Dude trust me drugs are NOT the answer to anything. When I was about 15 a friend and I started to dabble with weed, LSD, cocain, ecstacy and speed. Over the years we used all those drugs very heavily, We ended up wanting a "Better buzz" and tried crack. We messed around with that for a while and both got in a pretty bad way. I ended up in rehab 5 times before I was 30 due to drugs and alcohol. Once after a binge on alcohol, cocain and ecstacy a friend found me unconscious choking on my own vomit, I was lucky someone was there otherwise I'd be dead, and all because I wanted to feel good for a few hours. I ended up getting off the drugs and the drink, But I've been left with pretty bad mental health problems, for which I'll spend the rest of my life on medication, just because I wanted to feel good for a few hours.
My friend just couldn't/didn't want to stop, he started suffering real bad paranoia, then he was hearing voices and seeing things, his come downs after a drug binge became a living hell. One day he was at some house doing drugs all night and the next morning he had a really bad come down, he was in a real bad way so I was told. Anyway someone at the house had some heroin and offerd him some, assuring him it would calm him down and make everything alright. He took the heroin, then he started making it a regular thing after long drug binges on coke and ecstacy. 3 years later he injected some bad heroin and died, I really miss him but he just couldn't stop.
Take it from me, you're only dabbling with drugs now to help you cope. But it WILL soon become the onlything that gets you through the day, you'll be taking drugs just so you can face going to the shops. Once they get a hold of you you'll want more of a buzz and start taking more, and then you'll start trying harder drugs. You will find yourself tangled in a web of you're own making, and life will feel 100 times harder than it is now. But by that point you'll be faced with a coice, do I continue or do I stop taking the only things that are making me feel better about life. Trust me, not many people return from that ride. Please just stop the drugs now.