It would be more honest to just say JWs don't celebrate xmas because they will be disfellowshiped if they do.
Honest and to the point.
one fb friend posted the faq link about "why dont jw's celebrate xmas?
" after reading the link i concluded that it is either another collossal lie the wt is telling, or it is now ok to celebrate x-mas!.
from faq:.
It would be more honest to just say JWs don't celebrate xmas because they will be disfellowshiped if they do.
Honest and to the point.
one fb friend posted the faq link about "why dont jw's celebrate xmas?
" after reading the link i concluded that it is either another collossal lie the wt is telling, or it is now ok to celebrate x-mas!.
from faq:.
Yea yea I know its just complete and total BS...the fact is there is no clarification or exception stated...but it WOULD be fun to throw this in the face of elders and ask them why the WT chooses to lie or mislead people on their official web site...that there are two sets of rules for insiders and outsiders
one fb friend posted the faq link about "why dont jw's celebrate xmas?
" after reading the link i concluded that it is either another collossal lie the wt is telling, or it is now ok to celebrate x-mas!.
from faq:.
One FB friend posted the FAQ link about "Why dont JW's celebrate xmas?" After reading the link I concluded that it is either another COLLOSSAL LIE the WT is telling, OR it is NOW OK to celebrate X-mas!
See for yourself:
From FAQ:
The Bible encourages us to think for ourselves, to use our “ power of reason. ” (Romans 12:1, 2) It teaches us to value the truth. (John 4:23, 24) So while we are interested in how others view us, we adhere to Bible principles even if it means that we become unpopular.
Although we choose not to celebrate Christmas ourselves, we respect each person’s right to decide for himself in this matter. We do not interfere in the Christmas celebrations of others.
SO, based on the last two paragraphs, we can use our own "powers of reason" and decide for ourselves to celebrate or not!
They say they won't interfere!
If you decide to celebrate and the elders want to meet to discuss this, USE THIS AGAINST THEM...tell them to F*CK OFF since the official website says there will be NO interference from them!
I would love to hear anyone here use this and hear what the response is!! (Recorded is even better)
on another thread, i read that a few adherents may be traveling (cough-cough) to other cities and wouldn't be able to make field service on christmas day.. what is the likelihood that going out on christmas will be encouraged at the weekend services at the khs?
...or do most halls stay neutral on this?
given what i've read on this forum, i have the impression that disrespecting a day of other's celebration wouldn't be discouraged which annoys the heck out of me..
Yea I always was hesitant to go out on holidays...even though I have been inactive for 2 and a half years I know of one super mentally unbalanced family in the congo I'm supposed to attend that will for sure be out and think any in the hall that don't go out are trash...most hateful bunch of people I have ever known...
10 years ago i stopped attending jehovah's witness meetings for good.
walked out of the kingdom hall cold turkey never to return based on injustices i observed among others and myself at the hands of elders giving out not god's counsel but personal opinions as counsel .
some of them weren't even giving out wt society counsel- just personal opinions.
Amen...and I would love to meet you and hang out sometime if I ever head west I will seek to meet up.
Another ugly byproduct of the WT machine is the elitist mentality spreads and even one JW is never good enough for another and the hateful gangrene of separation and class distinctions are in full swing even amongst fellow JWs. People are being abused by each other in rabid form in the organization and it grows worse by the day....I want out but family is still in for most still exposed to all the shit still...hate it
You expressed yourself impeccably
Someone with photoshop skills should superimpose a watchtower cover in the hands of the PM and start a bogus hyped up JW email campaign. ..see how far it goes
i found a new fb/youtube group and this lady knocked me out she's good.
in this video there's a snippet that is priceless.
make sure you watch up through the montage starting at 21:30!
Its the ugly side of the WT that indoctrinated ones aren't allowed to look at or won' that I said that I'm thinking...there really is no atrractive side to the WT...just 100 percent UGLY...
Clear and sussinct...too intellectual for the dumbed down JWs to grasp
it was a pleasure to interview our own katewild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders.
the link is below:.
Also elders need to be pressed to the point of discomfort when they verbalize these so called reports from anonymous ones...MAKE them say WHO exactly it is and don't allow meeting to proceed without an answer..they should not be allowed to bring up heresay testimony and use it against you as if it is gospel truth..if this is truly a judicial process...where is the opportunity to question or cross examine witnesses? It is proper to note when they bring up that kind of shit that it is gossip and slanderous..and even could lead to legal action against elders and others who have spread and listened to such slanderous talk...not that it truly would lead to that but it sure would make elders squirm a bit and less willing to listen or spread these so called reports next time it happens.
If I ever end up in a JC be assured I will press for these kind of issues to be addressed and it WILL also be recorded...for the moment I'm being left alone
it was a pleasure to interview our own katewild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders.
the link is below:.
I love you KateWild...good job getting this recorded.
As I listen to these recordings I so badly wish some things were said to FULLY EXPOSE how hypocritical that WT organization is...for example...when elders insinuate they are guided by jehovah in the reinstatement process. ..someone needs to note...and ask the question..."so your saying jehovah is active with disciplinary procedures. .even active now guiding you closely with my situation....then where is he when the WT establishes a doctrine...makes it something 7 million others MUST believe too...then decides to scrap it for a different doctrine which conflicts or outright abolishes a former doctrine..then when asked..the WT says...well we are just imperfect men trying our it could be said jehovah is more interested in discipline and getting THAT right than doctrine and getting THAT right"..
Not that I think anything was done wrong in JC hearing by KateWild...I loved every second of recording and was riveted.
Questions like I noted may quickly get onlookers who are unsure to think how stupid the WT is with their proceedures and doctrines.
Your awesome Eric. ..
1980 yearbook pp.
61-63 france 1925a critical year.
the year 1925 got off to a good enough start, with the french watch tower magazine being enlarged from 12 to 16 pages.
My dad was a child when he was personally handed the "Children" book on stage by Rutherford when it was released...I shudder to think of the brush he had with such an evil person. The event is noted in the proclaimers book. My dad was there as a young kid and was paraded on stage to get his copy.