Despite being told to follow flawed and imperfect men Watchtower continues to pretend it's beliefs are based on the Bible.
Watchtower (Study) July 2017, page 20, par 16
16 Today, Jehovah guides us with his Word, the Bible.
Then, notice how quickly Watchtower transitions from following the Bible into following imperfect men, as if following a flawed organization is the same thing as being guided by the Bible.
Watchtower (Study) July 2017, page 20, par 16
Think about how you benefit from reading the Bible, examining the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave,” watching JW Broadcasting, visiting, talking with the elders, and associating with fellow Christians. (Matt. 24:45) Have you not seen that Jehovah is swift to provide you with his guidance?
This is a classic example of Watchtower blending concepts to make it appear that their literature, TV programs, imperfect and flawed leaders, etc, are on the same level as God's Word.
Watchtower is effectively making itself equal to God. As most readers here can already see, the Organization and it's leaders are the golden calf that Jehovah's Witnesses really worship regardless of how flawed it all is.