I thought so when I chose it, and his face said it all!
We are all Star Wars fans. Local elders consider that worthy of perdition!
today is my grandson's birthday, and i went round and gave him his present and his face lit up with joy, as he said "wow!
", and then, instantly, "thank you, grandma!".
i knew !
I thought so when I chose it, and his face said it all!
We are all Star Wars fans. Local elders consider that worthy of perdition!
today is my grandson's birthday, and i went round and gave him his present and his face lit up with joy, as he said "wow!
", and then, instantly, "thank you, grandma!".
i knew !
Thanks everyone!
After I posted that I thought, well, maybe it was a silly thing to post, but I can't tell you how deep thoose sticky JW tendrils went, into every corner of my life.
Just doing ordinary, everyday things now, that I didn't allow myself to do because there was always someone at the back of me watching every move, or so it felt...I now actively savour each ordinary thing that I do, out in the real world, away from the inasanity that is the Watchtower.
today is my grandson's birthday, and i went round and gave him his present and his face lit up with joy, as he said "wow!
", and then, instantly, "thank you, grandma!".
i knew !
Today is my grandson's birthday, and I went round and gave him his present and his face lit up with joy, as he said "wow!", and then, instantly, "thank you, Grandma!"
i knew !'d struck gold. His face said it all.
He is ten years old today. Last year, he had no birthday present from me. Oh, he had a present, and then a present just after Christmas, as I conformed to what my elderette indoctrinatix was telling me. But it wasn't the same, he knew it and i knew it. He had made no fuss. No complaint. He was understanding and completely kind about it, and I felt like an absolute heel but doggedly did as I was told and tried to fit into a JW mould.
If ever a boy deserved a really super Lego Star Wars fighter ship from the Old Republic, he did, and the joy made it all the better, and then the instant thank you and the smile that lit up every corner of his face. As I looked at their Christmas Tree, and told him of my tree this year and the star on top (NOT the evil representation of a plotting Satan as I was told) and we arranged for him to come and watch The Lord of the Rings at my house with his cousins coming to stay after Christmas, I thought of all the poor JW children denied the sheer simple joys of birthdays and Christmas, the music and the lights and the nativity plays and the carols.
My family were so good with me, so sad at what was happening to me and so worried as they watched the tug of war between my normal self and the vultures, each individually charming away from a JW context, and so kind to me when I finally emerged, a traumatised wreck for weeks.
What a wicked religion this is! I would do anything to have people liberated, and have the mass of the population realise that these nice people who keep calling round are not just pleasant, slightly dotty religious nutters but a real danger to families and to freedom.
My grandson is seeing the Hobbit with his best friend and his mum later on. With all that magic and those wizards I doubt if little Caleb and his friends would ever get the chance.
meet a really smart fellow named anselm 1043--1109 a.d.. .
he was elected abbot in lombardy in 1078 a.d.. .
that than which nothing greater can be thought exists in the understanding.
I tried to interest people in Anselm and his ontological proof several months ago, but no-one was interested and universal scorn seemed to abound, so I shut up!
You made him sound so much more interesting to more people, Terry, and you did it with pictures, too!
Anselm has long been one of my favourites, ever since I was 17... a long time ago now....when I specialised in him at school and then at uni. Signs of a mis-spent youth, no doubt!
Long out of fashion now, but I still love the mediaeval spiritual writers.
a couple of days ago, jehovah's witnesses came round to my house.
nothing exceptional in that, you might say.
it happens every day, all over the world.. but those of you who know me, or who have followed my story, know how traumatised i was when i finally got away from them, and you'll remember that i wrote a letter three or four weeks after walking away, ending all contact.
No problem, Blondie, but this time I am shunning them.
Formal letters, plus copies, are in the post. If they call on me again, it's harassment, and I go to the Police.
One thing, though, I was an unbaptised publisher and still one when I walked. I wasn't removed. They liked me as a publisher, because I was good at it. (Just think, I was the front end of a brainwashing machine...I am ashamed of myself!) They didn't like the fact that I had brains and an education, though, and during their bully session they revealed to my suddenly reawakening brain that the WT is a complete fraud and absolutely, totally, nothing to do with God.
it just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
Good advice, Paul.
it just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
I can understand it, Ravens.
I've had the same with two visits to my door in 6 days. It brought it all back. In February/March this year I was a complete nervous wreck.
This thing is really evil, and I think they use deep psychological methods in all manner of ways to entrap people. That's my view.
greetings to you all from scotland!
it's nice to finally be able to say hello to you all, having been a long time reader of the forum.. i put off signing up as i didn't feel i had much to contribute, but if i'm honest, seeing atlantis' post about confidential information pushed me into it.. i hope i can get round to writing my story - i always enjoy reading others and it never ceases to amaze me how many have had similar experiences.. so there goes my first post!.
Welcome, 88JM!
Settle in, relax! You are among friends!
"we should be mindful".
"safe under Jehovah's umbrella"
The mental picture is quite funny, though.
good morning, friends:.
it's nearly 3:00 a.m., and i needed a midnight snack.
i didn't want to fry an egg so i tried to peel a couple cooked eggs.
Sorry to disillusion you, Coco, but ever since my father taught me how to shell and peel my own eggs at about the age of three, it's been a doddle for me.
There's a difference between shelling and peeling. Underneath the shell is a fine skin, and the secret is to get that off carefully, usually with the shell at the same time. If you miss that, then the neat job is harder.
Never needed bicarbonate of soda!