Looks like an utterly wonderful British newspaper.
The British have a great gift for understatement. It apparently does not apply here........
Woo- Hoo! Bring it on!
Looks like an utterly wonderful British newspaper.
The British have a great gift for understatement. It apparently does not apply here........
Woo- Hoo! Bring it on!
not names of the anointed jws but names of elders and a location.. .
are we getting hints that this thing has legs?.
Not names of the anointed JWs but names of elders and a location.
Are we getting hints that this thing has legs?
china overtakes u.s. as the the world's largest economy': imf says.*.
again problem for writing committee of jws?
after ussr disintegration, jws said: now we have only one world power (south king) on the world scene, and north king will appear in its own time, may be as one of the former ussr state or as some other communist country.. but now equations are now totally upside downwith a communist country replacing the south kings as the world power!?.
My current wonderment about China and Russia is this: it is evident that are working to reduce or eliminate the dollar in trade or as a reserve currency.
My question is - if this is successful, how will it change the US? Some predict disaster (unlikely because many contracts have dollars stipulated) - others seem to think it will change little. It may reduce transaction costs for the nations involved.
I think the point to be examined is - will it greatly reduce US influence thruout the world? The Russians seem to think so.
when i was young, tv was filled with westerns in which a man was usually defined by his prowess with his fists or a gun.
that motif or concept seems almost entirely gone.
When I was young, TV was filled with Westerns in which a man was usually defined by his prowess with his fists or a gun. That motif or concept seems almost entirely gone. In it's place, I often see the Christian idea of loving your enemies in popular culture, especially children's programs. I marvel that schools now care about bullying - or that beating your wife or kids is no longer acceptable - or that tolerance is generally the order of the day.
It might seem unfair to lump the brave compassion of a young Muslim girl in with a "Christian" idea but along with Gandhi, I think that's where the world got a popular notion of hoping for positive change in one's enemies. Both Islam and Buddhism have notions about compassion but not the central emphasized image of a Savior who endures the torments of opposers without seeking revenge.
The Civil Rights movement was the greatest moral or ethical triumph of my lifetime. While Martin Luther King was inspired by Gandhi, I doubt anything would have succeeded without a fertile background of Christian thought about loving others, even amidst hate and violence.
It has taken centuries to get past racism and the Crusades and more - and we still have a ways to go. Nevertheless, it is wonderful to look back and see how far a strong concept/image of forgiveness has taken us as a society. An idea can 'grow legs' and take on a life of its own, even if many people have no affiliation with a religious culture that spawned it.
While there are many disproofs of the 'worse and worse' notion among Witnesses, this laudable change in ethics is often overlooked. We don't live in a "Gladiator" culture anymore - as when Paul talked about 'critical times hard to deal with'!
Even with ISIS and more, this human world is becoming a better place.
from ancient accounts hostile to christinity, we can learn the following:.
jesus was born and lived in palestine.
he was born, supposedly, to a virgin and had an earthly father who was a carpenter.
This is not a story that most Christians would care to think about.
from ancient accounts hostile to christinity, we can learn the following:.
jesus was born and lived in palestine.
he was born, supposedly, to a virgin and had an earthly father who was a carpenter.
I always thought that some of the Talmudic accounts might be quite old but the stories about 'Ben Pantera' might not be something you want to think about.
A guy fighting for Rome gets a Jewish girl pregnant. The child grows up claiming God is actually his father....
china overtakes u.s. as the the world's largest economy': imf says.*.
again problem for writing committee of jws?
after ussr disintegration, jws said: now we have only one world power (south king) on the world scene, and north king will appear in its own time, may be as one of the former ussr state or as some other communist country.. but now equations are now totally upside downwith a communist country replacing the south kings as the world power!?.
The CFR and Foreign Affairs magazine are the very opposite of 'fringe' thinking. Recent articles such as the above I believe are a reasonable indication that the political elite are getting worried about paralysis.
The authoritarian rule of China tends to look seductive, by contrast, and that's unfortunate.
i often think back to this episode whenever i see someone ask their phone a question.
it still amazes me to observe driving directions or instructions on cooking a roast pop up on command.. let the watchtower have their jubilation for now.
I often think back to this episode whenever I see someone ask their phone a question. It still amazes me to observe driving directions or instructions on cooking a roast pop up on command.
Let the Watchtower have their jubilation for now. It won't last. The internet will evolve into a sort of practical 'God in your pocket'. I still don't see that the Organization has solved its problem with gathering publishers - if they don't donate, then what's the point of gathering more?
The Society's current TV efforts have emerged from their defeat in that they couldn't keep their thralls away from using the internet.
I truly think that the internet will increasingly manifest an imitation of sentience - or will it be just an imitation?
Truly, we live in an amazing time. "Worse and worse", my a$$
china overtakes u.s. as the the world's largest economy': imf says.*.
again problem for writing committee of jws?
after ussr disintegration, jws said: now we have only one world power (south king) on the world scene, and north king will appear in its own time, may be as one of the former ussr state or as some other communist country.. but now equations are now totally upside downwith a communist country replacing the south kings as the world power!?.
The emerging advantage I perceive is that the world is desperate for economic growth. Japan and Europe in general are played out, debt laden and have worsening demographics.
Meanwhile, China and Russia are lining up nations in alliances that offer the possibility of rapid growth, such as Africa, the 'stan countries and so on. Unlike the US, they tend to avoid getting involved in these nations internal affairs. President Obama has labeled China as a 'free rider' that enjoys the stability that the US provides without contributing much.
The US still has a lot of natural advantages. It is interesting to watch.
china overtakes u.s. as the the world's largest economy': imf says.*.
again problem for writing committee of jws?
after ussr disintegration, jws said: now we have only one world power (south king) on the world scene, and north king will appear in its own time, may be as one of the former ussr state or as some other communist country.. but now equations are now totally upside downwith a communist country replacing the south kings as the world power!?.
The US economy is still the largest in absolute terms. However....
China has debt loads and Russia has a falling rouble. That said, I believe their advantage lies in the alliances they are forming with BRICS and the EuroAsian Customs Union and SCO - where solid growth will at least be possible.
It looks like recession is coming back, globally.