Long, boring, repetitive meetings are INTENTIONAL. They are NOT
an accident. Please consider:
Ever experiment with autohypnosis or autosuggestion? How about
affirmations to change a bad habit like smoking? You are attempting
to relax and program your subconscious. Closing your eyes helps
to establish alpha brainwaves suitable for such programming.
The meetings don't exist to promote thinking ability or rational
inquiry. The Watchtower Study in particular is NOT designed to
encourage reasoning - it is intended to produce conformity.
I admit that dismissing JW meetings as hypnosis might seem a
bit extreme. However, they clearly are akin to that mental process.
Turning the matter around, what better opportunity could you
imagine to put people in a state where reasoning is dulled and
programming is easily put in place than meetings of JWs?
How does the hypnotic process begin? (in cliche's, at least)
"You are getting sleeply..... sleepy.....sleepy"
"You are hearing nothing but the sound of my voice" (i.e. pay attention).
A little repetition is appropriate for education
Constant repetition is not - it is an attempt at mind control.