Draffenville Congregation
Of Jehovah's Witnesses
William H Bowen
PO Box 311
Calvert City, KY 42029
Dear Brother Bowen:
We corresponded with you on June 1, 2002 in an effort to set up a date to hold a judicial hearing with you.
You informed us that you were not available on the date we selected. Therefore, we have made arrangements to hold the hearing on July 24, 2002 at 7:00 P. M. at the following address:
Kingdom Hall
86 Foust-Sledd Road
Benton KY 42025
In accordance with the usual procedure, followed by Jehovah's Witnesses, when you meet with the judicial committee, no tape recordings will be allowed at the hearing, no attorneys may be present at the hearing, observers are not permitted at the hearing, and due respect must be accorded to the elder who is chairing the meeting.
Very truly yours,
For Judicial Committee,
Ronald Cary
Fax: 270-338-5084
CC: L Rush Hunt, Attorney at Law
Edited by - silentlambs on 18 July 2002 12:0:34