Caleb: "Mommy, what's a prostitute?"
Mommy: "Go ask daddy." 😉
hello friends - here is a new area in the kids section of the jw website - learn how to draw rahab.. 1st - she was a prostitute of jericho.
could there be other characters to talk about with our kids?.
2nd - it says "learn how to draw rahab".
Caleb: "Mommy, what's a prostitute?"
Mommy: "Go ask daddy." 😉
i finally had the guts to create a profile to be able to post.
i've been lurking for a few months and have read all your experiences and comments dutifully.
you have been a great help in my process of waking up from this cult posing as the one true religion.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
baker That was funny! Now we know where Trump gets a lot of his ideas, must be watching All In the Family reruns. 😝
was this done for an advertising stunt?
received this in an email.. ------------------------------------------------.
.. a few days ago in porto alegre there was a rolling stones concert.
have only just been able to paint again after a cataract operation in september.
i had complications which meant my short sight has been compromised but following some surgery the fluid buildup seems to have cleared and i have started painting again.
this is a larger rendition of an earlier piece, such a relief to be ble to see the paper again..
before i start my subject post, i like to extend a warm welcome to all the new members that have joined the site.
i just can't keep up with all the new names.
nice to see all of you here.. i haven't posted anything in a while because of work, scheduling and everything else, but i do have some interesting thoughts that i would like to share with all of you in the coming months.
I too grew up in the 60's and 70's when you could not say the G word. However......this was one of our favorite TV shows, including my elder father's!!
This still makes me ROFL!!!
i got baptized later in life.
i was around 21, i had left and went out into the world should of listen to my gut back then, but instead i disowned myself and came back into the fold.
before i could get baptized, the elder who studied with me said i needed to get rid of everything that was contaminated by this world: music, books & clothing,everything.
have a look: [email protected].
and this isn't idolatry?
knorr and franz must be spinning in their graves..... .
i have a friend who has been inactive for going over 2 years.
him and his wife split, she stayed a jw and he left and lived with a worldly girl.
he timed it so that he was officially inactive by the time him and his wife split.
any exjw's or faders out there in mensa?
any online groups for this niche?