HERE IS WHAT GOT MY SPIDEY SENSES TINGLING: Paragraph 16, Reference to Daniel P Mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so I did my research.......but was even MORE shocked when I saw this:
Probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"Those Who Are About To Die" is pure Mannix at his best. A uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient Rome. Filled with all the bloodshed, sadism, torture, sex and beastiality that Mannix could reasonably document. Just as fascinating today as when it became a cult classic thirty years ago. Mannix is the only author brave enough to make a career out of documenting man at his most inhuman. Hard to believe he also wrote the story for Disney's "The Fox and the Hound"! If you liked "Caligula" you'll love "Those Who Are About To Die"! But don't forget to follow-up with his "The History of Torture", and "The Hell Fire Club" if you can find a copy. <<EMPHASIS MINE>>
2 things: I mean really??? What the Fu*K are they doing trying to quote a fictional tale as if it REALLY happened?
ALSO: Who at WTBTS is so sadistic so as to read this novel for research or entertainment????
ALSO...cult classic???? Makes sense WT uses it in their publication
O M G!!!