Propaganda to promote volunteer labor.
Let the righteous real estate development continue for all eternity!!!
seems like the genesis song jesus he knows me.. g..
Propaganda to promote volunteer labor.
Let the righteous real estate development continue for all eternity!!!
i haven’t been on here in awhile and this is my second user name because i was busted by my pimi wife on the first one.
i have been basically awake since 2013. i have a super dub wife that i love and don’t want to lose and my sick mom in the hall that is a true believer.
stupid religion has gotten between my wife and i (of course).
I haven’t been on here in awhile and this is my second user name because I was busted by my pimi wife on the first one.
I have been basically awake since 2013. I have a super dub wife that I love and don’t want to lose and my sick mom in the hall that is a true believer. Stupid religion has gotten between my wife and I (of course). My eyes well up as I type this. She caught me on “apostate sites” back in 2015 and things haven’t been the same since. Intimacy down - suspicion up. Good times.
I completely know that this religion is a fraud being used to exploit the brainwashed and the vulnerable for financial gain and prob the sick thrills of the psychopaths that run the thing.
I have remained an elder to keep up appearances while I hint-drop and critical-thinking-tutor my wife. She has actually made progress but damn is it slow. I also think she hesitates to tell me her doubts because she fears I will pounce on them lol.
On to my current problem...
A couple of elders have ambushed me on the body bringing up in an elders meeting - in my absence mind you - that I am missing too many meetings and field service and publishers are complaining. Basically questioning my qualifications.
Backstory- These brothers broke protocol and went to the CO behind the COBE’s back (and mine) to run me down and try to turn the CO against me. (The CO has remained relatively neutral to this point). They did not put anything on any meeting agenda and attacked me - again while I was absent - in an elders meeting (convened for another purpose) a few weeks after the CO visit.
So ... as a result these two brothers got assigned to meet with me. I suppose they plan to counsel me to begin a paper trail to remove me or bring me in line to their Uber Dub self-righteous standards.
My thoughts- I actually want to step down. Hell I would’ve been free of the whole damn thing years ago if it weren’t for my wife. Anyway, part of me wants to dress these clowns down in their little meeting. Part of me wants to step down and bypass it all.
Just so you know I could murder them on “arrangement” and pummel their weak misguided emotionally immature backstabbing asses with ease. Because of being awake I am a million miles ahead of these guys in actual real world thinking ability.
They are out of line and I have the COBE’s and at least one other elder’s backing on that.
I actually think my wife can handle me stepping down at this point. She is aware of the ambush and doesn’t agree with it.
I am just torn. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
did anyone else have a parent who could be described as highly narcissistic who was a jw?
how was that for you growing up?
which was worse - the narcissistic religion or the narcissistic parent?.
Narcissistic mother. The religion was her platform and fuel.
Birds of a feather.
this has to be more of "keeping the flock busy and excited" so as not to notice whats going on.. how did i miss this?????
the jehovah's witnesses announced plans to build a 1.5 million-square-foot audio-visual production center in upstate new york, two miles away from the witnesses' headquarters in warwick.
ok so this is a topic i've pondered and go back and forth on.. i can easily see a point where lawsuits cause massive deficits in the organization.
honestly i feel like we are seeing the tip of the iceberg in regards to lawsuits on child abuse.
to me it looks like the property sell offs are to be able to get ready for this.
I think the biggest damage from the child abuse lawsuits is not the payouts. It is the media coverage and the slow realization by members that there actually is a problem and their precious organization isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Even if they are only “a little bothered” by it all, they likely will reduce the amount of their donations. I think this is the slow growing internal cancer that will kill the organization or leave it a shell of it’s former self.
they can smash a glass expressing their disdain for higher education.
where is their anger over child abuse or domestic violence?
these are actually issues worthy of anger and even a violent display in order to gain attention.
They can smash a glass expressing their disdain for higher education. Where is their anger over child abuse or domestic violence?
These are actually issues worthy of anger and even a violent display in order to gain attention. But alas ... nothing for the kids or women.
Very telling in my opinion...
doesn`t the bible with its fascination / significance with numbers indicate that its authors were superstitious and written for the benefit of superstitious people in mind ?.
numbers such as 7 ,10 , 12 , 40 , 144,000 , and the amount of times and applications in scripture , sometimes a multiple of such numbers are used.. coupled with its magical claims of miracles , curing the sick by touch,raising the dead ,curing the blind ,walking on water ,axe heads floating on top of the water ,calming the weather during a storm,curing leprosy ,etc,etc.?.
all of these instances on a limited occurrence of course and only in certain cases.
A lot of the miracle healings involved exorcism. Sense modern medicine came along with brain scans and mri, apparently demons are no longer bothering people. I guess they got scared off :)
angus stewart qc, senior counsel, has had a long and distinguished legal career, beginning with his passion for justice in south africa, fighting apartheid, then later working in the truth and reconciliation commission, and more recently acting as senior counsel in the case studies on jehovah's witnesses in the australian royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
angus discusses, from his own personal point of view, and not representing the carc or the commissioners, what the journey was like, learning about the internal law and policy of watchtower society, how he became determined to stand for justice for all the victims and for the whole community of ex jehovah's witnesses and how he felt about the evidence being presented to him and the people presenting it.. interview by lara kaput and louise goode for jw community podcast..
Yes Check this out. Very cool. Angus has more humility and genuineness than any Jehovah’s Witness I know.
i have not seen jehovah’s witnesses in my neighborhood for several years now.
it appears that the cart witnessing has taken over.
congregations are being consolidated and witnesses are being forced to travel a greater distance than before.the burdens/privileges of elders seem to be ever increasing!.
The down trend is encouraging, but probably explained by the increased use of the JW Library app for downloading and retrieving literature. We all know the only visitors to the website are J Dubs anyway :)
came across this little gem while my wife was "digging for bible gems" in her weekly meeting preparation.
nothing new but i gently pointed it out to her as a reminder that bible reading can be hazardous to your mental health!.
do 2 (or 3, or 4) wrongs, make a right?
I told my pimi wife that I don't believe that God ever allowed things like polygamy or slavery. I told her I think self serving arab men wrote that he did so they could do it. She said she could see what I was saying. I'll take that as a small victory.
I would add this David story to the list. So much bs in the bible. Humans are way too desperate for answers. They choose implausible abusive answers to avoid having their questions go unanswered.