JoinedTopics Started by deanxxx
How to delete posts to this forum?
by deanxxx inhi, .
i would like to delete all my post on this forum, particularly topics i have started.
how do i do that?.
JWs and invasion of privacy
by deanxxx inhi all.. so i had a jw visit me at home accusing me of telling stories about another jw.
i said something to a friend in a private message on facebook who went on to share what i said with a jw (third party) who then shared it with another jw (fourth party).
my question is.
All JWs need to watch this great may give them pause for thought.
by deanxxx ini know how hard it is to awaken people still inside the cult bubble.
there are many reasons for this, chief among them the unwillingness to read or watch anything critical of their religion.
on the other hand, jws love few things more than hearing bad stuff about other faith groups.
What made you turn atheist or agnostic?
by LevelThePlayingField inif you were a jw and are now an atheist or agnostic, what was the tipping point that made you turn to it?.
the reason i ask is i have noticed that many who leave the jw's seem to turn to atheism, versus still having some form of a faith.
have many of you given up on god first or have you had atheistic views first and then found atheism to be true.
OK friends lets be honest, if a Nuclear Holocaust took place today how many of you would return to the KH?
by James Mixon inspeaking for my self, no way in hell.. this question to see if you really have been deprogramed,.
do you 100% believe it is not the truth.. a fourth of the world hit by a nuclear attack..
Is Stefan Molyneux a dangerous cult leader
by slimboyfat ina guy on youtube who got popular spouting ideas on social and political issues, molyneux gained additional notoriety when he started encouraging people to cut off their natural families.
some followers took his advice seriously, and mums crying about the consequences have gone to the media to tell their story.
it's interesting how this resembles and also differs from jw shunning.
Child Sexual Abuse and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Rules – Part 1 of Gumshoe’s Royal Commission Series
by OrphanCrow inchild sexual abuse and jehovahs witnesses rules part 1 of gumshoes royal commission series.
this is a fairly lengthy article describing and examining the royal commission in australia.. the author ends the article with this:.
in general, we see, from watchtower australia, how depriving a person of fellowship was seen as a severe punishment.
Do most ex JW's go politically left?
by Lightgrowsbrighter ini've found it interesting that- imho- most of the politically vocal ex-jw's at this website seem to lean left.
i'm personally pretty centered- right on some issues, left on others, but overall have a pretty cynical view of all political/religious leaders.
i find it somewhat ironic that people who leave such a dogmatic group like the witnesses become so politically dogmatic.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
What would happen if you started calling jw's "sheep" rather than brother or sister?
by purrpurr infollowing on from the excellent thread started by open mind.... rather than calling the cult members brother smith etc what about calling them "sheep smith".
sheep jones?.
sheep morris the third?.