I agree with MarkofCane.
I'm not sure how many are aware of this, but jworg accepts donations already on the website. A person can also setup recurring donations (how nice of them). I can see them pushing this a bit in the future and expecting publishers in good standing to have an automatic draft setup.
One point that I think about is the commingling of funds between local and branch that you have now. I think this has overall decreased cash flow for the org. They just couldn't resist the temptation to snag local money a couple of years ago and now they step in periodically and pressure congregations to give their "surplus" to the branch. The CO looks at the accounts now to find surplus funds for the branch on each visit.
You used to see certain JWs that would give money to the local congregation but not to the branch. I assume that these individuals were more comfortable seeing their money put to good use in a tangible way at the local level. With this money grabbing from the branch, these "local contributors" are not nearly as prevalent. There's no sure way to give money now and it not get grabbed up by "mother".
The only way I donate is if I am buying something specific for the hall or giving my time to hall maintenance. I do not put money in the box at all. I am not alone in this.