Consolidation of power, control, and money. Easier to keep secrets.
New plan has everyone essentially sending in lease payments on their property. Ray Kroc / McDonalds business model.
Funny that Jehovah and Jesus needed business consultants. Lol.
Consolidation of power, control, and money. Easier to keep secrets.
New plan has everyone essentially sending in lease payments on their property. Ray Kroc / McDonalds business model.
Funny that Jehovah and Jesus needed business consultants. Lol.
are they pretty much left alone?
are they respected for their having been elders at one time?
are they treated like crap?.
An argument could be made that there are 2 groups in the organization. The abusers and the abused. When an elder steps down he is essentially changing groups. He is switching from the abuser to the abused. That explains the treatment he receives.
The only caveat to that is like punk of nice said, if the former elder is well connected especially in a ruling family or social circle, then he can still be treated ok. This could be explained by the fact that he remains well connected to the abuser class and thus remains feared.
are they pretty much left alone?
are they respected for their having been elders at one time?
are they treated like crap?.
I'm a Pimo elder counting the days. I have set a date less than a year away that I refuse to serve past. I have communicated this to the wife (very in). Interestingly she commented that maybe I should keep the position just to have control. Well, firstly, I couldn't believe she said that, and secondly, I wanted to tell her that's the only reason I served the last 3 years.
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
Do you use the phrase "Apostate Christendom"?
(errrrr .... yeah)
Does Jehovah use Apostates to accomplish his will?
(oh no .... of course not)
Who did Jehovah use to put the Bible together?
(Oh ... uhhhh ... well )
Would you say the Bible is spiritual food?
(oh of course)
So would you say then that Apostates can provide "Food at the Proper Time"?
(oh .... uhhhh ... no no ... that's completely different you see)
Could you lead us in a prayer thanking Jehovah for the Apostates that brought us so much spiritual truth?
[Witness briskly turns and walks away trying not to have a panic attack lol]
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
"Do you believe in freedom of religion?"
(yes of course)
"Then why do you not speak to people when they quit your religion?"
return of the dub (plus surprise guest)dealing with just one frisky, bright-eyed jehovah’s witness is a on one is manageable.
two jw’s is more like juggling chainsaws or french kissing alligators.i had a return visit the other day and now, the jw was returning the 2nd time, but with another dub.what would my strategy be?
that’s how the day was spent.
What's strange now to realize is how we were convinced to do cult recruiting while calling it preaching the good news. And when someone was not recruitable (wanted to reason and actually discuss things),we would write them off as not being drawn by Jehovah / bad heart / bird food.
We would write someone off as worthy of death for not responding to our canned sales pitch. Unbelievable.
shame to see our multi bilion property and media corporation asks for the last coins of an indian child, the coconuts from a sri lanka man and the last olive oil of a greek poor.. message to the poor is: no money, then your other belongings are belonging to jehova ( at the end of the article i can click on a donate button and get a visa / mastercard sign om my screen.. follow the money: were are the property bilions?.
All an attempt to guilt trip the flock into making donations. This is the exact thought they want the flock to have:
"If so-and-so can give olive oil, surely I can spare 20.00"
Governing Body has no shame.
august 31, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: procedure for handling certain cases of wrongdoing.
Business first; Religion second.
you received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: “abba, father!”—rom.
those who have received this special invitation from god do not need another witness from any other source.
they do not need someone else to verify what has happened to them.
I agree sir82 that is awfully bold. Great example of how quick they clamp down the control. It's not about the bible. It's about them playing god.
when you were an active member in the jwland, did you expect to receive any kind of help from a brother/sister, but they did not help you?
when i was in the jwland, i expected and was my belief that any brother/sister will help you in time of need, distress or trouble, because we were part of a "lovely organization".
but countless of times when i needed and asked for help, nobody from the org helped me.
If this organization put helping people in need as any kind of priority, they would at the least have organized programs in place to facilitate that. They have none.
I would actually expect much more from a multi-billion dollar "Christian" religion. How about separate charitable corporations set up to help disadvantaged members of the community? Nope. Not even close.
I work at a "worldly" for-profit company, that does more for the community in one month, than the entire United States Branch of Jehovah's Witnesses will ever do in a half century. No exaggeration.
It's shameful, and a flashing red flag that this is not a religion but is a life-sucking cult. It's purpose is to benefit itself and those who run it.