Overseer: Obviously you must be desperate! ;o)
JoinedPosts by NewWay
I desperately need a WT bible!
by Overseer inhey,.
i am not currently a jw but i really want to do some private study of your bible.... i live in a remote area of yorkshire and there are no kingdom halls about.
are there any websites (that deliver to the uk) where i can order a wt bible in the hope of becoming a jw in the future?.
Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs
by silentlambs indraffenville
of jehovah's witnesses
You are a man of integrity, and I take my hat off to you for refusing to bow under the shadow of 'The Tower'. The 'judicial' meeting is a kangaroo court that does not know the meaning of justice or fair play.
"Woe to those who are enacting harmful regulations and those who, constantly writing, have written out sheer trouble, in order to push away the lowly ones from a legal case and to wrest justice away from the afflicted ones of my people, for the widows to become their spoil, and that they may plunder even the fatherless boys!" - Isaiah 10:1 & 2 (NWT)
JustLittleOldMe: No, it's in the 'Fleece' book!
(Edited to correct typos)Edited by - NewWay on 24 July 2002 18:23:20
Not just another Bible.
by Bleep inthe nwt bible was writen from the original hebrew, greek, and aramaic .
some found in the dead sea caves in 1950. there is no cost.
By far the most enlightening Bible versions are the texts of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Old Testament Hebrew) and the United Bible Societies' The Greek New Testament. Interlinear (available in both Hebrew and Greek) Bible and lexicons are great tools for extracting the pure language of the Bible. It is amazing what one can find at times hidden underneath the modern language translations!
BB, the Greek word is 'Iounian'. The grammatical case is feminine object ('-an').
Abstain from Blood? Verb Missing Here!
by Englishman ini've just spotted this on touchstone forum.
it's well worth reading:.
".....for anyone else that might want to comment, i will elaborate a little on the issue of grammar.
Chocky, yes let me qualify:
The fact that an animal had been strangled seems to indicate that a human being had taken the life of the animal and therefore had not bled it according to God's law on blood as given to Noah. It was of course the pouring out of the blood onto the ground when a human being had killed an animal that according to the Bible showed respect for the fact that life had been taken by permission from God. The emphasis was on respect for life, not for the fluid called blood. Blood is simply a symbol of life, but not greater than life itself. -
A Quartet Of Questions For You Know...
by hillary_step ingiven your reaction to mr. andersons letter of resignation recently posted to this board, which seemed sympathetic, i would like to ask four questions of you, which of course you are at liberty not to answer.
1 ) how do you personally feel about the fact that the wts is now moving to disfellowship mr. anderson for writing that letter?.
2) if mr. anderson were to begin posting to this board, how would you view him?.
Thanks H.S. I haven't forgotten about emailing you, so I will try to do soon. I did send one a few weeks ago, but I presume it got 'lost' in transit.
Kind regards. -
A Quartet Of Questions For You Know...
by hillary_step ingiven your reaction to mr. andersons letter of resignation recently posted to this board, which seemed sympathetic, i would like to ask four questions of you, which of course you are at liberty not to answer.
1 ) how do you personally feel about the fact that the wts is now moving to disfellowship mr. anderson for writing that letter?.
2) if mr. anderson were to begin posting to this board, how would you view him?.
It is all a matter of perspective. Some people seem to me to believe that virtually any prophecy actually pronounced against ancient Israel has a 'greater fulfillment'. This is obviously a matter of faith, as 'greater fulfillment' exergesis is not specified in the New Testament as a modus operandum for Christians. Any 'greater fulfillment' of a prophecy is specifically given within the New Testament itself. Going 'beyond the things that are written' by interpreting ancient prophetic statements as having a 'greater' modern fulfillment is a matter for personal belief alone, but it carries no authority from the Scriptures. Jewish rabbis and early Church 'Fathers' (notably Origen) were known to search the scriptures for some greater meaning (even 'hidden' knowledge). There is a danger in doing this for it can lead to antagonistic religious debate, animosity, self-righteousness, and even in some cases people appointing themselves as God's mouthpiece. Note please what Peter revealed about certain ones in his day:
"Furthermore, consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given him also wrote you, speaking about these things as he does also in all [his] letters. In them, however, are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unsteady are twisting, as [they do] also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction." - 2 Peter 3:15 & 16 (New World Translation)
It is one thing to say that 'I believe the prophecies refer to...', but quite another to say 'The prophecies [by implication: definitely] refer to...' as if God had personally spoken to us and told us so. However, I can see nothing wrong in considering God's dealings with Israel and how its spiritual shepherds treated those under their care as examples or patterns for our instruction (compare 1 Corinthians 10:1-11).
Note please, this scripture:
"Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, 'Come out of her, my people [Greek = 'ho laos mou' = 'the people of me'], so that you do not take part in her sins, and so that you do not share in her plagues, for her sins are heaped high as heaven and God has remembered her iniquities." - Revelation 18:4 (NRSV)
Here the scriptures themselves actually use the example of the Israelites in bondage to literal Babylon, and shows that like them, God's people - yes, 'my people', indicating that they were already recognised by him as his own while in bondage - had to remove themselves from that entity which was holding them prisoner, in order to escape the plagues coming upon it. It was a case of loyalty to God, not a man-made entity that was important, and one had the opportunity to show integrity to God by 'voting with one's feet', as the expression goes. This of course does not mean that God's people would be committing apostasy by leaving 'Babylon the Great', for they would retain their faith and relationship with God as one of his people under the direction of His spirit.
It is my belief that the mark of a spiritual 'man' is his standing for truth and integrity to God even when this requires of him to expose his religious teachers and remove himself from their company. -
Ghosts and Spooky things
by Crazy151drinker inwho here has every seen/felt/experienced spooky/ghostly things???
i did a couple of times at an apt.
i lived in when i went to state.
When I was a teenager, I did some work after opening times for a department store that is well known to have had sightings of a medieval nun - apparently it rests on the old foundations of some ecclesiastical building. Well, that evening I just happened to look up from what I was doing, and a good hard stone's throw away from me I saw, as clear as anything the shape of a robed figure (no face visible) slowly floating across the floor! From that night on I knew that 'ghosts' or whatever you wish to call them exist. I was not tired, nor was the background dark so that I might shrug it off as an illusion. So this is one person you cannot change the mind of on this subject. The Bible also talks about the disciples believing they had seen an 'apparition'. Although they were wrong, they evidently knew about such a thing. It seems to me that the fallen angels have some sort of morbid interest in shocking or deceiving (as in that the dead are not really dead) people with this type of phenomenon.
Abstain from Blood? Verb Missing Here!
by Englishman ini've just spotted this on touchstone forum.
it's well worth reading:.
".....for anyone else that might want to comment, i will elaborate a little on the issue of grammar.
The Greek word translated 'abstain' in Acts 15:29 is 'apecho', which Vine's Expository Dictionary defines as:
"to hold oneself from (apo, from, echomai, the Middle Voice of echo, to have, i.e., to keep oneself from), in the N.T., invariably refers to evil practices, moral and ceremonial, Acts 15:20, 29; 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:22; 1 Tim. 4:3, 1 Peter 2:11; so in the Sept. in Job 1:1; 2:3."
Therefore, along with fornication, things sacrificed to idols, things strangled (i.e. unbled meat), "from blood" seems to me to reference something that a person could practise. -
WORD STUDY - 'Wicked'
by NewWay inword study .
'wicked' - part 1
"if i say to a *wicked man, 'you shall die,' and you do not warn him - you do not speak to warn the *wicked man of his *wicked course in order to save his life - he, the *wicked man, shall die for his iniquity, but i will require a reckoning for his blood from you.
Any further constructive comments, insights, views, etc are welcome.