Blondie the Elder is telling people my dad is trying to kill him. My parents live on a parcel with three partners, a horrible investment venture that's been a living hell! Last year my Mom's brother called her threatening to kill her and my younger brother, she called 911 and soon the police showed up with AR-15s waiting for my Uncle to arrive with his guns as promised. We did not know who the caller was until 911 traced the call to my Uncle's house and arrested him when he said. The Police had to threaten Uncle Jaundice because he told the police officer "I don't have to give you this information!" or provide you his address or phone number. The Police said "If you call him and tip him off, we will arrests you for obstruction! Uncle Jaundice and Cruella were angry and hated mom even more for this, they felt grandma who heard my Uncle threaten to kill Mom should lie because this Uncle was only drunk and harmless! The police had to threaten Jaudice because he would not cooperate and after the police telling he was morally obligated and threaten him, he finally gave him the address of this nasty Uncle. My Uncle would eventually get charged with a Felony and eventually he died before the case was examined, he was very sick at the end.
It's funny because when the police showed up to his house with backup, he yelled "What are you doing here, I did not threaten to kill my sister!" that's when the police officers said "How did you know why we are here!" Uncle said "I did not mean it, I was messing with her and soon found himself in jail until Uncle Jaundice and Aunt Cruella bailed him out!
More issues at the root of this is greed, Cruella and Jaundice want out of their real estate partnership we did as a three-way nightmare mess. The contract is horrible, the person who designed the contract had the most noble ideas and thought that three JW families could live in peace, this changed after Mom designed Crulla's house and Cruella refused to pay Mom for all her hard work! They started to hate mom because they owed our family money!
Aunt Cruella and Uncle Jaundice want out of the real estate partnership just as much as we do except they built additional square feet (allowed 1200, they lied and pumped it out to 2200 square feet and never told the Tax accessor they add more square feet (another $20k in school fees!).
Why are the police here, Uncle Jaundice is telling people my dad is trying to kill him, he said my dad who is not a mechanic or car smart has been destroying their property which is not true. Dad called 911 to tell them that Jaundice is telling people Dad is trying to kill them because he did not want that unchallenged and wanted a document and proof that this Elder is lying through his teeth. The reason there is so much hatred is my mother told the Organization because another elder called her seven years ago and said "Hey D, this Elder in SM just confessed to three elders he sexually assaulted your wife!i The Police were called to let them know that we know the lies their telling and if something happen's to this freak, we have proof we were no place near him or wanted nothing to do with this coward and bully of abused women!
Aunt Cruella said that "this pedophile does more good that you, your a loser and brought down a man who was making progress in Jehovah's Organization unlike your depressed fat-ass! Aunt Cruella and Uncle Jaundice are enraged my mom told the Watchtower Society that this elder molested her while he was a Bethelite on vacation and continued this horrible conduct. My parents were wrong to keep this secret so long but they thought that the Elder was doing so many good works "Jehovah is blessing him and cursing mom because she has severe depression and even had to take a "time-out" at the hospital from all the stress these JWs inflicted upon her!
Should he have called the police to let them know that Aunt Cruella and Uncle Jaundice are spreading lies, saying dad is cutting their break-cables, pins from the steering column and kicking their car in with dents and even keying it?