China has its problems - with pollution, debt and looming labor issues but it is the largest economy within new emerging alliances that are likely to overturn the existing order.
There is also the BRICS alliance and the Eurasian Economic Customs Union being set up by Russia.
There are new TED lectures on China's concept of human rights and its relation to economic development. Basically, they see rights and freedoms coming after development and as a product of a better economy. There are now open doubts about the US pushing democracy in the 3rd world as ineffective. Many nations are intrigued by the Chinese alternative viewpoint.
Decadesago, Singapore pursued this concept to the consternation of western liberals - as led by Lee Kuan Yew.
I see the primary causes for wars as coming from the US military-industrial complex, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. A world tied together by trade alliances would be preferable, in my opinion.