard of what is true is what is real.. truth=reality.
at the point of contradiction.. with what?
it would be unthinkable for reality to contradict itself.. .
Terry, what happened to 'common sense'? Many people are intellectual but do not have common sense. Where does common sense fit in? Why the neglect of common sense?
some here like to perpetuate the idea that there is a hidden group lurking in the shadows playing democrats and republicans against each other for their own benefit... or that a new world order is about to annihilate herds of common men to stay in power.. please name one specific living person who is a member of this elite group..
We're back to this topic again PSon? As I said, NOTHING will change the minds of those who will not accept that the WTC was a planned attack, NOTHING! You have provided reputable names and what have they provided? SAVING FACE!! In addition they resort to name calling, a sign of immature pesronality. Amazing how they can quote from engineers etc, as their proof, and yet not one of these objectors are IRONWORKERS, so they rely on engineers (who also not ironworkers) that will support their claim!
PS, on the net, type in, 'Pictures of the Structural Core of the WTC.' Check out, 'The WTC Cores As Seen In Construction Photo's.' Also, 'View-911 Research-the Core Structures, and the Big Fema Lie.' What's my point? The THICKNESS of the inner core. Aside from the inner core you have the outside structural core. These non-ironworkers would have me believe that a plane can MELT THICK CORE structural steel floor to floor even to the basement level and make this building collapse as though it was NOT a planned demolition! Sizemak once said, "the buildings all fell as a result of the intial aircraft impacts." If single plane caused this type of horrific damage, it is totally awesome. PS, when it comes to SAVING FACE, everything and anything will suffice to explain their PLANNED view, it's a great DISTRACTION!They are NOT ironworkers.
i was shocked to read in the "witnesses only" study watchtower this stupid rutherford policy was still in place, compare.. rutherfords last book "children" {ironic title} 1942 - page 281 "wait until after armagedon to bring children into the world...it is only afew years...until armagedon...those with infants will have greater woe...it will be a far greater difficulty to care for them during the tribulation...".
so if you were 20 years old in 1942 and waited......till 2011.....do the math.. wachtower 2008 april 15 p.19 "heading: "single and childless for a noble purpose.
" ...numerous couples have decided to remain childless...to remain free to serve jehovah...putting kingdom interests above some of the privledges that go with marriage...jehovah will not forget...there will be a great tribulation...it will be a difficult time for us adults and children alike...".
Hmmmm, but it's OK for folks like Rutherford to be born and the hell with others! That makes plenty of sense. The only tribulation women will experience is birth pains. Just rattling off.