" he Watchtower is now turning their legal attention towards several websites and posters"
I wonder what happend to forgive those who sin against you, lol.
no more boes or kingdom ministries will be posted by us on this board.
there is a very important reason why!
beware of anyone encouraging you to post any boes on this board.
" he Watchtower is now turning their legal attention towards several websites and posters"
I wonder what happend to forgive those who sin against you, lol.
these are apparently real complaints received from a uk tour operator.
no country has a monopoly on having stupid people!.
these are actual complaints received by thomas cook vacations from dissatisfied customers:.
I agree it's so unfair those Americans get home in 3 hours!!! Lmao.
witness my journey - from jehovah's witness... to australia's party queen [the movie].
the story: seven years ago trish may have banged on your front door armed with her bible and the innocent smile of an angel.
but then life changed.
I'd get baptized if she knocked my door lol
i went to a few jw meetings and talked to some of them and had a few bible studies but stopped going and just returned everything after pressure from my family.
i am thinking of going back but any advise on how i should do it?.
i also had a question regarding the jw faith.
Hello Andrew,
I was a long term study that left after doing my research. Yes you have to be baptized, not to be saved but to be in with a CHANCE that you might be saved/ressurected at the big A. If your freinds and family don't become JW's the watchtower teaches that they will die at armageddon with no chance of a ressurection. I would reccomend going to this site and doing your research about the watchtower http://www.jwfacts.com/
Good luck.
will speakers at the kingdom hall be permitted to read the nwt from an ipad?
from a smartphone?
using the new official app.... .
Just to add that for an app to get internet history and other info it would need administrator access, and for that to happen the iPhone would need to be jailbroken and the app would still need to be granted admin rights.
will speakers at the kingdom hall be permitted to read the nwt from an ipad?
from a smartphone?
using the new official app.... .
Oubilette - Every app on the Apple store is checked for such spyware/adware by very experianced coders, if anything is found the app either isn't pusblished onto the store or it's removed. As for them trying to pull of such tactics on Windows, they'd never get away with it. They would have to create something that slipped past every antivirus, firewall and other security products. They might get away with it for a while but sooner or later somethings gonna flag the spywar, then there's trouble, big trouble!
i'd just like the opions of some of the more clear thinking member on this please:.
let me just start this by saying i don't really buy into conspiracy theories, but sometimes they seem to make sense, i suppose that's the point of them.
all this business with edward snowden seems to add a little more weight to certain conspiracy theories.
Isn't there a president of the WTS? Someone who runs the business side of things?
i'd just like the opions of some of the more clear thinking member on this please:.
let me just start this by saying i don't really buy into conspiracy theories, but sometimes they seem to make sense, i suppose that's the point of them.
all this business with edward snowden seems to add a little more weight to certain conspiracy theories.
Thanks Cofty, I've read a lot of your posts and respect your opinion.
i'd just like the opions of some of the more clear thinking member on this please:.
let me just start this by saying i don't really buy into conspiracy theories, but sometimes they seem to make sense, i suppose that's the point of them.
all this business with edward snowden seems to add a little more weight to certain conspiracy theories.
Thanks for all the replies. Cofty - What's your opion on the subliminal images that are in so many of the WTS publications?
i struggled with this question before i got baptised.
what helped you to overcome any doubts?.
" hiding pedophilia"
I hope someone on this forum can show you that the gb are just as guilty of this as the catholics.