I cant say I blame him, We fucked up Eire and ,Kenya, He seems a nice guy
JoinedPosts by eruption
Obama is in Eire, he hates us Brits, he sent back the Bust of Winston Churchhill, back to UK Govt, his dad was from Kenya, when we as colonial powers, CORRECTED them
by eruption ini cant say i blame him, we fucked up eire and ,kenya, he seems a nice guy.
She shows too much cleavage. What should I say to her?
by Iamallcool ini met a gorgeous lady yesterday and she shows too much cleavage.
i see her facebook page, all of her pictures has cleavage in them, i would not want to date her because she shows too much all the time.
i am tempted to tell her to cover up her cleavage, she might not like me telling her that.
Wake me up when he gets the meat in ! If he ever does !!!
2011 Convention Releases - PDFs?
by StandFirm indoes anyone have links for pdfs of any of the convention releases this year?.
many thanks..
Welcome standfirm, glad to see you back with the boys (naughty hellfire club) ha ha
Attack and Destroy, New JW Policy
by eruption inso now we know, that anyone who partakes of the emblems,he/ she will now have the stigma of being labeled mentally ill bestowed on them, by whom ?
by the same people who are supposed to be caring for them, step forward the governing body.. now think about it, if this is the way they treat thier most ardent supporters, you would not want these people as your enemys, why ?, because they (and i choose my words carefully ) are psychopaths, how so ?
because if you attack the jw bottom line, $$$$$ then they react like any corp, they attack and destroy, in this case even the annointed, if they are not safe from attack who is ?.
Ok if its THAT complicated, How come a quick John 6;44 followed by a Mathew CH 24, followed by REV 12, is enough to hook a lot of people ? I defer to you guys who have been here much longer than I have, but a few scriptures , a wee bit of peer preasure, a smidgin of love bombing, and next thing you know, we are in a cult, yes that makes me feel like a c--t, 13 years of my life down the swanny, and how, why ? cos i listened and believed ? If there is an easy way in, There has to be an easy way out , right ? This is the first time ive thought about this scenario, If I can think of anything , ILL BE BACK , anyway some old yankee preacher has got his sums wrong,End of the world blah blah he,s not from Brooklyn ?
Attack and Destroy, New JW Policy
by eruption inso now we know, that anyone who partakes of the emblems,he/ she will now have the stigma of being labeled mentally ill bestowed on them, by whom ?
by the same people who are supposed to be caring for them, step forward the governing body.. now think about it, if this is the way they treat thier most ardent supporters, you would not want these people as your enemys, why ?, because they (and i choose my words carefully ) are psychopaths, how so ?
because if you attack the jw bottom line, $$$$$ then they react like any corp, they attack and destroy, in this case even the annointed, if they are not safe from attack who is ?.
ok MS, it didnt take any great overpowering argumentation to entrap me, and likewise i am prepared to accept it didnt take much else to entrap the rest of us, So some peer preasure, and a few scriptures and some love bombing, and hey presto were trapped, and tied into this cult, thats how easy it happens. Why cant the escape from this nightmare be as simple as it was to get entrapped in the first place?
Attack and Destroy, New JW Policy
by eruption inso now we know, that anyone who partakes of the emblems,he/ she will now have the stigma of being labeled mentally ill bestowed on them, by whom ?
by the same people who are supposed to be caring for them, step forward the governing body.. now think about it, if this is the way they treat thier most ardent supporters, you would not want these people as your enemys, why ?, because they (and i choose my words carefully ) are psychopaths, how so ?
because if you attack the jw bottom line, $$$$$ then they react like any corp, they attack and destroy, in this case even the annointed, if they are not safe from attack who is ?.
So now we know, that anyone who partakes of the Emblems,He/ She will now have the stigma of being labeled mentally Ill bestowed on them, By whom ? by the same people who are supposed to be caring for them, step forward the Governing body.
Now think about it, If this is the way they treat thier most ardent supporters, you would not want these people as your enemys, Why ?, because they (and I choose my words carefully ) are psychopaths, how so ? because if you attack the JW bottom line, $$$$$ then they react like any CORP, They attack and destroy, in this case EVEN the annointed, If they are not safe from attack who is ?
Now there are 7 million JW,s and we were one of them at one time, so how did we react to outright confrontation, Did It made us stronger in the faith. ? Yes in my opinion it did, so lets stop doing this, its counter productive and a massive waste of resources,the more we do this the stronger they become,
what we need is a simple strategy we can all adopt, and employ, that will enable us to free our brothers and sisters from this futillity, over to you JWN ?
607 wrong using ONLY the bible (and some common sense)
by Witness My Fury inif this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
You pooooooooossibly could be an Elder ? Patronising, overconfident, with little if any, education, full of your exagerated view of yourself, and your own self importance, AND You never answer the point !!! (very frustrating), and NOW, you invite us to imitate YOU !! (laughing), YOUR delusional man, absolutely certifiable !! nutty as a fucking woodpecker, ha ha ha
2011 District Convention theme and program
by DagothUr in9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
I used to love THOSE dramas, written by an American for Americans without recognising the different conertations in the language, for eg; Brother Randy is warned of the dangers of being unshaperoned with his girl, just plane dumb, also those recorded American accents, and the crazy overacting and ott exagerated gestures, just pure box office !!!
I just loved taking the piss out of those(shows), the worst ham acting and scripts EVER, played to an audience that could not have been more disintrested if they tried, HAPPY DAYS, ha ha
I like Arabs, they loved us JW,s they loved the way we wouldnt tolerate women, We were so alike, we loved football and we had a hirearchy like them, involving men, and we all agreed in only one god, and we had a moral code that we stuck to, unlike other (christians) JW,s and Muslims are so alike
Feeling Lost
by faundy ini used to come on this site a lot more but drifted away.
the thing is that recently, i've been thinking a lot more about my life, and its lack of direction, and purpose.
i'm in a good relationship, i have great friends and support if i need it.
You were created Faundy, so your maker knows the quandry your in, we can all give our 2 bobs worth, bit ultimateley, like you knew before you posted here, your situation wont be resolved here, Im in exactly the same posistion as you, and for what it is worth, I feel its up to our creator to inform us. I say this because we can all be easily influenced and manipulated, as many of us have been, or else we wouldnt have ended up JW,s.
For me, the onus is on the creator to come up with the goods, this isnt blasphemy, quite the reverse, its an admissision that I need direction, and my criteria for any acceptance will be scrutinised like never before, and any subsequent involvment in an other religion, will be be put up here on this site to be scrutinised, and questioned before I make any kind committment, and if and when such a calling comes up, I will make that judgement call.
Meanwhile we all collectively have to be involved with the mundane, going to work paying bills, having relationships ect, I watched my parents generation die off, maybe ours will go the same way,, I await, but in the meantime life must go on,so make the most of it, Explore, Educate, Expand, Its only my belief, but have a thirst for life and love, if your spiritual growth was the main topic for your life right now, nobody could have stopped your creator bringing it to your attention. I just believe we ALL must be more circumspect if we ever plunge into religion again.B