>> However there is one big thing your
>> overlooking about Christ vs Mithra. Christ was a real person.
There's where you are having the problem-Mithra and other myths and deities were sold as real as well.
By using real historical figures integrated into the legend they give the image breath so that it seems to speak
-Rev 13:15
In this you become none the wiser that it isn't a true historical account because you never bother to research historical records of that time period
to notice there is NO RECORDS of such a fantastic story and life. (I'll show this later in the email)***
If it was a story about one single persona then they would not have needed to create a new name, new birth date, new era for the character, as well as
other issues that pop up from trying to create an image from many.
Example: when borrowing from more then one character the image has two
Yeshu's Carpentry and Yehuda of Galilee's Fishing.
The character ends up having 2 blames for his persecution:
1)Yeshu's own tribe.
2)Yehuda's Tax revolt causing him to be persecuted by Rome.
Therefore there is a contradiction in some blaming the Jews others blame
Rome because there are two accounts-from 2 seperate figures.
The character ends up with the mythologies birth date.
He ends up with a new name Iesus (in syriac-Isho) which might be the reason
for the hint in Revelation about son of man coming in his own new name, his
own new name. The character seems to be in to many places at the same time
and stories don't add up regarding the escaping to Egypt and the time line
of the characters. Stories end up contradicting and admissions seem to pop
up like in Corinthians Paul says the apostles are teaching another Christ
and clergy admit James seemed to feel Paul was teaching another Christ which
is why they were at odds.
Fact: take away the prexisting legends and mythology of divine nature and
all you have are a few Martyrs who failed to Liberate their people, failed
to bring the Kingdom in their day and failed their prophecy- Jesus and his
disciples thought they were in the last days :
I Cor. 10:11 , Heb. 1:2 , I Peter 1:20, I Peter 4:7 , I John 2:18 etc.
Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 and history of that era show that
Revelation 11:1-3 occurred already in aprox 70 ad.
The Bible warns of all these about false prophets who do not speak for G-d.
Ezekiel CH 13, Deut 18:20-22, Isa. 30:10, Jer. 5:30-31, 14:14, 23:16, 26,
In conclusion no matter which historical figure you call the Christ figure
they all did not fulfill the prerequisites of Moshiach and were created as a
figure by Rome to bring all cultures into their one religious order.
Which is what John of Patmos (not to be confused with the other Johns) was
warning about.
Read my book where I show where Rome has done this before.
In 3XX bc they did this same scam to the Veneiis with their godess Juno.
They slay the people, tell them Juno no longer protects them then they set
up the authority and Temple of Juno in Rome and claim they are the new
authority and worship of Juno. Rome did this with YHWH. By destroying the
Temple and Israel they declared the Jew was no longer G-d's people claiming
G-d did not protect them (of course from Rome itself -notice the similarity
to the racket business?).
Eventually they had slain all the many Messiah cults of that day that were
all torah observant and Rome claimed to these cultists that they now had the
Temple and authority in Rome for worship of G-d through this Christ called
Jesus (no-one was left to complain that it wasn't their particular Christ).
So they used this image to attract Dagon , Baal, Mithra, Hades, Osiris,
Apollo, Esus, and Krishna worshipers.
I don't believe this figure came to be what it is now until Constantine who
practiced all religions made the final adjustments to the character.
****Anyway here's the historical reference to that time period:
1] Jakob Burkhardt considers the wily Eusebius to be "the first thoroughly
dishonest historian of antiquity." He elaborates on his character as
"After many falsifications, suppressions, and fictions which have been
in his work, he has no right to be put forward as a decisive authority, and
to these faults we must add a consciously perverse manner of expression,
deliberate bombast, and many equivocations, so that the reader stumbles upon
trapdoors and pitfalls in the most important passages." (Leben Konstantins,
2d edition, 1860, pp. 307, 335,
..............[2] Vossius, in the 16th century, possessed a manuscript of
Josephus which contained no mention of Jesus.
3] One of the historical writers who was alive during the supposed period of
Jesus was Philo Judaeus.
John E. Remsburg, in The Christ, writes:
"Philo was born before the beginning of the Christian era, and lived until
long after the reputed death of Christ. He wrote an account of the Jews
covering the entire time that Christ is said to have existed on earth. He
was living in or near Jerusalem when Christ's miraculous birth and the
Herodian massacre occurred. He was there when Christ made his triumphal
entry into Jerusalem. He was there when the crucifixion with its attendant
earthquake, supernatural darkness, and resurrection of the dead took
place when Christ himself rose from the dead, and in the presence of many
witnesses ascended into heaven. These marvelous events which must have
filled the world with amazement, had they really occurred, were unknown to
him. It was Philo who developed the doctrine of the Logos, or Word, and
although this Word incarnate dwelt in that very land and in the presence of
multitudes revealed himself and demonstrated his divine powers, Philo saw
it not."
4] There was a historian named Justus of Tiberius who was a native of
the homeland of Jesus. He wrote a history covering the time when Christ
supposedly lived. This history is now lost, but a ninth-century Christian
scholar named Photius had read it and wrote: "He [Justus] makes not the
mention of the appearance of Christ, of what things happened to him, or of
the wonderful works that he did." (Photius' Bibliotheca, code 33)
This would be like Matt Drudge Living next door to the ex-president as the
ex-president drives his car over another neighbors cat and runs the car
through into the living room jumps out naked does a Polka playing the
saxaphone and Drudge never writes about it happening.
In other words if these Historians never wrote about him, then the figure
did not exist as they are claiming or they didn't make the characters
popular till later in time through embellishing the stories.