When I was a teenager, way back in the 60's, a sister was recommending coffee enemas! Thinking back on her now, she was a very scrawny, skinny lady. Probably anorexic. And of course, someone was always selling vitamins.
JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
What's the weirdest health advice given by a JW?
by Julia Orwell infrom radio biola to a sister who said you can treat autism and ptsd with scented oils, jws have had some weird some weird ideas about medicine.
what gems have you heard?.
Grammy's memorial service...
by diana netherton inwell, i guess i can't be shocked but it's been a while since i've been to a jw service.
i honestly felt like i was sitting through an amway sales pitch with my grandmother's name inserted every once in a while.
it's not personal at all.
I have been out since 1985. I went to a few of the old timers funerals as the years went on, and to some who were my parents age that I knew growing up in the Kingdom Hall. I vowed several years back I was NEVER going to another JW Infomercial funeral. They are cold and impersonal and give no comfort whatsoever. When my dad died in 2004, an elder who had met him only a few times gave the "talk". This was arranged by my brother who is still in. My sister is a journalist by profession, she writes beautiful and moving human interest stories. (She also has been out a long time and had the courage to go to college to pursue a career.) Well, she wrote a wonderful tribute to our dad, going back over the years with my mom (they were married for 62 years), us kids growing up, grandchildren, his favorite things, etc. It was about a page long. She requested that her son, my dads firstborn grandchild (now a grown man of 40), read it, maybe before the service, or even afterwards after the prayer was said. ABSOLUTELY NOT! was the response from that elder. My sister and I were so furious and my brother would not speak up. We just simmered and let it go, not wanting to upset the boat with my brother.
You have my sympathy Diana, on the loss of your Grammy. There are so many of us out here who can empathize with what you went through.
I've been duped!
by truthhurts13 inso im sittin here lookin through these issues of watch/awake that a jaydub left me, and i just realized, she gave me old mags!!!!!
these are like 2 years old!
she used me as a dumping ground for her old trash, and then counted it on her timecard as placements i just know it.. i remember leaving stacks (30-40) mags at a time on laundry mat tables, and leaving 5 or 6 in a door was not a problem.
If you are going to live in the woods, don't forget to take the magazines...they may come in handy. Just don't forget to take the staples out first!
Fun Facts learned this week in my reading...
by Terry inthe temperature of the earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun 9900 degrees farenheit.. .
below the amazon river lies another river called the rio hamza.
only 14% of the earth's species have been identified.. .
Vidiot: One of my clients has a polydactyl kitty. I think it is the cutest little thing, like it is wearing mittens!
Fun Facts learned this week in my reading...
by Terry inthe temperature of the earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun 9900 degrees farenheit.. .
below the amazon river lies another river called the rio hamza.
only 14% of the earth's species have been identified.. .
Okay, my fact was from observation, not reading. Here's some from reading: Cats are either righties or lefties, like humans. (Some may be ambidextrous too, like humans) A dogs sense of smell is 100,000 times sharper than a humans. Ever watch one of those shows where a bloodhound follows a scent down a highway tracking a person who was in a car? Amazing.
Fun Facts learned this week in my reading...
by Terry inthe temperature of the earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun 9900 degrees farenheit.. .
below the amazon river lies another river called the rio hamza.
only 14% of the earth's species have been identified.. .
Fun Fact from a professional pet sitter: A dog will often eat it's own poop or that of another dog. However, you will never see a cat eat poop! Cats rule, dogs drool
A cult of Sociopaths undergoing a makeover
by Terry incult members are property.. living property consisting of non-persons and non-individuals with disabled self-expression.. the tool used by this religion to control a member's desire to self-improve is attaching guilt as a stop-sign and crying: "disloyal.".
like any owned property, you are under the total control of others.
any wrong move, word or deed can label you a "danger" to the group-think.. there exists in such an authority structure only three possible stats you can achieve.. 1.compliant usefulness in carrying out assigned missions.
"Disabled self-expression". Beautifully put, Terry. i can think of so many times I was personally aware of any individuality being squelched. Back when I was in, we had a piano at the Kingdom Hall. One sister played beautifully and would often put a little extra in to a rendition of a song. It was melodic and pleasant to hear. She was counseled to stick to what was in the songbook. We felt bad for her. Now it is what? Recorded music so all the good little robots are listening to the same tune. It might seem like a small thing, but it is just another facet of total control by the WT.
Will cong members support charity challenge?
by newdawnfades ini am going to participate in a physical challenge for charity with some non jw workmates which will require many hours spent in training.
i am intending to publicize this in the congregation.
do you think i will receive much in the way of donations for the charity?.
spellcheck: examples the Witnesses are no part of
Will cong members support charity challenge?
by newdawnfades ini am going to participate in a physical challenge for charity with some non jw workmates which will require many hours spent in training.
i am intending to publicize this in the congregation.
do you think i will receive much in the way of donations for the charity?.
Some years back my husband, daughter and I participated in the local Relay for Life event. Two of my daughter's classmates had been directly affected by cancer with the early deaths of their mothers. I wrote a heartfelt letter with the info I sent out to friends and family for a small contribution to support our efforts. I received donations from everyone except two Witness families that I am still connected with through family, and I am on good terms with. These people had also been directly affected by cancer, the women having had breast cancer. I wasn't really surprised, having grown up for 25 years in the cult, knowing how they don't contribute to charities. But, I still had to shake my head and feel sorry for, and a little disgust for people who won't contribute to something, yet are more than willing to benefit from it as in so many other exaples the Witnesses "are no part of" yet benefit from.
Did you ever do something so stupid you could have died?
by NewYork44M inmy experience, and shame on me.
in a snowstorm in pa on a highway, i ran out of gas.. this was one of many mistakes for the evening.
the general rule is that a person should stay in the car and wait for help.
That's why a AAA membership and cell phone are worth every penney if they are used, even if only rarely, in a situation like this. So happy you are safe, don't be too hard on yourself. Sounds like you learned a valuable lesson and won't get yourself into a situation like this again.