Topics Started by 1975
Judge Declares MISTRIAL In Roger Clemens' Case
by minimus indo you even care if clemens used a banned substance over a decade ago?
The magazines didn't used to be so dumb and boring
by Lore inhere's an excerpt from this weeks watchtower study in 1950: .
*** w50 6/15 p. 180 a victory dedicated to jehovahs honor ***.
the strategy, and the attack.
Once again I say goodbye
by mouthy ini find the board is getting very unfriendly of late.
used to be great to be aboard.
but the snipping that so many.
The Governing Body has NEVER claimed to be inspiredÂ…
by Alfred inthere was a recent thread here which covered the subject of the gb claiming to be spirit directed (and not actually inspired by the holy spirit).
by now, most of us are quite aware that this is just a play with words to excuse themselves whenever one of their false doctrines is debunked (by someone using the bible or their own publications).
but when you think of it, spirit-directed is actually more presumptuous than spirit-inspired.. that being said, id really like to draw attention to the fact that the wt continuously claims that the governing body of jehovahs witnesses has never claimed to be inspired by god (through his holy spirit).
A Suggestion for Lurkers
by Ding inif you are afraid to join the forum and enter discussions, believe me -- we understand.. if you're feeling all alone, this message is especially for you.. sometimes people refrain from joining and posting because certain posts or threads really upset or offend them.
or maybe you're reluctant to jump in because you see interesting threads get hijacked or go off in all sorts of confusing directions and you don't want that to happen to you.. if that's you, i suggest you join and start with private messages (pms) instead.
doing it that way, you can correspond one-on-one with posters you feel most comfortable with.. how do you choose who to pm?
What's Your Objection?
by 1975 inwhen i come to this forum and read the topics of the day, it disturbs me that some always have objections and comments that are negative.
what source of encouragement is there when one breaks down the story of others?
what's your personal gain, what's the satisfaction?
This past weekend I lost my mom
by lola28 inthe cancer finally got to her and now my sisters and i are left without our mother.
we take comfort only in knowing that she is no longer in pain.
how do people move on from such a massive loss?.
Our fears and loyalties were manipulated and exploited to make us accomplices in maintaining our own ignorance
by free @ last init's been 2 years since i left the borg yet only 3 weeks since i visited my first apostate site... the venerable
today i've been knocking myself on the head trying to figure out what the hell took me so long!!
a grown ass adult too!!.
So What's the Point?
by AllTimeJeff ini am back after several months to tell you all that i am cured!
that's right, i am no longer an ex jw.
i can go around and pretend that i was never knocking on doors.