To leave someone you have to show up to begin with. I am still waiting for god to show up so I can decide whether to hang around. Its kind of like folks who believe in reincarnation, they have all these memories of being a king or cleopatra or some famous person in history. How come nobody remembers being a nobody who did nothing with his life? Simple, it makes them feel important. So to with the god concept. Remember when you were a kid in school and you had a really big friend to protect you from all the bullies? Pretty neat huh? Everyone wants a big dude watching their back, even if he is imaginary. So whether you remember being a king in a past life or Jesus covering your ass against all evil, it is all about feeling superior to everyone else. Have you noticed how most religions look down their noses at everyone else? They are so quick to say the big dude in their hip pocket is going to kill anyone who isn't their buddy. Kind of childish wouldn't you say?
When you come to terms you are no better than anyone else and we are all in this together. This life is what you make of it now, not some kind of twisted mutual fund managed by god that you can't spend till you check out. I will take my check now sir, never mind the earnings projections, i'll just buy me a good cheeseburger and sit in the shade and savior the moment.
Now if god wants to show up and do something for the betterment of mankind, and he can come up with a good explanation as to why he has been farting around the last few thousand years, then I will be the first in line. Till that day arrives, chill out, enjoy life, be excellent to each other, and stomp a mudhole in the ass of any idiot who trys to tell you otherwise.