Cult members are Property.
Living property consisting of non-persons and non-individuals with disabled self-expression.
The tool used by this religion to control a member's desire to self-improve is attaching GUILT as a STOP-SIGN and crying: "Disloyal."
Like any owned property, you are under the total control of others. Any wrong move, word or deed can label you a "danger" to the group-think.
There exists in such an Authority Structure only three possible stats you can achieve.
1.Compliant usefulness in carrying out assigned missions. (slave status)
2.Danger/Threat (under suspicion of free will acts of self-expression)
3. Enemy (Heretic, Apostate, Evil Slave who must be denied, decried, destroyed and labelled for others to avoid and abuse.)
In summary: Where no SELF is allowed there can be no SELF-EXPRESSION permitted.
Self-expression such as?
1.Growing a beard
3.Sexual preferences
4.Volunteer work
6.higher Education
7.Elective life-saving measures
8.Further in-depth research outside of the Society's publications
9. Informed Opinions
All the above are THOUGHT crimes because they are demonstrative of an INDIVIDUAL expressing a SELF.
What, then, does the Watchtower build humans into becoming if NOT individuals?
The Watchtower Society fosters the creation of SOCIOPATHS!
What a stunning thought!
I don't mean serial killers. I mean people who have no empathy for others because they have no empathy for self.
It makes a JW capable of feeling nothing for "goats" when they suffer calamity.
It makes a JW eager for the destruction of all the human race except for Governing Body approved survivors.
If you cross the line and challenge the authority of the Watchtower Society to interpret all truth you will watch with horror
as your former friends, loved ones, "brothers and sisters" and family turn a cold, hard stare toward you and cut you dead!
This is what you might expect from a SOCIOPATH.
Aggressive narcissism
Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Emotionally shallow
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
JW's are like hockey fans.
The paint their faces in JW colors and assume the identity of GROUP.
is a more accurate word than loyalty when describing the fanaticism of publisher praise of the corporate Mother they embrace.The Governing Body is Big Brother. You must love him.
Reading a Watchtower description of the worldwide "brotherhood" reads like George Orwell's 1984.
JW's are encouraged to feel like they have true love among themselves.
What a slap in the face they get should they ever experience actual PERSONAL problems and expect sympathy or aid.
Immediately they are labelled as "spiritually weak" and made to feel something is wrong with them personally.
The HELP you get is being told to snap out of it through prayer and extra field service!
Once you experience the shallowness of the reservoir of "love among themselves" it is easy
to begin questioning everything else. This is always the beginning of doubt.
Once the Makeover to Cult thinking meets everyday reality the mask slips and a true glimpse starts the awakening to the horror and unreality.
The rest is a decompression process like a deep sea diver slowly coming up from the depths to the surface!
The only way to "enjoy" the Makeover the Watchtower Cult gives you is to remain blind and brain dead.
It is a TEAM identity and sense of self is really COLLECTIVE-SELF (which is no self at all.)