Wow, unbelievable! Almost choked over my breakfast cereal reading your OP!
I've experienced similar & also observed same! Just bat s**t crazy. You need to take control & set clear & defined boundaries. Your husband needs to step up here. You'll need to devise a plan & support each other. You might be depressed. I thought I was. I've realised since turning my back on this goon show that I was suffering from the trauma of life events. Their duplicitous lives, managing their privelges in the congn was, well a TOTAL MIND F**K. It upended me mentally. I was always in a state of emotional flux for 32yrs. My esteem was dependent on how I was treated in the congn by the elders. I don't miss this. My poor nonJW hubby must have had many WTAF moments throughout all these years. Part of your problem is your husbands non-support in all of this. You don't mention this in your OP which is why I arrive at this conclusion.
Please be kind to yourself. I've just been suggested a book that will help me. It's by some one called Beck, first name totally gone. It's called " Find Your Own North Star ". Some wise bods on here tell us " they're only men, they only possess the power we allow them to have ", or something along these lines.