I'll say that's suspicious - who ever heard of death from "pending"? Now, I don't know what "pending" is - but I'm against it!
-- Mike
Edited by - Michael3000 on 6 January 2003 15:22:38
a 20 year old jw dies on the day after his birthday.
I'll say that's suspicious - who ever heard of death from "pending"? Now, I don't know what "pending" is - but I'm against it!
-- Mike
Edited by - Michael3000 on 6 January 2003 15:22:38
just seeing if my pic posted on my profile---- lol.
cant seem to get pic on screen.....edited by - kelsey007 on 3 january 2003 22:17:42.
Kinda looks like Mickey Mouse in a peg-leg pirate outfit...???
merry x-mas folks!
i'm finally finished tormenting myself for this year, and i'm leaving for 14 days holidays with my wife to a place in the sun :) .
a little information as well.
WT Observer was one of the first sites I stumbled across after I had already left the Kingdumb Hall & all of its wackiness. It helped me confirm that I had escaped from a publishing company masquerading as a religion - rather than anything approved by, set up by, or "organized" by God.
Hope your Holidays (and your holiday/vacation) went well.
-- Mike
a few days back a dfed black woman came to this site - asking for help and looking for answers, so lady "c and myself decided to offer our help, being black we understand that black jw face some issues that a white witness would not, black congo operate many times in a somewhat different fashion in my exp at any rate , we offered our help, we discussed many issues, but in the end she has decided to return back to wt despite the fact that they treat her like dirt- one of the hardest things to watch is to see a jw get so close to freedom and then return to slavery, it reminds me so much of blacks during slavery who were just afraid to run for freedom , even many times when they only needed to cross the river -as a single black mature woman she is facing an uphill battle, if she approaches an elder more than 2 times the elders wife will think she is after her man, if she wants to marry her selection is reduced to some guy with a plaid suit on, instead of the regional director of her company who notices how intelligent she is, but since he don't sell books on the weekend she must let him slide- well here is just a glisp of what we dealt with and how sadly it ended with the jw doing what they have been trained and indoctrinated to do run and deny below are just 3 different sets of dialog .
---- dfed person--sorry, but i don't really think that it is a black and white issue.
jt- o i fully agree it is not a black and white issue, i was merely commenting on what my observation have been, when i was an elder, white bro in meetings would always challenged the co and do if they made some off the wall comment, while black elders would consistently just go along,
So true, so sad:
for many white bro they are able to fit back into mainstream society better if they leave wt, while blacks have a harder timecase in point in the little town i am in if a white bro left the org he could join the country club, make contacts, and est biz relationships in town with the power brokers
if a black bro left HE CAN'T EVEN JOIN THE COUTRY CLUB
so in my opinion it is like blacks feel they have more to lose-
My opinion, too, is that being a Dub gives Blacks (and other minorities) such a sh!tload of false hope: they believe they have actually found a way around the White Man's system. This is especially problematic for Black males (as you have already pointed out so well), in the area of employment - much less actually advancing & being successful. So, many of them choose to stick with a way of life that seems to hold out the JW prospect (read: "fairytale") that all humans will one day live in true equality and peace. It's heartbreaking to read the conversations between you and that Sister - I know many like her. Whenever I see JW's in the subway system here in NYC, by and large they are Blacks or Hispanics. Following your theory to its logical conclusion, just before the JW's self-destruct, perhaps most of their numbers will be made up of "minorities". Adds a little something to my opinion of J R Brown, & his motives for getting up every morning...
-- Mike
please forgive the poor quality of the shot.
this pic tickled my funnybone.
in case you can not see it clearly, every brother and sister around this table, bethelites all, has a toothy grin as they gleefully study the day's bible text.. i need a better caption than the one supplied.
"When the HELL are they gonna bring out the cheddar biscuits???!!!"
- or -
i have tons of them, favorite movie quotes that is.
a misspent youth i guess, but i love movies.
i was watching one of my favorites the other day,seven.
Inspector Clouseau, to innkeeper: "Does your dog bite?"
Innkeeper, busy smoking his pipe & reading a newspaper: "No."
[Clouseau bends down to pet dog. Said canine procedes to to bite and snarl & tear at Clouseau's hand]
Clouseau: "You said your dog does not bite!!!"
Innkeeper, looking up from his paper at the scene before him: "That is not my dog."
-- Mike, of the eternal Peter Sellers' Fan Club.
i don't know if this information has already been posted or not, so i'll go ahead and post it here.. on january 1st 2003, bill bowen sent the following information to everyone on his e-mail list:.
press release -- distribute freely.
tuesday, january 1. contact:.
Poor Bill Bowen. It's a shame that someone who has the drive to start something with a good cause such as Silent Lambs has all the skill, tact and thinking of the Watchtower's worst presidents in time past. His stupid blunderings will come back and hurt not only Bowen's effectiveness, but the cause of those molested victims. I wonder when Bill will wake up and realize it's about the silent lambs, not about his ego.
And comments like this are supposed to help the situation, Megadouche Megadude?
what are hippies smoking these days?
let me explain a few things to everyone:
let's chew on this first: what if america wasn't the world's only superpower?
China claims it will have a man in space soon. Why do you think they're going to do that? You watch. China will one day be a superpower greater than the US. Why? Because of the tendency of the oriental people to cooperate with each other. We don't have that. Exhibit A - infighting and interservice rivalry leading to a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Have we learned our lesson from that? Hell no. Exhibit B - World Trade Center; Exhibit C - Vietnam.
Goddamn it, Francois - there you go, making sense again! Keep up the good work.
-- Mike
ps.. chocolate made from from cocoa beans which comes from the theobroma cacao,theobroma means food of the gods.. honey comes from nectar,also a food of the gods in the greek gods scheme.
should jws eat chocolate or honey because of the pagan connections?.
croissants r connected with the siege of vienna,should jws violate their pacifist principals by eating croissants?.
looking for a good way to escape the watchtower?.
go nuts!
this works especially well for women.
Works for me!
[ http://www.crankyank.com/gallery/?album=Special%20Ed&image=specialed.jpg& ;]
Edited by - Michael3000 on 2 January 2003 16:19:54
Edited by - Michael3000 on 2 January 2003 16:20:17