This is a rumor I heard back in November, it comes to me third or fourth-hand. Feel free to poke holes. I have many doubts about this myself. Apparently, this is from an attorney in the Legal Department, upon being confronted by a JW friend about 607.
The Society hires marketing consultants and these direct them in introducing ‘new light’. They enter Patterson and not everyone there realizes they are not JWs. Some of these consultants are psychologists, familiar with techniques to control the masses. Of course, these consultants are also hired by other corporations as well. These consultants view websites, like this one, and develop ways of countering arguments.
Making changes takes years. It starts with introducing very small changes incrementally. Then an organizational event is used for a distraction. They hope for the lucky chance of a major world event to distract even more. “New light”, when introduced, is then easier to swallow and accepted within a year.
Case in point is the “new light” on Matthew 24:45. Many websites questioned the Faithful Slave being all of the “anointed” when they weren’t being used. Therefore, they began to work on changing this. The reason for a new Bible, which was timed to coincide with the study of the 7/15/13 article, was a distraction.
They’ve also been working on a way to part with 1914, especially since many will start to question it after 2014 comes and goes. Basically, the shift will be a standard Christian view that the Last Days began in 33 CE and ends in a future Great Tribulation. Before this “new light”, there will be major changes to the blood policy, which will serve as a distraction from dropping 1914. This will happen after the construction of the new HQ is done.
They realize that this might cause a huge drop in membership, but their goal is to secure some financial security for the upper echelons. Retaining only 2 to 3 million are needed for this.
They are also working on ways to make things more tolerable to newcomers.
Well, that’s the rumor and time will tell whether or not this is true. Have at it!