So many people even outside of the organization just don't understand the importance of compounding interest, starting to save early....and what it means for your retirement prospects.
And then you have the organization making problems worse. And you know what the worst part is? What they say isn't reality. Sure....they'll SAY everyone should pay attention to their future needs (while putting their FOCUS on the kingdom of course).....but that isn't the FEELING they give off. I know a ton of witnesses under the age of 40. Very few have retirement accounts. They all think the "end" will be here by then. the borg telling them they CAN'T have retirement accounts? Of course not. But the borg knows the mentality of their servants. They know very well that witnesses all bank on the "end" coming before they have to retire or before they die. And any reasonable organization would see this problem and address teh seriousness of it immediately. But no. Not the borg. 30 years from now GB 3.0 will say "but we never discouraged anyone from saving for retirement. We've always stressed the need to be vigilant and careful".
And you know what? All the 20 and 30 year olds will say "See? The organization has always told witnesses to save $ for the future and be careful. I just don't understand why all these old apostates fall away and then blame the loving organization that tried to help them plan for the future years ago."
By then there will probably be a Proclaimers book Vol 2 out.....and it will re-write the history of 1993 through 2030.....just like the real Proclaimers book did about the organization's true history from infancy til the 90's. And all the witnesses will eat up this "truthful" and "candid" information and wonder why there are so many bitter ex witnesses.