That change (making organ transplants acceptable) sets up one of the biggest contradictions in the world of religion, and it is sitting right in the lap of Jehovah's Witnesses.
To this day Watchtower says that blood is an organ, a liquid organ, which is ok with me, in fact I'm glad they say that.
As it has stood since 1980 JWs can take any organ transplant there is - and it isn't considered eating, they won't be disfellowshipped for it, they don't have to meet in the back room of a Kingdom Hall with a Judicial group of elders, they won't be judged for it in any way, they are good to go, which is as it should be - except one. If they take the organ of blood, a transfusion, it is considered eating and it is a disfellowshipping (or disassociation) offense.
Go figure.