Let alone that if it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.....that = 960 straight hours of rain. But the entire earth was covered (including Mt. Everest which is over 29,000 feet tall). It had to have rained 363 inches per hour (30 feet per hour) for 40 straight days in order to accomplish that feat.
JoinedPosts by outsmartthesystem
Powerful questions to DEBUNK the flood of Noah's day
by Black Man injust like in another thread a saw, the best way to deal with my jws is not debating or arguing, but instead posing questions for them to answer or not answer.
i want to come up with specific questions relating to the 'global flood' that completely debunk it.
what say you, jw.net?.
Hi guys!!!
by thinking_not_believing inbeen reading threads in this forum for a few days... love the post by all!
i was waiting for approval (not trolling) just wanted to say hello n give my story... .
my parents converted when i was in 3rd grade ... and i went with it cuz i was a good boy... baptized at 15 and pioneered at 16... though i always had doubts about different doctrines.
Welcome! You will find a wealth of wisdom and information here.
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
I like the one where 2 sisters called on a house and the man came to the door covered in blood and holding a gun. He had just shot his wife and everyone in the house. When asked by police why he didn't kill the two women at the door he said it was because of the angel that was behind them.
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
CA - I remember hearing that exact UN one when I was out in service 10+ years ago. I recall having just read the new "Daniel's Prophecy" book and questioning the society's reasoning on the US/Britain being the lower half of the legs made of iron (in Nebuchadnezzar's immense image dream), with the Roman Empire being the top half. Their reasoning was that Britain was once a part of the Roman Empire. That sounded like quite a reach. Soon after....I heard this urban legend and quickly prayed.....begging forgiveness for having dared question the explanation as it came from teh society.
Can someone please explain why I'm NOT DF'd yet???
by Calebs Airplane ini have been sending one "apostate" email after another to an elder in my congo (who frequently does circuit and district convention parts) and i'm still not df'd.... i've even sent him a free pdf copy of "crisis of conscience" twice in the last 3 months (sorry cynthia franz), as well as emails about the whole spectrum of bullshit (607, 144k, 1935, blood, proof of lies, false predictions, etc...).
he vary rarely responds but i know he's reading them because he said so in a recent google chat.... he even acknowledged that the wt got 607 wrong but then says that i should look at the positives and stop finding fault.... but still... i sent some really strong gb-bashing emails and i'n not df'd.... i mean seriously, i've pushed the envelope as far as i possibly can.. what the hell is going on???
Sounds to me like he is waking up. If you try this approach with one that is NOT waking up....you'll be on the chopping block quickly
Duane Magnani and the "no meetings" child custody injunction
by outsmartthesystem ini talked to duane and he mentioned that due to the abundance of damning material he has on file that can be used in a court against the society....it is not uncommon for the society to coerce the "believing" parent into signing it.
it is basically an injunction that says that the "believing" parent is not allowed to take the kids to any meetings or discuss any society based beliefs with them at all until the children are of "legal" age.
based on the litany of info against them......evidently the society gladly coerces the "believing" parent into signing it.....even though they know it means that the "little sheep" (the children) will be kept away from the meetings.
BTW - welcome back BOTR
Duane Magnani and the "no meetings" child custody injunction
by outsmartthesystem ini talked to duane and he mentioned that due to the abundance of damning material he has on file that can be used in a court against the society....it is not uncommon for the society to coerce the "believing" parent into signing it.
it is basically an injunction that says that the "believing" parent is not allowed to take the kids to any meetings or discuss any society based beliefs with them at all until the children are of "legal" age.
based on the litany of info against them......evidently the society gladly coerces the "believing" parent into signing it.....even though they know it means that the "little sheep" (the children) will be kept away from the meetings.
BOTR - I was told that the injunction is not from the court or the judge. It is from the a suggestion from the ex-witness legal team and supposedly the society has been known to coerce the witness parent into signing it so as to keep the case from going to trial.....and subsequently a litany of horrifying society dealings and cover-ups being made public in a courtroom setting
Duane Magnani and the "no meetings" child custody injunction
by outsmartthesystem ini talked to duane and he mentioned that due to the abundance of damning material he has on file that can be used in a court against the society....it is not uncommon for the society to coerce the "believing" parent into signing it.
it is basically an injunction that says that the "believing" parent is not allowed to take the kids to any meetings or discuss any society based beliefs with them at all until the children are of "legal" age.
based on the litany of info against them......evidently the society gladly coerces the "believing" parent into signing it.....even though they know it means that the "little sheep" (the children) will be kept away from the meetings.
It seemed strange to me at first but now makes perfect sense. If the society knows you are equipped with a vault of devastating material against them, they will gladly sacrifice a couple of sheep in order to keep that info out of a PUBLIC courtroom. It is one thing for "apostates" to publish their sins......and it is another to have courtroom after courtroom publishing it.
Duane has wreaked havoc for them in JW custody decisions. The "child custody" brochure was written by them because of the success his methods have had. He has since written a "refutation of the child custody" book himself.
The problem is that 90% of ex witnesses obtain a local lawyer that has no idea how to attack the case....and therefore they lose. But he has been doing this for 30 years and he knows the JW faith in and out so he knows where to attack and what works and what doesn't in court. From what I've heard......the society is more than happy to urge the witness to sign such an injunction when they know he is involved in the case because they know the alternative is devastating evidence made public.
Duane Magnani and the "no meetings" child custody injunction
by outsmartthesystem ini talked to duane and he mentioned that due to the abundance of damning material he has on file that can be used in a court against the society....it is not uncommon for the society to coerce the "believing" parent into signing it.
it is basically an injunction that says that the "believing" parent is not allowed to take the kids to any meetings or discuss any society based beliefs with them at all until the children are of "legal" age.
based on the litany of info against them......evidently the society gladly coerces the "believing" parent into signing it.....even though they know it means that the "little sheep" (the children) will be kept away from the meetings.
Blondie - That's not me. I LOVE my baby girls and relish any opportunity I can get to be with them. Especially if it involves keeping them away from that cult
Duane Magnani and the "no meetings" child custody injunction
by outsmartthesystem ini talked to duane and he mentioned that due to the abundance of damning material he has on file that can be used in a court against the society....it is not uncommon for the society to coerce the "believing" parent into signing it.
it is basically an injunction that says that the "believing" parent is not allowed to take the kids to any meetings or discuss any society based beliefs with them at all until the children are of "legal" age.
based on the litany of info against them......evidently the society gladly coerces the "believing" parent into signing it.....even though they know it means that the "little sheep" (the children) will be kept away from the meetings.
I talked to Duane and he mentioned that due to the abundance of damning material he has on file that can be used in a court against the society....it is not uncommon for the society to coerce the "believing" parent into signing it. It is basically an injunction that says that the "believing" parent is not allowed to take the kids to any meetings or discuss any society based beliefs with them at all until the children are of "legal" age. Based on the litany of info against them......evidently the society gladly coerces the "believing" parent into signing it.....even though they know it means that the "little sheep" (the children) will be kept away from the meetings. From what I understand.....if the "believing" parent did not sign this injunction.....then all gloves are off and all this damning material will be presenting in a PUBLIC court. The society is determined not to let that happen even if it means abandoning one of their own.
So.......do any of you have any case knowledge of this happening? I'd like specific cases to look up and/or a REAL reason to believe (not that Mr. Magnani is not telling the truth).
Can anyone help?