2 Corinthians - i don't have a Bible handy - another text the WTS
i'm not certain but it seems like there was a scripture that went something like we are not masters over your faith.
it might have been paul or maybe one of the other disciples talking to a congregation.
i can't quite remember exactly where its at.. does anyone know what i'm talking about?
2 Corinthians - i don't have a Bible handy - another text the WTS
why i began thinking on prayer was the request from my spanish neighbour to my wife.
they requested that she come down and pray for his/her child who has been sick.
my wife believes in prayer and says she knows it works.
Once I determined that the WTS was a fraud, I decided to examine
all my spiritual/religious beliefs critically.
This may sound odd, but I ended up having more faith in prayer
than in God's existence! While I couldn't directly talk to God,
I found that prayer often works in remarkable ways. After reading
various books (including Sheldrake), I concluded that what we call
"ESP" is universal - and a common property of animals. On that basis,
pantheism is the least complicated way to descibe what I now
believe. I am now investigating various mystical ideas to see if
any of them have any empirical foundation. I need to explain the
strange and providential things that have happened in my life.
If I can find reproduceable results, I'll share them with everyone.
i've been inactive for over 4 years now but i'm still attached though - loosely.. i will occassionally attend a meeting or portion of an assembly or convention.. i get a mixed reception at these gatherings.
generally my experience has.
been that the larger the group, the more inclined i am to run into some who.
Yes and no, Lee
Some Witnesses are getting burned out by their kids. I went
to a funeral and met an old friend who used to be very zealous
and strict. He's still faithful in meetings etc. but the fire
has gone out. The breakdown of Witness families is taking a
larger toll on morale than any thing else I know.
As for old timers, most don't want to talk or think about it.
Deep down, they know they've been scammed. It can be astounding
to see the Watchtower offer examples of people who preached the
nearness of the End all their lives - as if this was something
attractive as a way of life.
i ran into jesus the other day (he has a tv show in south.
park, you know).. i asked him what he thought about the 21 million copies of.
the jan.8 awake on the twin tower disaster.. his answer didn't surprize me:.
I ran into Jesus the other day (he has a TV show in South
Park, you know).
I asked him what he thought about the 21 million copies of
the Jan.8 Awake on the Twin Tower disaster.
His answer didn't surprize me:
"Take good care not to practice your righteousness in front
of men in order to be observed by them; otherwise you will
have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens.
Hence, when you go making gifts of mercy, do not blow a
trumpet ahead of you, just as the hypocrites do ... when
making gifts of mercy, donot let your left hand know
what your right hand is doing that your gifts of mercy may be
in secret".
That's what he told me.
I also noticed how the Society responded to the noble self
sacrifice of hundreds of police and fire fighters who
gave their lives to help their fellow man.
"the bravery of these rescuers cannot be overemphasized"
This observation was printed on page TWELVE, the last page
of the article, after emphasis was put on what little
the Witnesses did in response - the same page that
promotes a "ministry of comfort" which includes the
Armageddon slaughter of almost all of the human race.
Jesus wept.
just heard that the society is going to stop mailed subscriptions.
magazines will all have to be picked up at the kingdom hall.
not sure when it's starting, but soon, i suppose.. sorry if this has been posted before, but i think this is very new info.
Good point, flip - with anger building up against them,
they may be getting scared of what might happen.
Good Grief! Can you imagine what might happen if everyone
found out that the leadership knows the blood issue is a
fraud? Sorting the mail would be the least of their worries.
just heard that the society is going to stop mailed subscriptions.
magazines will all have to be picked up at the kingdom hall.
not sure when it's starting, but soon, i suppose.. sorry if this has been posted before, but i think this is very new info.
I can remember the store fronts that used to carry glossy
copies of the Plain Truth.
That mag ain't there anymore. They ran outta converts and money.
I'll bet there are huge losses for the Borg printing this stuff.
Forcing pubs to get 'em at the hall might reduce wasted subscriptions
and subtlely encourage more $ in the box - WITHOUT ALARMING
which was that, if they run outta money, it's a message from
God saying, "shut it down".
during my many faithful years as a witless zombie, i used to.
wonder how the society could claim that the bible predicts.
stuff like pollution - by quoting rev.11 "bring to ruin those.
During my many faithful years as a Witless zombie, I used to
wonder how the Society could claim that the Bible predicts
stuff like pollution - by quoting Rev.11 "bring to ruin those
ruining the earth".
You see, the problem is that to make this into a prophecy
of 'last days' pollution, you MUST PROVE that "ruining the
earth" means POLLUTION, not something else. Since Bible writers
didn't live in an industrial society with dioxin and mercury,
you can't prove a pollution reference based on their experience.
Furthermore, when John wrote Revelation he probably had something else
in mind besides pollution when he spoke of "ruining the earth".
The Bible, in the Tower of Babel account, says "the earth continued
to be of one language". In the account about Noah, it speaks
of the "earth" being ruined by violence.
Thus, on the basis of the way the Bible speaks of the "earth"
and its ruin, I find no prediction of pollution.
But more than that.....
If you love ecology, READ the Oct.2,2001 Wall Street Journal pg.A17
under the heading of "Bookshelf". It reviews a new book called
"The Skeptical Environmentalist". It seems a former member of
Greenpeace (a professor of statistics at the University of Aarhus)
told his students to debunk claims that the natural environment
is improving. They were stunned to find out it is! Sulfur dioxide
in the US is down 80% since '62, - carbon monoxide down 75% since
'70, - nitrogen oxides down 38% since '75. Brazilian rain forests
are 86% uncut and the rate of clearing is falling. An authoritative
UN report found that global forest cover has been reduced by a
minuscule 0.44% since '61.
More evidence that the old men running this sad fraud can't predict
(or interpret) their way out of a paper sack.
recently it has been reported that sickel cell anemia might be.
cured permanently by stem cell regeneration.
over at worldnetdaily,.
It's complex - it was just reported on worldnetdaily (over at
drudgereport.com). I think the stem cells are derived from
umbilical cord blood and grown into a new blood supply.
It almost brings tears to my eyes to think of the fantastic
miracles that are going to appear soon. The average person
(and Witless especially) has little idea how close science
is to curing paralysis, blindness, you name it ---- and
maybe even the aging process itself.
the legal challenge raised to the door to door work could be.
huge in its effects.
even if the supreme court strikes down.
Proplog, I never thought that any legal challenge will end the
door to door work. Rather, this could open the way to its decline.
As you note, APATHY is deadly to the organization. If you gradually
place restrictions and complications on the door to door work,
you can avoid feelings of persecution - which might be stimulative!
Guerillas chip away at the edges, wearing down the fighting spirit
of corrupt centralized power.
recently it has been reported that sickel cell anemia might be.
cured permanently by stem cell regeneration.
over at worldnetdaily,.
Please consider:
Recently it has been reported that sickel cell anemia might be
cured permanently by stem cell regeneration. Over at worldnetdaily,
it was reported they changed a young man's blood type from "O"
to "B".
What are the implications of this, if true?
Imagine slowly dying from an incurable disease. You can't move
without searing pain - you can't play basketball - you can't
sleep at night because morphine doesn't work - imagine having
no future except agony - or the hope that death ends your
That can be sickel cell anemia.
So, what will the old, haughty, half senile Watchtower leaders do?
Will they insist on enforcing their fraudulent policy on blood?
Will they continue to refuse to answer letters and sincere
inquiries with genuine replies - on a life and death issue?
Will they abandon young boys and girls to lives of torture and
death in a fading, futile effort to maintain their sick authority,
dependent on the blood issue?
I don't know about you but I can't conceive of a more barbaric,
cruel, or yes, SATANIC, sin - than torture and death of children.
Of course, we've already seen how much they "care" about molested
children - while protecting their molesters and themselves.
Many of these people with sickel cell problems are African-Americans.
Do you think they are expendable - just like the publishers they
ignored in Malawi, who suffered rape and murder?
What will they do?