Does not that heading sound familiar...
Yes, it is the sound of the faithless... the faithless Israelites of old. Those back in Jesus' day. Constantly, asking for a "sign," a miracle from God, BEFORE, yes, BEFORE they will "believe" God's message. Just as Jesus said at Luke 9:41:
"...O faithless and twisted generation, how long must I continue with you and put up with you?..."
Yes, the "self-satisfied," Jewish nation of Jesus' day, God's Covenanted people, were completely, "faithless," under their time of "inspection," and as a people, as a nation, just as Jesus said. They were incapable of "discerning" this particular time of "inspection." -- Proverbs 14:14; Luke 19:44
But actually, what is a "sign," ... a "sign" from God? Well, the word translated "sign," (Greek: semeion)in many instances can mean a miracle from God, as noted in the NWT, for instance. It can be rendered, "miracle," "sign," "token, and "wonder," depending upon which translation you may be using. It is defined as being a demonstration of the "supernatural," such as the hand and works of God. Thus, we have the word, "sign."
We are shown in scripture that when Jesus performed his (2nd) Second Miracle, the healing of a boy with fever who was at the point of dying, the Bible calls this, the "second sign" performed by Jesus. -- John 4:54 NWT
So, we could say, a "sign," then can be thought of in many instances in the scriptures as a "miracle" of God. And this is what Jesus performed many times while on earth during his ministry.
However, we find on many different occasions, Jesus spoke against "Israel's" requests for "signs," miracles to be given them. We can note just a few of these references where this is made clear for us.
Matt. 12:39 - "...A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet."
Matt. 16:4 - "A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah..."
Mark 8:12 - "So he groaned deeply with his spirit, and said: "Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly I say, No sign will be given to this generation."
Even the wicked political rulers wanted to see a "sign" from Jesus...
Luke 23:8 - When Herod saw Jesus he rejoiced greatly, for over a considerable time he was wanting to see him because of having heard about him, and he was hoping to see some sign performed by him."
Of course, he did not get to see any "sign" or powerful work, by Jesus. No, Jehovah God, did not approve of such a powerful work to be done in front of this wicked ruler, in his behalf. It was not granted.
In the book of John, an interesting situation developed, which bears light upon our discussion here, on faith, and seeing a sign from God, a miracle.
"However, when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, at its festival, many people put their faith in his name, viewing his signs that he was performing. But Jesus himself was not entrusting himself to them because of his knowing them all..." -- John 2:23, 24
Now, we must ask, why did not Jesus "entrust himself" to these ones, who had witnessed his powerful works...why? Did not the scripture say that "they put their faith in his name?" So, then, why did Jesus DISTRUST, refused to "entrust" himself to these ones?
It is because Jesus knew, they did not have true faith, the kind of faith that one could depend upon, or rely upon. These same people, when the going got rough, would indeed ABANDON Jesus, in times of persecution and tribulation, when pressure would be put upon them, by the religious leaders of their times, and the political rulers of that day. They could not be depended upon. They did not have, nor manifest the true faith, the kind that Jesus was looking for in Israel.
But one could ask the question:
If God is Almighty, and has demonstrated on numerous occasions within the scriptures that He is fully "up to the task," yes, fully able to perform outstanding feats, supernatural phenomenon, that completely amazed those who beheld the great miraculous, works of Jehovah, our God during their times, then, why,
...yes, why do we say, He would OBJECT to modern-day Israel, today's Christian in our modern-day times, a people Covenanted to Him, today's members of the New Covenant instituted by Jesus Christ himself, why do we say, Jehovah would clearly OBJECT to the giving of "signs"/miracles to His people?
Still, most people, very many say, today, that Jehovah God is perfectly willing and able to indeed, perform miracles for and in behalf of His People, Christians, Covenanted people to Himself.
They feel, "...surely, if one would ask Jehovah God for a "sign," a miracle, as a christian, surely He would not find that OFFENSIVE, would He?"
Is that so?
Well, isn't it true, members of the New Covenant, modern-day Christians today, as well as those of the first century, are privileged to be in such a position, because God REPLACED a faithless nation, ancient Israel, who was constantly asking for "signs?" Isn't that true? Also, after God presented "signs," or miracles to the nation, isn't it true, that these given "signs," "portents," "powerful works," actually, DID NOTHING to add to their faithfulness in carrying out their duties and obligations before their God, YHWH, JHVH, JEHOVAH and his Son Jesus Christ?
Yes, the nation failed, and was replaced by the Christian congregation of the first century, made up of a "remnant" of Jews and a heavy majority of uncircumcised "Gentiles," in fulfillment of Matthew 21:43. The nation was replaced! They failed, even though, they were presented with many, many "signs," from God.
Paul himself once commented when referring to the miraculous work of speaking in tongues,
"Consequently tongues are for a sign, not to the believers, but to the unbelievers, whereas PROPHESYING is, not for the unbelievers, but for the believers."
Further, verse 21 of 1 Cor. 14th chapter, had clearly mentioned this:
"In the Law it is written: "with the tongues of foreigners and with the lips of strangers I will speak to this people, and yet not even then will they give heed to me," says Jehovah." -- 1 Cor. 14:21
Yes, even then, after giving "signs," like speaking in tongues, still, Jehovah knew that Israel would not listen. The "sign," the giving of the "sign," then, would accomplish NOTHING, since they were a "faithless generation," a "faithless" nation, a "faithless" people.
Thus, we find the miraculous work of giving a "sign," during Paul's day, like speaking in tongues, was really there to capture the attention of NOT ISRAEL, no, but attention of the "unbeliever," the one that does not know anything about God. The prospective "christian," of Paul's day...but not the "believer," the one that had already dedicated His life to do Jehovah's Will, ... it was NOT for him, the established christian. Jehovah had provided the explaining of Bible Prophecy, for the experienced "believer," the established christian himself...God gave him "prophecy" to strengthen his Faith. Yes, "prophecy," to edify the mature christian. -- See 1 Cor. 14:22
At Romans 4:11 Paul reveals something very special about ALL CHRISTIANS, all of spiritual Israel... something they ALL HAVE IN COMMON. Let's notice this:
"And he [Abraham] received a sign, namely, circumcision, as a seal of the righteousness by the faith he had while in his uncircumcised state, that he might be THE FATHER OF ALL THOSE HAVING FAITH..." -- Romans 4:11
Yes, Abraham, became the "father of all those having" or possessing "faith." He became the model, the example of one who demonstrated explicit, unwavering FAITH before Jehovah God. So much so, he is recognized by Jehovah God and Jesus, as being the "father of all those having faith." What an honor!
But, the point we want to get out this verse here, is that "Faith," then, is the key characteristic that differentiates the spiritual Israelite, from the natural Israelite...Faith.
The first century congregation, God's Covenanted People, then, was made of "spiritual Israelites," spiritual men and women, who had SPIRITUAL QUALITIES...spiritual qualities, like "faith, "hope," "charity/love," ... as demonstrated by Abraham and other faithful men of old, who were of the natural Jewish Line. Christians, then, are those who are in the New Covenant, and are spiritual Israelites, individuals who demonstrate, BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, that they indeed, yes, have FAITH LIKE ABRAHAM.
They are "contracted", or they have willingly vowed into a Covenant, the New Covenant, that shows, they MUST HAVE FAITH, the kind of Faith like Abraham, no exceptions. In this way, then, Abraham, can indeed, become their "father," as mentioned Romans 4:11.
So, then, what is Faith? Hebrews 11:1 gives us this definition where it says:
"Faith is the assured expection of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities THOUGH NOT BEHELD."
Did you notice that last part of that definition of "faith?" Yes, that last little part...
It means, you don't need to see anything, to believe! No, the Christian, does not see anything, does not NEED God to give proof, God to provide something to see, before he can believe, or demonstrate faith. The "reality" is before him, even though he does not SEE or "behold" anything, like a "sign," or a miracle." He DOES NOT NEED TO "SEE" OR "BEHOLD" A "SIGN," OR MIRACLE, at all, to really, really, BELIEVE the message is from God. That's faith!
Accordingly, 2 Cor. 5:7 says of true Christians, those who have true faith, it says of these ones:
"for we are walking by faith, NOT BY SIGHT."
Or, we could say, we are not walking by "signs," or "miracles," ... things that one can behold.
2 Cor. 4:18 adds this thought, for the benefit of all true christians:
"while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the THINGS UNSEEN..."
Yes, real Faith...things "unseen." Not "things" that can be "seen," like "signs," and miracles. No, these are the "enemy" of true Faith, true belief in God's Message.
Paul also said of our "father of faith," Abraham...
"...yet BASED ON HOPE he had faith..."
Yes, "hope," was also important to Abraham.
Romans 8:24 says this for the benefit of all true christians who wish to display qualities pleasing to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ:
"...hope that is seen is NOT HOPE, for when a man SEES A THING, does he hope for it?" -- Romans 8:24
No, a man, when he "sees a thing," the desired thing, then he does not "hope" for it any longer. He DOES NOT HOPE FOR IT ANY LONGER... no because he has SEEN IT!
This would be the opposite of "faith."
KEY POINT:When we "see" the thing we have desired...then, there is no need anymore for faith. We do not demonstrate "faith," anymore. This is because we have "seen," or have "beheld" the desired object or thing, thus no faith is needed upon our part to believe that we dealing with God, and all things will come true.
The next verse continues:
"...But if we hope for what we DO NOT SEE, we keep on waiting for it with endurance."
And that is the point. We now can display, the Christian quality of "endurance," another Godly quality. We do this out of "faith." We endure, even though, to the outsider, we have not seen anything to support our position.
For example:
Like Christians being thrown to Lions in the Roman arenas, rather than burn incense to the emperor.
Yes, to the outsider, this is foolishness, to lose ones life over something so "small," so "simple." But not so to the genuine, christian who is "full of faith." (Acts 6:5) No, but to this one, the one who has faith, then this is sound, and reasonable positioning, knowing Jehovah God requires from him, "exclusive devotion", and "worship." The rendering of "sacred service" to Him ONLY. -- Luke 4:8; Romans 8:24, 25
So, we do not need to "see," visualize," observe, peruse any "sign," or miracle, to manifest FAITH, to believe in the Word, the Message of God.
For example:
When Priest Zechariah was told he and his wife was to bear a child in his old age, he doubted. And to express this "doubt," yes, he did the unthinkable, yes, he ASKED FOR A SIGN," from God. Obviously, this Priest, had to be acquainted with the example of Abraham, and Sarah, and how they bore a child in their old age. He was fully acquainted with this situation, the situation of Abraham, and yet, he doubted, he lacked faith. And how he expressed the doubt, this lack of faith, he ASKED FOR A "SIGN" be given him...so that he could "believe" this was going to come true for him.
Notice what God said back to him for this "little mistake," as some would call this...this asking for a "sign," from God...a Priest asking for a "sign." ... someone who should know better.
"...I was sent forth to speak with you and declare the good news of these things to you. But, look! you will be silent and not able to speak until the day that these things take place, BECAUSE YOU DID NOT BELIEVE MY WORDS, which will be fulfilled in their appointed time." -- Luke 1:20
Yes, he did not "believe," he did not "believe," the message, the Word of God...and that's all he had done, simple did'nt "believe, the fantastic, phenomenal news, the "good news," the "thing heard," from God. -- Isa. 53:1; John 12:38
The biggest problem prevalent today among ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and present, their biggest, most profound problem they have, under the tutelage of the WTS/GB, their major flaw, is their inability to "Know Jehovah." -- Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 8:11
For example, they do not know the foolishness and folly of asking Jehovah God, The "God of Faith" (Isa. 65:16) for a "sign," at this late stage of the game. To Jehovah, this is a TOTAL INSULT, and is TOTALLY OFFENSIVE TO HIM. Whether they know it or not, this type of request, reveals them, to God as not knowing anything about His Personality and Will. This type of request, really, in God's Mind, eliminates them as "children of Abraham," the "father of all those who have faith."
And by so doing, making this type of stupid request to the God of Faith, Jehovah, they are actually SINNING in total "disobedience," since they are NON-DOERS of the word or message from God, when it is presented to them, as "good news," as God's message, which IS NOT accompanied by any miraculous works at all. Because true "faith," would allow all of them, all of true christians, all spiritual Israelites, to ACCEPT THAT MESSAGE, no matter how fantastic, phenomenal, astonishing, or strange/foreign it sounded to the human ear!
No excuses...
So, they are considered by Jehovah God, then, DISOBEDIENT CHILDREN, like Adam and Eve, sinning. They now, then, "DISOBEY THE GOOD NEWS," or message of God. They commit "sin," before Jehovah, they are "disobedient," because they did not "believe," or have "faith," and so are then, considered among those who are "disobedient toward the Good News." They want to "see" something BEFORE they can believe...a sin, an act of "disobedience before Our God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham.
2 Thess.1:8 says of these "disobedient ones," those who are fake "Israelites," fake christians, those who refuse to believe, but constantly want a "sign," it says this:
"in a flaming fire, as he [Jesus] brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who DO NOT OBEY THE GOOD NEWS about our Lord Jesus." -- 2 Thessalonians 1:8
These ones spoken of here are not "worldly" people, outsiders of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses international. As commonly thought of by the WTS and JWs, no, no, but they are the "faithless," among who are true hypocrites, the ones who carry the Name of God upon themselves. They are JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, the House of God, the "FIRST" to receive "judgment" from the mighty hand of God, in these "Last Days." -- 1 Peter 4:17
And the Bible backs up this position...history, yes, simply repeats itself,... Jehovah destroys, His own people, like at 586/587 BCE, and 70 CE, yes, the city that stood for His Great Name, Jerusalem, the temple that carried His Great Name, the Priesthood that carried His Great Name, with the "Holy Sign of Dedication" upon their foreheads which reads, "Holiness Belongs To YHWH", yes that Priesthood of ancient Israel! They were the People that carried His Name upon themselves, the nation, Israel, even as we say today, even modern-day, anti-typical "Israel" of our day, Jehovah's Witnesses by way of comparison. -- Please read Numbers 6:27; Deuteronomy 26:1-3; 1 Kings 8:41-43; Jeremiah 25:29; Daniel 9:19; Acts 15:14-17.
They are Jehovah's Witnesses, and yes, they "do not know God," they do not know that He is, indeed, the "God of Faith" as Isaiah 65:16 says of him, thus, they "do not Obey," His Divine
message...simple... the "Report", literal rendering of the "thing heard" based upon Isa. 53:1 and John 12:38. (See footnote of rendering for "thing heard" as the "Report," NWT Large Print Ref. Bible.)
A lack of Faith, prevents them from listening, just as Satan wants.
By doing this, the implementation of the "Abrahamic Covenant," is then, held up, retarded, held back, thwarted because,
"Israel," modern-day, spiritual "Israel," is to be, the primary instrument God is to use to implement, the everlasting Abrahamic Covenant, which would indeed "bless" all mankind upon the earth. Yes, "Israel," acts as Priest, a priestly/Kingly nation, a royal nation," to assist ALL OTHER NATIONS to "KNOW JEHOVAH." -- Hebrews 8:11But our problem, is the same as in the past...Israel, modern-day Israel, when under inspection, is to be found in complete and utter Apostasy Against God, at this time, and must be "disciplined," and later, "restored," to God's favor, the same as in the past with ancient Israel. Jesus indicated this for us at Matthew 19:28.
It states:
"Jesus said to them: "Truly I say to you, in the re-creation , when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." -- Matthew 19:28
In this verse, Jesus uses the Greek word, Palingensis, in which the NWT translates as "re-creation." However, the same word, could have been translated as "regeneration," "re-birth," "renewal", "restoration," of all things." -- See Vines Expository of New Testament Words, under "Regeneration."
Thus indicating a needed "rejuvenation," or "renovation," spiritually speaking of the House of Israel, during the last days.
Vines Expository of New Testament Words," comments on the use of the particular, "Palingenesis," this unique word, in the Greek language,
"...In Matthew 19:28, the word is used in the Lord's Discourse, in the wider sense as the restoration of all things, when as a result of the second advent of Christ, Jehovah, sets His king on his holy hill of Zion, and Israel, NOW IN APOSTASY, is RESTORED to its destined status, in the recognition and under the benigh sovereignty of its messiah. Thereby will be accomplished the deliverance of the world from the power and the deception of Satan, and from the despotic an anti-christian rulers of the nations."
As mentioned above, "Israel," is to be found in complete, "APOSTASY," in the last days. This is largely due to the nefarious activity of the "man of lawlessness," who would have to be "revealed" in his own due time, just before the Lord destroys him, in the last days. This is the one who presides as a "god" right within God's own household. The one that must become an "object of reverence," so much so, that "he sits down in the temple of The God," Jehovah, and "publicly shows himself to be a god," by lording it over the flock of Jehovah's sheep, His Temple, His Covenanted People...Jehovah's Witnesses. -- 2 Thess. 2:3-12.
They become, "sheep" that are "skinned and thrown about," just Jesus observed during his day, the aftermath of the Pharisees and Sadducees' leadership....aka, modern-day WTS/GB of Jehovah's Witnesses. This is why, Israel, is no ignorant of Jehovah's purposes, as we can see, and as demonstrated on this board, over and over again.
Is it any wonder then, that JWs, DO NOT "KNOW JEHOVAH" (Hebrews 8:11) to start with...thus cannot be used by God to teach all other nations. -- Please compare Gen. 22:18 and Exodus 19:6.
JW's and ex-JW's are yes, after being taught by the WTS/GB aka "man of lawlessnesss," have fared badly, rendered COMPLETELY IGNORANT of Jehovah's Grand Purposes...just read some of the comments on this board, and that fact becomes quite plan. Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses, are Sheep, Skinned and thrown about... And they are to be most "pitied." -- See Matt. 9:36
So...Satan now feels he has foiled, vitiated God's Grand Purpose, the implementation of the Great "Abrahamic Covenant." The "nations," that Jehovah purposes to bless by means of His Kingdom. -- See Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Revelation 21:24-26; 22:17
So then, is it any wonder, the scriptures say, "It is impossible to please him without faith." -- Hebrews 11:6
And every christian, every spiritual "Israelite," then, should know this. No exceptions.
Thus, Romans 10:16 then says for our benefit:
"Nevertheless, they DID NOT OBEY THE GOOD NEWS. For Isaiah says: "Jehovah, who put faith in the THING HEARD from us? ... But as respects Israel he says: "All day long I have spread out myhands toward a people that is disobedient and talks back."
Yes, "Israel," loves to "talk back," smart remarks, chiding, deriding comments, always pours forth from the mouth of FAITHLESS, "Israel," -- Modern-day Israel of our times, Jehovah's Witnesses, the "faithless ones," most reprehensible of professed christians of our times...the ones carrying God's Name upon them.
But, Jehovah God is going to "replace," them, with a nation that will bear "fruit," that will demonstrate "faith," ... those today, that may have never even "searched for God," before and yet, knows all of them, all 200 million of them. He will choose them, in replacement of modern-day "Israel," faithless "Israel," who today, stubbornly, and foolishly, is still
But as scriptures show, those cited above, God's Word is True, it is all true and dependable. Just as Jehovah God, has not changed in character, dependable, and is still...still, the "God of faith." (Isa. 65:16)
Therefore, in complete harmony with that fact, we can expect that He will implement just what His magnificent Will demands. We can expect, Jehovah God will accept nothing less than COMPLETE FAITH from ALL christians today, His Covenanted People, modern-day "Israel," and will RIGHTFULLY expect them to display genuine christian "faith," in His message, His Word, which will thus PRESENT NO "SIGNS" or MIRACLES, to any of the faithless among "Israel," -- the so-called christians of today, called Jehovah's Witnesses, ex- or present. This fact must be held true, since these very ones, are in effect, wishing to REPUDIATE the wonderful example left us by Abraham, the "father of all those truly having faith." This they do either wittingly or unwittingly, but surely foolishly, by ASKING FOR A "SIGN" OR MIRACLE to be given them from God, in these "last days."[/i] -- Romans 4:18[/b]
Edited by - MDS on 19 November 2000 0:43:53