DATA-DOG Please give us some new lyrics for "We're Jehovah's Witnesses!" Sorry to anyone who now can't get that song out of your head. It was going around in mine since this thread started, so thought I might get rid of it by passing it on.
JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
Sing Dirges to Jehovah?
by donny inback in 1985 my then-wife and i were having a lunchtime "gathering" at our place to show some support to the ones in our congregation who were full-time pioneers.
i had just recently received the vinyl collection of the songs featured in the song book "sing praises to jehovah" which had been released the previous year.. .
many of these melodies sounded depressing to me although i would have never admitted it at the time.
Had a strange moment last night.
by thedog1 inin my line of work i have to deal with a lot of different people each day in a teaching capacity.
sometimes, with adults that i teach, we have some informal discussions not directly related to the subject being taught, but still important as far as developing a friendly relationship in the classroom.
anyway, yesterday i noticed that in one class the students had been given a little religious calendar in a diary form, quite a popular thing for people to do in the country i live in.
NewYork44M: I felt exactly the same way, embarrassed to say so when I was in (even as an adult) but now that I am out, I am willing to tell everyone, hopefully as a testimony to what a dangerous controlling cult they are. I cant even sit through a JW funeral service anymore, let alone a meeting.
Sing Dirges to Jehovah?
by donny inback in 1985 my then-wife and i were having a lunchtime "gathering" at our place to show some support to the ones in our congregation who were full-time pioneers.
i had just recently received the vinyl collection of the songs featured in the song book "sing praises to jehovah" which had been released the previous year.. .
many of these melodies sounded depressing to me although i would have never admitted it at the time.
Gosh yes, the music was depressing. I was in back when each KH had a piano, and some of the players had a real talent and flare. However, they were always counseled to tone it down and not add any personal touch to the playing. My aunt was one of these and she got so pissed that she stopped playing at the Hall altogether because of the dreary renditions. Worse thing was no other music was ever allowed for any occasion so you had to pick something from the songbook for your wedding ceremony. Ugh!
Life Explained
by Prefect inlife explained.
on the first day, god created the dog and said, "sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past.
for this, i will give you a life span of twenty years.".
Life explained. All makes perfect sense.
Why would we have started out stupid and primitive?
by SafeAtHome inlast evening while watching a news story i had this thought again, as i have many times when i read stories of new technology.
sorry, i dont know how to link, but i was watching fox8 cleveland, you can find the story online "cleveland doctors studying stem cells with success".
also, scroll down to the bottom of the story and click on radio personality kim sellars story.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I suppose that news story last evening just got me to thinking what a wondrous world we live in and how fast science and technology are moving, and that I am very grateful to be able to see the positive in things around me. This of course is unlike the JWs who don't want to admit to anything good in "this system of things". Geez, I hate that expression!
Why would we have started out stupid and primitive?
by SafeAtHome inlast evening while watching a news story i had this thought again, as i have many times when i read stories of new technology.
sorry, i dont know how to link, but i was watching fox8 cleveland, you can find the story online "cleveland doctors studying stem cells with success".
also, scroll down to the bottom of the story and click on radio personality kim sellars story.
Yes BluesBrother I agree there was intelligence in ancient civilizations, but over thousands of years things stayed pretty primitive compared to now. I guess I am just amazed at how fast technology moves today, like if you buy something it has already been updated and improved before you get it home! I'm of the Boomer generation so I can be in awe of a 60 inch flat screen tv that I can carry home myself compared to the tiny screen inside a large, heavy piece of furniture I watched as a kid!
Why would we have started out stupid and primitive?
by SafeAtHome inlast evening while watching a news story i had this thought again, as i have many times when i read stories of new technology.
sorry, i dont know how to link, but i was watching fox8 cleveland, you can find the story online "cleveland doctors studying stem cells with success".
also, scroll down to the bottom of the story and click on radio personality kim sellars story.
Thanks adamahand clarity, interesting links. If you check out the news story I referenced, you can read about the encouraging work being done in the treatment of MS. Two of my distant cousins have been affected by this condition, and also a best friend of my sister. Makes you wonder why people long for the "good old days" when 50 was considered old.
Why would we have started out stupid and primitive?
by SafeAtHome inlast evening while watching a news story i had this thought again, as i have many times when i read stories of new technology.
sorry, i dont know how to link, but i was watching fox8 cleveland, you can find the story online "cleveland doctors studying stem cells with success".
also, scroll down to the bottom of the story and click on radio personality kim sellars story.
Maybe I didn't word this exactly as I should have, maybe not "stupid", but certainly not as intelligent or using as much brain power as we do today. Seems we are evolving, not regressing as some would have you believe, as we go further from Garden of Eden perfection.
Why would we have started out stupid and primitive?
by SafeAtHome inlast evening while watching a news story i had this thought again, as i have many times when i read stories of new technology.
sorry, i dont know how to link, but i was watching fox8 cleveland, you can find the story online "cleveland doctors studying stem cells with success".
also, scroll down to the bottom of the story and click on radio personality kim sellars story.
Last evening while watching a news story I had this thought again, as I have many times when I read stories of new technology. Sorry, I dont know how to link, but I was watching FOX8 Cleveland, you can find the story online "Cleveland Doctors Studying Stem Cells with Success". Also, scroll down to the bottom of the story and click on radio personality Kim Sellars story. Doctors are making amazing strides in research for various horrible diseases. I asked my husband (never a JW) if there is a Creator and we all started with one man, one woman, in God's image, then why did we start out backward and EVOLVE into the scientifically intelligent creatures we are today? Seems it should be the other way around. (He had no answer either.) I don't know, what you think, or how would a good JW answer that? There are many good JW's still in my family but I always avoid talking about anything even remotely related to god or religion with them. So, what are your thoughts?
Just when you thought we had heard the epitomy of stupid WT comments....
by Newly Enlightened inwe thought we had heard all the stupid things printed by watchtower thru the history.
this one takes the cake and gets the applause!!!.
This couple is too cute! Loved that mason jar she was sipping from. Yes, this is old stuff, but if the WT is directed by holy spirit, there would be no need for corrections or "new light" to replace screwy beliefs like that.