Im an elder and I havent filled one out in at least 10 years.
JoinedPosts by xjwsrock
What would happen to a JW who respectfully refused to fill out a no blood DPA?
by Island Man ini know you'll be involuntarily disassociated if you unrepentantly accepted a blood transfusion; and i know you'll be disfellowshipped for apostasy if you openly disagreed with watchtower teaching.
what if you have done none of the above but simply respectfully refused to fill out the dpa without giving any reason for your refusal - so they can't accuse you of openly disagreeing with the no-blood doctrine and df you for apostasy.
they don't know why you're refusing and you're not giving them the reason - and you're being very respectful.. what can they do?.
The words I refuse to use
by Chook innew system, brother, sister , kingdom hall, wordly person, in the truth .
there is a whole jw language that has to be deprogrammed..
I'm trying real hard to not say
hard to do ....
Who Do You Think Is HOTTTT?
by minimus inwhat attracts you in a male or female?
give me an example or better yet a pic to tell me what you like.😈.
What are the chances of getting another Raymond Franz default from head office ?
by Chook inall regimes get defectors and some are more vocal than others..
Considering that you could only be one of two things and be on the governing body - deluded or a crook - what are the chances that one would change course?
Regardless of the category, they are all paid off. They are bought. You would have to make 500,000 dollars a year to replace their lifestyle. Let's face it, few persons have that kind of selfless conviction.
Is unbreakable
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question for good reason.
let's face it, despite all the books, videos, forums, court cases, hearings, protests etc that have been exposing the society for many years. continues to roll on almost 'it seems' unscathed.. for example, just walk into any kingdom hall there is not so much as a whisper about anything that has been exposed outside of jw land.
It's all about real estate now. They have set up a separate corporation call JW Congregation Support Inc. It is the real estate arm of the organization. It is the wealth building arm. They have given up on the network marketing/publishing business model. The new corporation is by far the most important now. The religion is just the face of it - it is just to draw free labor from. They are siphoning off the best and the brightest talent into the LDC. The LDC of course is under the new corporation. It is 100% the Mcdonalds model. Watch the movie The Founder about Ray Kroc and see what the organization is doing. Quite eye opening.
New Tool To Help Cult Survivors. Â From an EXJW
by TTaTT4U in.
Therapy can be a matter of opinion and judgement. Different therapists can approach a situation different ways. Coming from a place where I lost someone very close to me in my extended family to suicide, I realize the seriousness of always putting every safety net in place imaginable if the threat is real. Hotlines, doctors, family, friends, you name it. I'm sure Bonnie would agree with that if asked.
I must say, I am reading Exiting the JW Cult and it is just as healing for me as actual therapy, which I have had. It is hard to put into words what it means to be understood by a professional and have your feelings and thoughts validated. This cult makes you second guess yourself. It is part of the programming. Using some of the recommended practices for healing like journaling my feelings daily to get them out has been enormously helpful. My confidence is building and I am putting together concrete plans for my fade. I am a pimo elder married to a devout witness. I am 4th generation. She is 6th. The potential fallout is overwhelming.
Anyhow, I look forward to finishing this book and reading more of her works. I fully recomend her books as a substitute for therapy, if it is not available or possible, or as a supplemnt to your therapy.
Apostate carts
by Normalfulla inso i've recently been travelling about usa and mexico and of course seen the carts parked at tourist spots all over and i had a funny thought ...if somehow we could get a bunch of identical carts together and print up a placard with a few key facts about the real truth with jwfacts logo and just park them right in the same areas ,dress up in our old meeting clothes and stand about with a coffee and look on our phones i wonder what response we would get from anyone ?
or park them outside assembly's and just at a distance ...basically the same thing they do to all society !.
I think it would be a very entertaining you tube video. I would love to see how many more people spoke to the apostate cart. I think it would be many more. Some good scandalous headlines would do the trick.
Pedophilia anyone?
April 19, 2017 BOE Re: Kingdom Ministry School for the 2018 Service Year
by wifibandit inapril 19, 2017 to all bodies of elders and ministerial servants re: kingdom ministry school for the 2018 service year.
I guarantee handling the satanic attacks of apostasy in the congregation will be discussed and how to swiftly and decisively handle it.
The challenge of " truth" and " moral opinion"
by The Rebel inwhen growing up in a "proper" household:-.
a) our moral opinions are conditioned by this environment and upbringing.. b) to hold to jws belief and moral opinions gives our life purpose.. c) what we believe we hold it to be true.. d) in terms of approval it can be difficult for the mind to accept logical evidence if our life is based on "truth" and " moral opinions" that conflict with our conscience.. anyway i am not sure where i am going with this o.p?.
i guess my point is that settling factual and logical disputes with jws has proven more challenging than i realized.
Your post made me think that as JW's we used the organization as due north on our moral compass. Basically what they said and did was right and what they preached against was wrong. We didn't really have our own morals. We adopted the morals we were told to.
In other words when you try to appeal to a JW's morals by pointing out flaws in the organization, you are actually attacking the JW's morals. They can't separate the two. Maybe on some level they start to short circuit. Whatever happens it gets personal quick and can even get violent. It's very sad to observe.
I think there's a breaking of the camel's back that has to happen for somebody to get out and you never know when that will be. Until then they are practically robots.
So, how's it feel, Watchtower -- now that the shoe's on the other foot?
by FatFreek 2005 inyes, your cult has been banned in russia.
what surprises me is that this hasn't happened in more countries.
what surprises me is that civil suits in the u.s. haven't flooded the courts -- violation of civil and human rights because of the cruel act of shunning of disfellowshipped ones, even members of one's own family.. discrimination is a form of cruelty and civil and human rights define such.
Yeah I get it but the org bullies people into doing it by threatening them with emotional abuse. There is plenty of blame to go around. It's a sick dysfunctional mess.
If all jw's would just stand up and walk out. The bullies wouldn't have any power. Oh to dream....