"Don't be silly: those are only ANIMALS. You know: the life forms to be subjugated, dominated, killed, eaten, sacrificed, etc. It's not like they have souls, or feelings. Those animal rights activists are just over-thinking things, using their over-active imaginations to tell themselves they have feelings. ;)"
"Listen, maybe the parasite that burrows into your eye had a wonderful purpose before the flood. The flood made Jehovah angry."
Of course you are being facetious, but it is replies like this that make me want to put my head through a wall. (and my fist through the face of fundamentalist christians) Allright....playing the part of devil's advocate (a creationist), I get that all animals are lesser life forms. They were meant to be in subjection to man and meant to be dominated. Whatever. But they still feel pain. They still have fear and anxiety. Aren't we as Christians supposed to be compassionate towards that? Moreover, that still doesn't answer the question. Why create somethiing that is going to canibalistically (not sure if that's a word) eat its sibling? So what if animals don't have everlasting souls? So what if they lack the prospect of "everlasting life"? Why create them with the propensity to destroy one another?
And....again....why would the flood change anything? I understand if the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster was mad at humans.......but when he said "I shall now make this parasite burrow into eyeballs so humans will know how wrong they are".......did he not realize that this parasite would also burrow into the eyeballs of animals? Maybe he did but he didn't care because animals are lowly anyways? Maybe he just views it as collateral damage? That's a real loving thing to do. Perhaps if I am ever mad at a single person......to get back at hiim.....I'll release some anthrax into a room full of people. That'll show him.