At least Moslem fanatics can look forward to
seventy virgins in their version of paradise.
At least Moslem fanatics can look forward to
seventy virgins in their version of paradise.
i am seriously considering finding out what is involved in putting together a lawsuit against the wts.
one that all xjw's in the us can join in.. has the wts not violated our civil rights, taken away our right to choose, without bias, how to live our lives?
were not our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness violated?
I agree with ISP. The charitable status, particularily in Europe,
is very vunerable. By what stretch of the imagination does
the WTS deserve tax breaks for doing charity? Why should taxpayers
subsidize a religion's efforts to make more converts?
All religions should be required to do acknowledged charity in return for tax breaks.
i am seriously considering finding out what is involved in putting together a lawsuit against the wts.
one that all xjw's in the us can join in.. has the wts not violated our civil rights, taken away our right to choose, without bias, how to live our lives?
were not our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness violated?
I think one of the Amish shunning cases suggested that the court
system would not intervene even when economic damage had occurred.
If we had more information/ documents from the "inside", I think
you could prove that the Society has been involved in violating
financial laws in other countries - I also think that bribery
has been swept under the rug, both in the US and abroad. Contrary
to what some may think, holy spirit doesn't always open doors.
I think the time is ripe for legal restrictions on door to door
preaching. It's rather amazing that anyone with a criminal record
can go door to door with no police interference - including
child molesters within the organization. I really doubt they
could muster the kind of fanatical support they used to have
in Rutherford's day - I also doubt they'd even try civil
disobedience as a response to door to door restrictions.
As for the molestation issue, I hope they get nailed.
It would be wonderful to see the liability rise up the
organizational ladder too.
long, boring, repetitive meetings are intentional.
an accident.
ever experiment with autohypnosis or autosuggestion?
Long, boring, repetitive meetings are INTENTIONAL. They are NOT
an accident. Please consider:
Ever experiment with autohypnosis or autosuggestion? How about
affirmations to change a bad habit like smoking? You are attempting
to relax and program your subconscious. Closing your eyes helps
to establish alpha brainwaves suitable for such programming.
The meetings don't exist to promote thinking ability or rational
inquiry. The Watchtower Study in particular is NOT designed to
encourage reasoning - it is intended to produce conformity.
I admit that dismissing JW meetings as hypnosis might seem a
bit extreme. However, they clearly are akin to that mental process.
Turning the matter around, what better opportunity could you
imagine to put people in a state where reasoning is dulled and
programming is easily put in place than meetings of JWs?
How does the hypnotic process begin? (in cliche's, at least)
"You are getting sleeply..... sleepy.....sleepy"
"You are hearing nothing but the sound of my voice" (i.e. pay attention).
A little repetition is appropriate for education
Constant repetition is not - it is an attempt at mind control.
what do you think about evolution debates?.
this is not going to be a thread about which theory is correct.
i want to ask the board if anyone has actually found these discussions on evolution to be beneficial to themselves.
In regard to creation/evolution issues, I wonder if any
philosopher has ever argued that God's presence is affected
by scale.
Here in the "real world", I can accomplish a lot.
Down at the microscopic level, intervention is pretty
tough. Everything is too small and numerous. Maybe there
is a Divinity that shapes our ends but only across vast
expanses of time and distance.
Hey, with that junk DNA and 'throwbacks' to past genetic
code, what about freak cats that get born with "wings"?
(Fortean Times).
so what does everyone think about this whole human cloning thing our intreped scientists recently accomplished?
i haven't read up enough and discussed enough to formulate a rock solid opinion on all the ins and outs of the whole issue, and i like to have rock solid opinions on just about everything (but i don't push my views on anyone or consider opposing views "wrong," that's something else i have a strong opinion about).
i have been away for a few days so if this has been covered, please accept my appologies for the repetition and direct me to the appropriate subject heading.
Most of this cloning issue is just plain silly.
Human clones have existed for centuries - big deal!
(Identical twins)
I don't waste a nanosecond worrying about some nutball
cloning himself. I want the government to GET OUT OF THE WAY
so science can move forward.
Wanna see the lame walk, the blind see, paralyzed people
move again? This is the way - regrowing whatever is needed
as new FULLY COMPATIBLE organs. You don't have to regrow
a whole person!!!!! Just the stuff you want!
Religious leaders were publically opposed to ANESTHESIA,
for God's sake! (They thought pain was ordained by God).
History should tell us - stop the foot dragging, get on
with human progress!
hope springs eternal, when the subject is the ethical reform.
of the watchtower.
scandals arise - and expectations develop.
Hope springs eternal, when the subject is the ethical reform
of the Watchtower. Scandals arise - and expectations develop
that the Society will suddenly burst forth with newfound
(yes, Virginia , NEWfound!) honesty and humility - whether at
special meetings or elsewhere.
Child abuse, the UN deceptions, blood deceit and so forth.
Any normal, moral organization would apologize and correct
matters - but not this pack of Pharisees. History tells us so!
Consider a quote from Crisis of Conscience pg.209 where the
false prophecy of 1975's aftermath is discussed:
"In 1976,a year after the passing of that widely publicized date,
a few members of the Governing body began urging that some statement
should be made acknowledging that the organization had been in error,
had stimulated false expectations. Others said they did not think we
should, that it would "just give ammunition to opposers". Milton
Henschel recommended that the wise course would be simply not to
bring the matter up and that in time the brothers would stop talking
about it."
The organization's responsibility for this falsehood was only
acknowledged indirectly after TWO years of publisher decreases
had been observed.(in the March 15, 1980 Watchtower).
Molested children? U.N.? Blood issue? Don't worry brothers,
it'll all go away. You'll see- they'll just stop talking
about it.
I hope the internet proves them wrong. Perhaps if they are
hounded relentlessly with reminders - and fresh defections,
they may find do nothingism to be a failed policy.
let's see here - according to the latest rumor.
you can be a regular publisher by putting in 15 minutes.
a month.. you can be a regular pioneer by putting in 70 hours.
Billygoat, rice christians , in my mind , were primarily associated
with mainland China. The Society noted how a huge number of "christians" disappeared after Mao took over. This, of course,
was to show how soft Christendom was - and how futile feeding
people , with charity, was.
let's see here - according to the latest rumor.
you can be a regular publisher by putting in 15 minutes.
a month.. you can be a regular pioneer by putting in 70 hours.
Let's see here - according to the latest rumor
you can be a regular publisher by putting in 15 minutes
a month.
You can be a regular pioneer by putting in 70 hours
a month (not 90 or 100).
You can join Bethel after being baptized for only
6 months.
Does the decline ever become obvious? Will the
Witness zombies ever wake up? Anybody remember how the
Watchtower used to attack "Rice Christians" in China?
Now, they're generating Rice Christians of their own.
i've been reading all your comments since i found the un thread.
(i'm not angry- just hit the wrong button!
should have called my self crap with keyboard )have read all with great interest since then; meeting attendance and hours down to zero... but feeling pretty low.angry,shocked, dissapointed etc ,funny how it hits you .any way ;just a little question; i cant(this typing is getting embarassing) just ignore it.
Imagine that you are old, wrinkly, incontinent and half
senile. What good is money or sex to you? (except for
Power is it. It's all that's left.
When Carey Barber waves his cane on stage and
get applause, don't you think that's what gets him off?