"The End of False Religion is Near"
GB-8 shares 1st place in line...got a bucket of popcorn and a bed wetter size coke ready to watch the fun unfold!
for example, they pride themselves in what they don't believe such as immortal souls, the trinity, hellfire, etc.. some exjws still believe it is the "truth" and support the basics.. .
"The End of False Religion is Near"
GB-8 shares 1st place in line...got a bucket of popcorn and a bed wetter size coke ready to watch the fun unfold!
for example, they pride themselves in what they don't believe such as immortal souls, the trinity, hellfire, etc.. some exjws still believe it is the "truth" and support the basics.. .
Impossible. Too much wrong in the past and they take too strong of a stance against opposition. Truth should stand up against scrutiny and they are too insecure to allow open honest discussion about their past. Reading "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" opened up a Pandora's box for me mentally. Many others would wake up if they read it also but they love keeping their head up their ass too much waiting for the shit the WT shovels into them to come passing thru so they can gobble it up.
read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself: .
there is a differencea big differencebetween education and propaganda.
education shows you how to think.
Damn cedars beat me to it
read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself: .
there is a differencea big differencebetween education and propaganda.
education shows you how to think.
Looks like a duck and quacks like a duck???? oh oh oh I know.....I know.......
ding! Ding!
i've read a few people mention making up the figures for the field service reports, and i want to find out how common it is.
i never lied on my report.
sometimes i'd round up 15 minutes if i'd mentioned jw stuff to my brother that month, but that wasn't falsifying.
I was honest for a while then thought about it when RBC kept stating in coded language when asked about counting time for that. So I concluded that if your doing anything for the Borg it should be counted as time spent in "sacred service". I then started counting service time from wake up to back home undressing. If I worked on anything related to CONg activities it was an automatic hour.
Aint I just the worst? : o
jehovahs witnesses an organization?.
today i added a new article to my blog addressing a particularly dirty trick played on jehovahs witnesses.
it has to do with watchtowers legal maneuvering to place and keep its harsh religious shunning practice beyond reach of secular law enforcement.
Just had to post to your blog about this.............living thru the circle of deceit as we speak....
seriously, do people really believe that these events actually happened?
or that they are in any way justified oir right?.
a guy and his small family gather up severy single living animal, bird, insect, puts them in a huge boat which saves mankind & all animal life.at the word of a prophet, a few bears tear apart half a dozen kids for calling a guy a baldy bastard.
Yea the Tower of Babel story is really telling of how insecure god is that these men try to build a tower to the heavens. He should have let them go ahead. Eventually they would have run out of breathable air and froze to death had they built high enough. I must be smarter than him if i know that.
Why doesn't he step in to stop all the outer space exploration these days. Surely that would be much more of a threat.
here is what got my spidey senses tingling: paragraph 16, reference to daniel p mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so i did my research.......but was even more shocked when i saw this: .
from amazon dot com reviews................ probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"those who are about to die" is pure mannix at his best.
a uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient rome.
Ok just a couple things to add to the controversy,...This book was REPRINTED in 2001 and entitled "The Way of the Gladiator".....here is a review of reprinted book which adds to my contention that this book is INDEED fiction:
This book is a reprint of "Those About to Die," which was published back in the late 50's, when Mannix was in his heyday as a writer. I came to know Daniel P. Mannix through his many articles for the 50's publication "True: The Man's Magazine." He was a competent writer on many subjects, and his stories were always entertaining. "The Way of the Gladiator" is nothing if it is not entertaining. But it is NOT a piece of sober history.
The book is not so much historical fiction as it is fictionalized history. Historical fiction is a make believe story told against the backdrop of historical events. Mannix takes historical events and relates them in "documentary" fashion, but unabashedly invents details and descriptions which, if they are accurate, are accurate only by accident.
If you understand from the outset what you are dealing with, "The Way of the Gladiator" can be great reading. If you're looking for a well researched, scholarly study of gladiators, check out Michael Grant's "Gladiators."
ALSO.....In the WT library I just uncovered a true gem regarding the author.......they actually referred to him as a HISTORIAN (TEACHER lr. Ch 27)...which no-where in his WIKI bio does it mention him as a "historian"...
I think I can write an article for use on jwfacts / survey / struggle / others....which will appeal to someone still "in" and help them see how wrong and hypocritical it is for WT to use this reference.
I'm just sayin.....
so hey everyone i knew i couldn't type out the experince i just had at the door.. the video ain't much better.. but i hope you enjoy.
this just happened... at least i didn't feel guilty after this visit... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivu6c3yc7vu.
Go and sit in front. Grab all the crackers and chew them down then gulp down the whole glass of red. Then get up and leave before it comes to its full end
sorry i couldn't resist!
sorry if this joke has already been told here :-/.
i used the example in the bible of Pauls conversion being equivalent to the pope resigning and the GB inviting him to take charge of all the teaching. I said to 2 elders that I didn't trust Pauls writings any more than Jews did back then. Finished with if bible was inspired then Paul would never have wrote any "opinions" like he did. It would be pure gods directed (dictated) writing. <<<blank stares from elders>>>