Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-03-2013 WT Study (WITH YOU)

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-03-2013 WT Study (JANUARY 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(WITH YOU)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


    Bible translations

    WT publications (old) (new)

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

    Also posted on



    “Be courageous and

    strong. . . . Jehovah

    your God is with

    you.”—JOSH. 1:9.


    What did Joshua have to do to

    sustain his faith and courage?

    What examples of courage have

    impressed you?

    Whose example of faith and

    courage can help you to do

    the preaching work?


    So Jesus is not with us? This shows how the WTS puts the emphasis on “Jehovah” and not Jesus despite these scriptures. They use a scripture from the OT and Jesus is left out of the picture.

    (Matthew 28:16-20) 16 However, the eleven disciples went into Gal′i·lee to the mountain where Jesus had arranged for them, 17 and when they saw him they did obeisance, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

    (Matthew 18:20) 20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.”

    (1 Corinthians 11:1) . . .Become imitators of me (Paul), even as I am of Christ.

    And I’m at it, why an OT example such as Joshua to illustrate courage? Are there no good examples of courage in the NT for Christians? Jesus perhaps? Even Paul?


    1, 2. (a) What qualities will help us to cope with trials?

    (b) How would you define faith? Illustrate.

    JEHOVAH’S service brings us joy. Yet, we do face

    hardships common to mankind, and we may “suffer

    for the sake of righteousness.” (1 Pet. 3:14; 5:8, 9;

    1 Cor. 10:13) To cope with such trials successfully,

    we need faith and courage.


    1 snippet (phrase part of scripture); 2 citations

    What does the WTS consider “hardships common to mankind”? At the same painting a back picture of most non-jws.

    *** w05 6/15 p. 19 pars. 5-6 Parents, Provide for the Needs of Your Family ***

    Economic hardships are common worldwide, as are layoffs, high unemployment rates, and a rising cost of living. …A provider does well to remember that he is carrying out an assignment from Jehovah. Paul’s inspired words show that a man who is able to obey this command yet refuses to do so is comparable to one who has “disowned the faith.” A Christian would do his utmost to avoid such a standing before his God. Sadly, though, many people in today’s world have “no natural affection.” (2 Timothy 3:1, 3) Indeed, countless fathers shirk their responsibility, leaving their family in the lurch. Christian husbands do not share that hardhearted, casual view of providing for their own. Unlike many of their coworkers, Christian providers see even the most menial of jobs as being dignified and important, a means of pleasing Jehovah God, since it enables them to provide for their loved ones.

    2 What is faith? The apostle Paul wrote: “Faith is

    the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident

    demonstration of realities though not beheld.”

    (Heb. 11:1) Another translation reads: “Faith is the

    title-deed to the things we hope for. Faith is being

    sure of things we cannot see.” (The Simple English Bible)

    If property has been deeded to us, we are confident

    that we own it. Since we have faith that God

    always fulfills his word, it is as though we are holding

    a valuable deed. Our faith makes us certain that

    we will see the fulfillment of the Bible-based promises we

    hope for, and we are sure about spiritual realities,

    although we cannot see them.


    Try quoting a scripture from another translation on your own at a meeting…you will most likely be counseled.

    Should you be confident? Have you heard of “eminent domain”?

    Eminent domain (United States, the Philippines), compulsory purchase (United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland), resumption/compulsory acquisition (Australia), or expropriation (South Africa, Canada) is "the power to take private property for public use by a state, municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character, following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property."[1]

    The property is taken either for government use or by delegation to third parties who will devote it to public or civic use or, in some cases, economic development. The most common uses of property taken by eminent domain are for government buildings and other facilities, public utilities , highways, and railroads; however, it may also be taken for reasons of public safety, as in the case of Centralia, Pennsylvania . Some jurisdictions require that the government body offer to purchase the property before resorting to the use of eminent domain.

    Did God fulfill what the WTS said was from God as to 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975?

    3, 4. (a) What is courage? (b) What is one way to strengthen

    our faith and courage?

    3 Courage has been defined as “spiritual, emotional,

    and moral fortitude to speak and act without

    fear in the face of obstacles and dangers.” (The

    New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible) If we have

    courage, we are strong, valiant, even bold at times.

    —Mark 6:49, 50; 2 Tim. 1:7.


    2 citations

    Who wrote the New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, when, and what was their religious background?

    Katharine Doob Sakenfeld (Editor) (oh no, a woman!)


    Presbyterian clergywoman !!

    4 Faith and courage are desirable qualities. But

    suppose we sense a personal need for more faith

    and do not feel courageous. Well, thousands of individuals

    of Bible record have been exemplary in

    displaying these qualities. So one way to strengthen

    our faith and courage is to consider

    some of those examples.


    “we sense” or the WTS senses and has an article written, or if you miss too many meetings or don’t turn in enough time, are approached by the elders as lacking faith and courage?


    5. To succeed in his assignment, what did Joshua


    5 Let us turn the clock back some

    35 centuries. Forty years have passed

    since millions of Israelites were delivered

    from Egyptian bondage under the

    mighty hand of Jehovah. The prophet

    Moses has taken the lead. Now at the

    age of 120, he views the Promised Land

    from a distance and then dies atop

    Mount Nebo. His successor is Joshua,

    a man “full of the spirit of wisdom.”

    (Deut. 34:1-9) The Israelites are about to

    take possession of Canaan. To succeed

    as their leader, Joshua will need God given wisdom.

    He will also have to exercise

    faith in Jehovah and prove to be courageous

    and strong.—Deut. 31:22, 23.


    1 snippet, 1 citation

    So the WTS has to go back 35 centuries to find an example; not a decent one in the first century? Are we as Christians to imitate Christ or Joshua, who did Paul imitate, as well as saying his life was worthy of imitation.

    Did Joshua come up in the conversation? Only twice in the NT, and never as an example to imitate. Why bother when you have Jesus or Paul or any of the other Christians. Why pick a Jew?

    6. (a) Joshua 23:6 calls for courage to do what?

    (b)What do we learn from the words of Acts 4:

    18-20 and Acts 5:29?

    6 The wisdom, courage, and faith

    shown by Joshua during the long conquest

    of Canaan must have strengthened

    the Israelites. In addition to valor

    in battle, however, they needed what

    might be called quiet courage to do what

    Joshua urged them to do. At the end of

    his life, in his farewell address, he said:

    “You must be very courageous to keep

    and to do all that is written in the book

    of the law of Moses by never turning

    away from it to the right or to the left.”

    (Josh. 23:6) We too need the courage to

    obey Jehovah at all times. This includes

    occasions when mere men demand that

    we act contrary to God’s will. (Read Acts

    4:18-20; 5:29.) If we prayerfully rely on

    Jehovah, he will help us to take such a

    courageous stand.


    1 quote, 2 citations (required to be read during the meeting per the WTS)

    Israelite men were called on to slaughter women and children. How does that compare to a Christian life?

    Obey God at all times = obey the WTS at all times

    *** w10 4/15 p. 10 par. 12 Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose ***

    Let us remember that Jehovah’s organization is made up of two parts, one in heaven and the other on earth. If the heavenly part is directed by holy spirit, the same must be true of the earthly part. By being obedient and loyal to the direction received from the earthly part of God’s organization, you show that you are keeping pace with Jehovah’s celestial chariot and are working in harmony with his holy spirit.—Heb. 13:17.


    7. To act with courage and have success, Joshua

    needed to do what?

    7 To have the courage needed to do

    God’s will, we must study and apply his

    Word. That is what Joshua was told to

    do when he became Moses’ successor:

    “Be courageous and very strong to take

    care to do according to all the law that

    Moses my servant commanded you. . . .

    This book of the law should not depart

    from your mouth, and you must in an

    undertone read in it day and night, in order

    that you may take care to do according

    to all that is written in it; for then you

    will make your way successful and then

    you will act wisely.” (Josh. 1:7, 8) Joshua

    followed that counsel, and ‘his way

    was successful.’ If we do likewise, we

    will have greater courage and success in

    God’s service.


    So there are no Christians admonished to study and apply God’s word?

    Remember Joshua was the general of the army that slaughtered women and children? Did the “bible” of his time teach that? Why not Christians? Wouldn’t the lives of first century followers be truer examples?

    *** it-1 p. 552 Crime and Punishment ***

    Other Nations in the Palestine Area. Aside from Israel , the other nations in and around the Promised Land used imprisonment and bonds, mutilation, blinding, killing captives of war by the sword, ripping up pregnant women, and dashing their little ones to death against a wall or a stone.—Jg 1:7; 16:21; 1Sa 11:1, 2; 2Ki 8:12.

    (Deuteronomy 20:15-18) 15 “That is the way you will do to all the cities very far away from you that are not of the cities of these nations. 16 It is only of the cities of these peoples that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance that you must not preserve any breathing thing alive, 17 because you should without fail devote them to destruction, the Hit′tites and the Am′or·ites, the Ca′naan·ites and the Per′iz·zites, the Hi′vites and the Jeb′u·sites, just as Jehovah your God has commanded you; 18 in order that they may not teach YOU to do according to all their detestable things, which they have done to their gods, and YOU may indeed sin against Jehovah YOUR God.

    (Joshua 10:40) 40 And Joshua proceeded to strike all the land of the mountainous region and the Neg′eb and the She·phe′lah and the slopes and all their kings. He did not let a survivor remain, and everything that breathed he devoted to destruction, just as Jehovah the God of Israel had commanded.

    The WTS hides this little fact that the Israelites did kill pregnant women, women, children. But at times it will admit it and say it was the right thing to do. That the Canaanites were wicked, wicked people deserving of death including children?

    *** it-2 p. 1167 War ***

    Laws concerning assault and siege of cities. Jehovah instructed Israel as to military procedure in the conquest of Canaan. The seven nations of Canaan, named at Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, were to be exterminated, including women and children. Their cities were to be devoted to destruction. (De 20:15-17)

    8. The yeartext for 2013 is drawn from what

    scripture, and how do you feel that those words

    will help you?

    8 Joshua must have been greatly

    strengthened when he heard Jehovah’s

    further words: “Be courageous and

    strong. Do not suffer shock or be terrified,

    for Jehovah your God is with you

    wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9) Jehovah is

    with us too. So let us “not suffer shock

    or be terrified” regardless of our trials.

    Especially noteworthy is the statement:

    “Be courageous and strong. . . . Jehovah

    your God is with you.” Those words of

    Joshua 1:9 have been chosen as the yeartext

    for 2013. They will surely strengthen

    us in the months ahead, as will the

    words and actions of other examples of

    faith and courage.


    What did Paul say about courage and Christians, something Christians today can understand? Not killing women and children……..

    (Philippians 1:12-14) . . .Now I desire YOU to know, brothers, that my affairs have turned out for the advancement of the good news rather than otherwise, 13 so that my bonds have become public knowledge in association with Christ among all the Prae·to′ri·an Guard and all the rest; 14 and most of the brothers in [the] Lord, feeling confidence by reason of my [prison] bonds, are showing all the more courage to speak the word of God fearlessly.


    9. In what ways did Rahab show faith and


    9 When Joshua sent two spies into Canaan,

    Rahab the prostitute hid them and

    misdirected their enemies. Because of

    her acts of faith and courage, she and her

    household were spared when the city

    of Jericho fell to the Israelites. (Heb. 11:

    30, 31; Jas. 2:25) Of course, Rahab abandoned

    her immoral life so as to please

    Jehovah. Some who have become Christians

    have had the faith, courage, and

    moral strength to make similar changes

    to please God.


    Remember that all the children and the other women were “exterminated” by Joshua and his army.

    Yes, but have the pedophiles abandoned their immoral lives or do they still hide in the congregation protected by the WT rules still preying on children? Yes.

    Christians = only jws

    10. Under what circumstances did Ruth take

    her stand for true worship, resulting in what

    blessings for her?

    10 After Joshua’s death, the Moabitess

    Ruth courageously took her stand for

    true worship. As the widow of an Israelite,

    she likely knew something about Jehovah.

    Her widowed mother-in-law, Naomi,

    had lived in Moab but decided to

    move back to the Israelite town of Bethlehem.

    Along the road, Naomi urged

    Ruth to return to her own people, but the

    Moabitess replied: “Do not plead with

    me to abandon you, to turn back from

    accompanying you . . . Your people will

    be my people, and your God my God.”

    (Ruth 1:16) Ruth meant that. In time,

    Naomi’s kinsman Boaz married Ruth,

    who bore a son and became an ancestress

    of David and of Jesus. Yes, Jehovah

    blesses acts of faith and courage.—Ruth

    2:12; 4:17-22; Matt. 1:1-6.


    Likely knew = a phrase meaning the bible does not say and the WTS adds to the bible

    Did Ruth know that Jewish men were not to marry non-jews especially Moabites?

    Salmon & Rahab – Boaz & Ruth – Obed & wife – Jesse & wife = David….Jesus


    11. How did Jehoiada and Jehosheba manifest

    courage, and what did this accomplish?

    11 Our courage and faith are strengthened

    when we see that God is with those

    who put his interests and the welfare

    of fellow believers ahead of their own

    concerns. For example, consider High

    Priest Jehoiada and his wife, Jehosheba.

    After King Ahaziah died, Athaliah,

    his mother, killed the remaining royal

    offspring except Jehoash and seized the

    throne. Jehoiada and Jehosheba had taken

    the risk of rescuing Ahaziah’s son Jehoash

    and had kept him hidden for six

    years. In the seventh year, Jehoiada had

    Jehoash proclaimed king and had Athaliah

    put to death. (2 Ki. 11:1-16) Jehoiada

    later supported King Jehoash in repairing

    the temple. And when Jehoiada died

    at 130 years of age, he was buried with

    the kings “because he had done good in

    Israel and with the true God and His

    house.” (2 Chron. 24:15, 16) Moreover,

    the courageous deeds of Jehoiada and

    his wife preserved the royal line from

    David to the Messiah.


    OT examples again….

    Which jws did you know that you thought would die for you? How many lived for you though?

    “put his interests and the welfare of fellow believers ahead of their own concerns”

    12. What courageous action did Ebed-melech


    12 Ebed-melech, a eunuch in the

    house of King Zedekiah, risked his life

    for Jeremiah. The king had surrendered

    Jeremiah to the princes of Judah, who

    falsely charged him with sedition and

    cast him into a miry cistern, there to die.

    (Jer. 38:4-6) Despite the danger in which

    it placed him because of the existing hatred

    for Jeremiah, Ebed-melech appealed

    to Zedekiah in behalf of the prophet.

    Zedekiah responded favorably and had

    30 men accompany Ebed-melech to rescue

    Jeremiah. Through the prophet, God

    assured Ebed-melech that he would not

    perish during the Babylonian siege of

    Jerusalem. (Jer. 39:15-18) Godly courage

    is rewarded.


    Note that Ebed-melech took a position against the King of Judah, his own religious system, and for a man who was pointing out the flaws and sins of the religious leaders, the ruling class. Is that what the WTS is suggesting we do, stand up against the sins of the WTS?

    (OT example)

    13. The three Hebrews took what courageous

    stand, and how can we benefit from their experience?

    13 In the seventh century B.C.E., three

    Hebrew servants of Jehovah were given

    clear evidence that God rewards faith

    and courage. King Nebuchadnezzar assembled

    Babylon’s dignitaries and demanded

    that they worship a towering

    image of gold. Any who would not do so

    were to die in a fiery furnace. The three

    Hebrews respectfully told Nebuchadnezzar:

    “Our God whom we are serving

    is able to rescue us. Out of the burning

    fiery furnace and out of your hand,

    O king, he will rescue us. But if not, let

    it become known to you, O king, that

    your gods are not the ones we are serving,

    and the image of gold that you have

    set up we will not worship.” (Dan. 3:16-

    18) The thrilling rescue of the three Hebrews

    is vividly described at Daniel 3:

    19-30. Although we are not likely to be

    threatened with death in a fiery furnace,

    we do face tests of integrity and can be

    sure that God will bless us for our faith

    and courage.


    Another OT example

    How neutral was the WTS when as a non-governmental organization they associated themselves with the UN, the scarlet colored wild beast, supporting its charter as NGOs must. The UN did not seek out this relationship, the WTS willingly and personally sought it until it became public.

    14. According to Daniel chapter 6, how did

    Daniel act courageously, and with what result?

    14 Daniel showed faith and courage

    when his enemies prevailed upon

    King Darius to issue a decree that “whoever

    makes a petition to any god or man

    for thirty days except to you, O king,

    should be thrown to the lions’ pit.” As

    soon as Daniel learned that the document

    had been signed, he “entered into

    his house, and, the windows in his roof

    chamber being open for him toward Jerusalem,

    even three times in a day he

    was kneeling on his knees and praying

    and offering praise before his God, as he

    had been regularly doing prior to this.”

    (Dan. 6:6-10) Courageous Daniel ended

    up in a lions’ pit—but Jehovah delivered

    him.—Dan. 6:16-23.


    Another OT example

    How many jws truly pray except ceremonially at meetings and at times before eating. Who would risk their life…..very few.

    15. (a) Aquila and Priscilla set what example

    of faith and courage? (b) What is meant by Jesus’

    words recorded at John 13:34, and how

    have many Christians shown such love?

    15 Under circumstances not disclosed

    in the Bible, Aquila and Priscilla ‘risked

    their necks for Paul’s soul.’ (Acts 18:2;

    Rom. 16:3, 4) They courageously acted in

    harmony with Jesus’ words: “I am giving

    you a new commandment, that you love

    one another; just as I have loved you,

    that you also love one another.” (John

    13:34) The Mosaic Law required that

    a person love his neighbor as he loved

    himself. (Lev. 19:18) But Jesus’ com-

    mandment was “new” in describing love

    that would go to the point of giving our

    life for others, as he did. Many Christians

    have shown love by courageously ‘risking

    their necks’ to avoid exposing fellow

    believers to brutal treatment or death at

    enemy hands.—Read 1 John 3:16.


    Finally, the NT, and a woman and a man. Who took a risk for Paul. Actually SHOWING love in a practical way. (do you think Priscilla and Paul needed a chaperone when Aquila was away from home?)

    What about LIVING your life for others even those you aren’t naturally drawn to (Mt 5:45-47)

    PICTURE: For the early Christians,

    compromising was not an option

    16, 17. Some early followers of Christ faced

    what test of faith, and how does this compare

    with the experience of certain Christians in our


    16 Like Jesus, early Christians courageously

    rendered worship only to Jehovah.

    (Matt. 4:8-10) They refused to burn

    incense in honor of the Roman emperor.

    (See picture.) “Very few of the Christians

    recanted,” wrote Daniel P. Mannix,

    “although an altar with a fire burning

    on it was generally kept in the arena

    for their convenience. All a prisoner had

    to do was scatter a pinch of incense on

    the flame and he was given a Certificate

    of Sacrifice and turned free. It was

    also carefully explained to him that he

    was not worshiping the emperor; merely

    acknowledging the divine character of

    the emperor as head of the Roman state.

    Still, almost no Christians availed themselves

    of the chance to escape.”—Those About to Die.


    What about the WTS…did they worship someone other than “Jehovah”? Until 1954 they worshipped Jesus.

    17 Modern Christians held in Nazi

    concentration camps with possible

    death facing them were given repeated

    opportunities to gain their freedom

    by signing a declaration renouncing Jehovah.

    But few signed. Risking death

    during a genocide in Rwanda in recent

    times, Tutsi and Hutu Witnesses protected

    one another. Such trials call for courage

    and faith.


    Christians = only jws

    So did only jws protect fellow Rwandans from the other tribe? Of course not.


    18, 19. What Biblical examples of faith and

    courage can help us to carry out our preaching


    18 We are now privileged to share in

    the greatest work ever entrusted to

    God’s human servants—that of declaring

    the Kingdom message and making

    disciples. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) How

    grateful we are for Jesus’ matchless example!

    He “went journeying from city to

    city and from village to village, preaching

    and declaring the good news of

    the kingdom of God.” (Luke 8:1) Like

    him, we need faith and courage in order

    to preach the Kingdom message. With

    God’s help, we can be like courageous

    Noah, an intrepid “preacher of righteousness”

    to “a world of ungodly people”

    about to perish in a global deluge.

    —2 Pet. 2:4, 5.


    Jehovah or Jesus said he would be with Christians?

    So other religions don’t declare the kingdom message? We have Mormons, Protestants, Catholics call at our door to invite us to share in their worship. The WTS has given many dates for the expression of that kingdom on earth. Whose message is wrong then.

    OT example again = Noah.

    19 Prayer helps us to carry out the

    preaching work. When certain persecuted

    followers of Christ prayed that they

    might ‘speak God’s word with boldness,’

    that plea was answered. (Read

    Acts 4:29-31.) If you are somewhat timid

    about preaching from house to house,

    Jehovah will answer your prayers for

    greater faith and courage.—Read Psalm

    66:19, 20.*

    * See more examples of courage in the article “Be

    Courageous and Very Strong” in The Watchtower of

    February 15, 2012.


    When do jws pray before preaching? A male (a female with a head covering if not baptized jw males) gives a trite prayer, heard often, same words, no preparation, no honor.

    Timid is not the word; hating it, only doing the minimum to qualify for some privilege. Do you think the early Christians had a ten hour goal, or a 30, 50, 70 hour goal?

    Jws are motivated by knowing their eternal life in a paradise on earth is dependent on giving the appearance of preaching.

    20. What support do we have as Jehovah’s servants?

    20 It is challenging to pursue a godly

    course in the face of trials that beset

    us in this evil and troubled world. However,

    we are not alone. God is with us.

    So is his Son, the Head of the congregation.

    We also have over 7,000,000 fellow

    Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. With

    them, let us keep on exercising faith and

    declaring the good news while we bear

    in mind our 2013 yeartext: “Be courageous

    and strong. . . . Jehovah your God

    is with you.”—Josh. 1:9.


    Another shot about all non-jws == evil and troubled world

    God is with us or is Jesus with us?

    But over 7 billion non-jws, men, women, and children (see Joshua) are slated for eternal destruction with no possibility of a resurrection.

    (Matthew 28:18-20) 18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”


    Next week, LET NOTHING DISTANCE YOU FROM JEHOVAH, so where’s Jesus.

    Love, Blondie

  • Ding

    The WT religion comes mainly from the OT -- law...

    If you put a lot of emphasis on Jesus, you come under suspicion.

  • Gopher

    Real courage is speaking from your own convictions and acting on them, even in the face of an organization trying to defame you for doing so and old friends and relatives shunning you because you dared not to believe the same way they do.

    Yes I it takes a measure of courage to stand out as different as a JW according to the dictionary definition of 'courage'. However, what the WT Society is really asking for (in this lesson) is for their members to take the heat for spreading the Watchtower's illogical, unpopular and unscriptural message. The rank-and-file take the heat, and the organization gets the benefits.

  • AnnOMaly

    They get points for giving the names of the quoted authors and their works.

    They get a point knocked off for incorrectly stating in par. 17:

    Modern Christians held in Nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing Jehovah.

    The Bible Students were actually supposed to sign a declaration renouncing the International Bible Student Association - not God. See HERE.

    Regarding par. 16, well, if we're going to apply the 'pinch of incense' analogy to modern times then we only need to consider the examples of the JW leadership -

  • blondie

    Great comments everyone. Ann looking up the quotes is a Catch22 situation. If you look it up and find a mistake...that's bad, you aren't trusting the WTS. Not checking leads to believing and passing on mistatements.

  • Lied2NoMore

    HERE IS WHAT GOT MY SPIDEY SENSES TINGLING: Paragraph 16, Reference to Daniel P Mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so I did my research.......but was even MORE shocked when I saw this:

    FROM AMAZON DOT COM REVIEWS...............

    Probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"Those Who Are About To Die" is pure Mannix at his best. A uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient Rome. Filled with all the bloodshed, sadism, torture, sex and beastiality that Mannix could reasonably document. Just as fascinating today as when it became a cult classic thirty years ago. Mannix is the only author brave enough to make a career out of documenting man at his most inhuman. Hard to believe he also wrote the story for Disney's "The Fox and the Hound"! If you liked "Caligula" you'll love "Those Who Are About To Die"! But don't forget to follow-up with his "The History of Torture", and "The Hell Fire Club" if you can find a copy. <<EMPHASIS MINE>>

    2 things: I mean really??? What the Fu*K are they doing trying to quote a fictional tale as if it REALLY happened?

    ALSO: Who at WTBTS is so sadistic so as to read this novel for research or entertainment????


    ALSO...cult classic???? Makes sense WT uses it in their publication

    O M G!!!

  • blondie
  • blondie

    Here is where the WTS diminishes 1st century Christians as not being TRUE Christians.

    *** w72 7/1 p. 415 Questions From Readers ***

    Large numbers of Christians are said to have been put to death during the Roman persecution in the first few centuries of the Common Era. How, then, is it possible for thousands in this century to have been called to become part of the body of Christ composed of only 144,000 persons?—U.S.A.

    There are historical indications that many Christians were bitterly persecuted, even killed, in the first few centuries. However, it should be remembered that, in itself, a martyr’s death did not give a person merit before Jehovah God nor did it guarantee membership in the heavenly kingdom. Many persons, even in recent times, have been willing to die for a cause, religious or otherwise. A person’s claiming to be a Christian and even dying for his belief does not in itself mean that he is an approved servant of Jehovah God.

  • blondie

    5.0 out of 5 stars Daniel P. Mannix's magnum opus May 13, 1999 By A Customer Format: Mass Market Paperback Probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"Those Who Are About To Die" is pure Mannix at his best. A uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient Rome. Filled with all the bloodshed, sadism, torture, sex and beastiality that Mannix could reasonably document. Just as fascinating today as when it became a cult classic thirty years ago. Mannix is the only author brave enough to make a career out of documenting man at his most inhuman. Hard to believe he also wrote the story for Disney's "The Fox and the Hound"! If you liked "Caligula" you'll love "Those Who Are About To Die"! But don't forget to follow-up with his "The History of Torture", and "The Hell Fire Club" if you can find a copy. This was a review by one customer from 1999. Is there a review by an identified individual in the official world of historians?

  • AnnOMaly

    Hey Blondie - I didn't check the quotes - I was only giving them points for naming the authors and their works this time rather than putting 'one scholar said ...' (WHO?! Where?). You're right, though. It's a Catch 22 situation.

    Mannix's book, however, is non-fiction ... according to Wikipedia, anyway.

    Doing a quick search on the WT CD-ROM, Mannix quotes have been recycled several times over the decades. Is he the only source for this 'pinch of incense' and 'how many Christians compromised' thing? Hmm.

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