At this point I would show her the deposition (available online) of the elders that were involved in the case. The deposition plainly states that the elders did not report the matter because they were advised not to.
But the Organization is not responsible for what happened to her.
Really? Because I see a policy on their website that says that there IS a 2 witness rule......and I see a deposition that says that the elders were advised by Bethel NOT to report the incident. Kendrick molested his own step daughter and the elders knew about it. They should have reported him to the police immediately. At that point.....IT WOULD BE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and they would have done their part to protect the congregation. But they did NOT report him. The fact that they did not report him to the police thus kept the fact that he molested his own step daughter private/quiet. This allowed him to time to sail under the radar for a while and to choose his next victim and do the same to her. The next victim was Candace Conti. If the elders had reported hiim to the police the first time.....the police would have launched a public investigation. Conti's family would have known that at the very least he was an alleged abuser. This would have prevented them from ever leaving her alone with him. It is in the deposition. The society advised the elder not to tell law enforcement. It is the SOCIETY'S FAULTY ADVICE/FAULTY POLICY that caused Conti' to get molested. I would flat out ask her how the society is NOT at fault when they were the ones that advised the elder not to contact law enforcement.
And the elders are following ceasar's law - not Jehovah's by not disclosing the alleged accused name to the congregation.
Again. They don't have to make an annoucement from the stage. All they have to do is tell the friggin police and it will become public knowledge/safety.
Jehovah is in full control of what goes on in his organization and if there was some error on the part of the brothers he will deal with it in his own time.
Perhaps he is dealing with it now.....for about $28 million.......and perhaps he'll deal with it soon in the future when more suits come in.
We can pray for that family, only the new system will take away the pain she's suffered (rev21:4) no amount of money will do that for her.
Money will not take away her pain. That is for sure. But should she or anyone else risk taking THEIR children to a place (the kingdom hall) that harbors pedophiles due to the policies of the leadership of the organization? Would God really direct them to NOT inform the that ANOTHER child can be hurt?