JoinedPosts by ReligionOfHatred
Paso Robles man sentenced to 6 years in child porn case
by truthseekeriam inby patrick s. pemberton.
ppemberton@thetribunenews.comseptember 16, 2015 updated 49 minutes ago.
How to evade questions from elders when you stop going out door to door
by Olivia Wilde indue to circumstances right now i cannot leave permanently the watchtower, however i need honest advice of what to say when elders question me how come im not meeting the group out for door to door & going out in " field service"... what would be proper responses not to draw suspicions since i'm aware of ttatt.. .any serious advice please...
This works for so many of the Elders who can't go door-to-door and still get hours(ghost field service)some how.
"I am battling personal anxiety and problems I really don't want to share with you now. When I come to terms with "non-specific, be vague" my emotions than lets get ready for me to come back full steam ahead!" That works, many of the brothers and sisters are taking antidepressants, xanax, valium and other Benzo's because their burned out and stressed out like Hell! You don't owe them any reason beyond "anxiety or stress", many elders can go in to stasis without losing their position, peace be with you!
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Where is the MONEY REALLY GOING? -- Special Assembly Days, etc
by EyeDrEvil ini have always wondered why it cost so much to "rent" the space used for local special assembly days and circuit assemblies.... in our case, the society built a large assembly hall, on donated farm land (= free), in the middle of some corn fields 20 miles outside of columbus, ohio... the property has a couple of apartments where some of the travelling overseers live, who help with the upkeep of the building.
cleaning the building was taken care of because of our "privilege" to go out the day before the assembly to get it in good shape (free housekeeping and maintenance work).. so, the society owns the building.
it was built on free land.
Where is the money going? Its helping all the Refugees find homes, get food and make the Watchtower look like they actually care about their fellow human beings, that's why things are so expensive, their helping the needy and being a great neighbor for all to see their good deeds, right?Link +1 / -0 -
Where is the MONEY REALLY GOING? -- Special Assembly Days, etc
by EyeDrEvil ini have always wondered why it cost so much to "rent" the space used for local special assembly days and circuit assemblies.... in our case, the society built a large assembly hall, on donated farm land (= free), in the middle of some corn fields 20 miles outside of columbus, ohio... the property has a couple of apartments where some of the travelling overseers live, who help with the upkeep of the building.
cleaning the building was taken care of because of our "privilege" to go out the day before the assembly to get it in good shape (free housekeeping and maintenance work).. so, the society owns the building.
it was built on free land.
Hey All, looks like we had a rough rate of inflation since 2005 with Oil near $100 a barrell, other costs greatly reduced as a side effect of price deflation, yet the Special One Day are up $5000 from 2005, that's almost a 80% increase. What you need to realize is when I was doing the Auditing Work and helping with these One Day Brag-A-thons, they were not getting no where near the amount they were screaming for.
It's a financial fund raising trick as old as the Hills, they ask for $11,600 and perhaps they get $5600 to $7000 hitting the internal targets they figured would pay for all their large donations they promised the Friends would make!
Watchtower Double Talk September 15, 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inis this double talk or is it just me?
it's a comment in the sept 15, 2015 wt about higher education:.
11 today, we are blessed with much knowledge of jehovahs works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.
Level when do you think this took place, I hear people debate it happened during the 1990s, do you have any theories when Jehovah and Jesus Christ decided they had the GB tried to equate themselves with Jesus or grab Jehovah's power? It's obvious they crossed boundaries from a semblance of love and truth, back to hate! They are getting a reputation in the Media hatred, they hate faders, hate ex-JWs that won't tolerate false teachings, they hate Christendom, they hate Babylon Members(I use their terms) and back to the way they treat people living it, their sick in the head! I am interested if anyone has ideas that feel the Holy Spirit was removed just like Mad Drunk King Saul, thank you!
I know others here don't believe they ever had it or God exists, but what about people who think they did have some chance to please Jehovah, when do you think he pulled the "trap door" and sent them flying in to a room of thorny litigation plus allowed Satan full access to their entire operations?
Extreme emotions re today's watchtower
by Tornintwo ini was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
New International Version
But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48Be Ready for Service
…47"And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, 48but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.Biblehub
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Extreme emotions re today's watchtower
by Tornintwo ini was supposed to attend the meeting today, one of my once a month duties for the sake of my family and my fade.
i read the wt and i just can't stomach going.... what this wt does is again and again reiterate that only jws will survive the coming destruction and that they should be happy about this and raise ourselves
we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true christianity.
Marvin Shillmer has the Royal Commission where the GB Member says:
"When asked Do you believe Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body is the "faithful slave"? I recommend replying with:
I agree with Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson. The Governing Body views itself as trying to fulfill the role of the biblical 'faithful slave,' but it would be presumptuous to say the Governing Body is the only spokesperson that God is using. I don't see any sense in speculating beyond this. Do you?
1. Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex"
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Watchtower Double Talk September 15, 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inis this double talk or is it just me?
it's a comment in the sept 15, 2015 wt about higher education:.
11 today, we are blessed with much knowledge of jehovahs works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.
11 Today, we are blessed with much knowledge of Jehovah’s works of creation and the outworking of his purpose. The world promotes higher education and advanced learning. Yet, the experience of many shows that pursuing such things often leads to loss of faith and loss of love for God. The Bible, however, urges us not only to love knowledge but also to acquire wisdom and understanding. That means to learn how to use the knowledge that God has given us so that we can benefit ourselves and others."
Sadly the light displayed by the older Witnesses is dying off or their leaving because they see Jehovah has left the Organization. We were the last generation to see the Organization's better side, now their heading full steam to the to the Dark Side jumping head first towards Hell! Jehovah has the right to abandon anyone, if he decide's men and women denying his number one requirements of love has been rejected by a haughty group of people so full of their own self-righteous and bitterness, kids can see it.
Their leaving in droves even without experiencing a secular education, they can see the duplicity and prevarication from their elders and leaders, is that why the Organization is terrified of the Internet?
The New Ministry of sitting next to a cart of razor thin literature won't help change the direction of the Holy Spirit. Instead of the good name the Organization use to have of "They know the Bible", "They love one another", "They help one another", "They live by God's rules and obey the Bible" people are seeing through them, the Pedophile lawsuits were a symptom that's been plaguing the Body since 1975. They mock God and Jesus, oh course he can pull his Holy Spirit away from them just like he did to Israel, what make's them think he's got a binding contract or their exclusive?
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Watchtower Double Talk September 15, 2015
by LevelThePlayingField inis this double talk or is it just me?
it's a comment in the sept 15, 2015 wt about higher education:.
11 today, we are blessed with much knowledge of jehovahs works of creation and the outworking of his purpose.
11 Today, we are blessed with much knowledge of Jehovah’s works of creation and the outworking of his purpose. The world promotes higher education and advanced learning. Yet, the experience of many shows that pursuing such things often leads to loss of faith and loss of love for God. The Bible, however, urges us not only to love knowledge but also to acquire wisdom and understanding. That means to learn how to use the knowledge that God has given us so that we can benefit ourselves and others."
Jehovah's Witnesses do not like answering unscripted questions, we saw how Brother Jackson answered his chance to show the World that "The Watchtower and Governing Body Leaders are the only true channel on Earth", instead of telling the judge and World when asked "Do you believe the Jehovah's Witnesses are the only correct religion", Governing Body member Jackson said "No, that would be presumptuous to believe we are God's only way to speak with humanity!" Do they think kids attending University would not catch that, they had a chance just as Jesus Christ did when the Religious Leaders made him say "I am the Son of God" even though he knew they were going to kill him. How come the Governing Body did not confess they are the only way to God and how come they did not?
Do you realize how easy its becoming for Jehovah's Witnesses to defraud one another? Before in the Past, Jehovah's Witnesses were afraid to steal from their own members, this was Taboo! Now look its like second-nature for members to committee unspeakable theft upon each other. When JW Families of Elders are stealing from each other, when JWs refuse to obey the Law, how can they assume that kids attending University, trained to spot lies and fallacies won't see this?
Again I repeat, tis becoming so easy for members of the Kingdom Hall to lie, cheat and steal from people "we will die for our brothers because of our love!" They will die yet steal from them, does not make sense to thinking children and teens, they see through the deception! Since the Internet has made all Past Publications available, we can see what was written plus weigh whether they are False Prophets and Doomsday Cult mongers or Truth Seekers, what do the facts say about the Watchtower's constant claim "The End is Near, Don't Save for Retirement, Don't Work or Worry about Material things because we at Bethel are taken care of, you don't have to worry because Satan's World will pay your way!
Why are kids able to attend Universities and remain in their faith, many don't follow a Cult that's been broadcasting "The End of the World will Come in 1874, 1896, 1914, 1917-1919, 1920, 1922, 1925 and finally the GRAND FINALE WAS IN 1975!
"Stay Alive Till 1975!" How is getting your hopes up high that God is coming to rid the Earth of wickedness only to have shredded when the Watchtower change's their definition of common words used by scholars for Centuries, it's the fraud that wakes up kids!
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Another Kim Davis inspired self-invented "gay issue"
by Simon inwhat is it about some of these self proclaimed "christians" who go seeking persecution when it don't exist?.
we've had a case locally in calgary where the initial reports sounded like the person had a legitimate claim: a bus driver didn't want to drive the bus in a gay pride parade and said he'd resign if they made him and that the local transit company was threatening him to force him to do it.. except it was all invented ... by him !.
they already proactively told him that there was no danger that he would be asked to drive that bus in the parade (i.e.
Hi Kaik, great posts and ideas I have a different view though, its healthy to disagree right? I agree with you that large Churches were a terrible hinderance during the HIV Epidemic, instead of applying the rules of the Master, they used their true Master's attack on the Homosexual Community by attacking those with HIV and AIDs, they did such a injustice and now Kim Davis is rearing hatred's ugly head' above all common decency.
You are a well spoken and educated writer, I've read many of your posts and enjoy your candid nature and fearlessness attacking ideas you know are specious! When Hitler met with Stalin he presented him all of Nietzsche's works while sharing the concept of "Superman", Superman's applied ideas happened by Hitler throughout Europe while the Masses sat back and did nothing to stop. There were pockets of resistance, church members executed (Including Bible Students, they can be proud of their heritage when they resisted Hitler vs Rutherford's stupid ass-kissing attempt by attacking the Churches and Jews, Rutherford was Satanic too!" The Bible Students can still be decent even if their leader turned wicked) as well as agnostics, atheists have fought hard against oppressive regimes! In China and Russia they were fighting destructive governments throughout the World, Good People stand up eventually I think?
Christian and Agnostics, each group was sickened by Hitler's large scale operation to hurt the weakest members along with racial hatred!
Hitler's works prove he was not a Christian, we can all make claim's about what we are but our actions demonstrate the proverbial "wicked tree" producing "rotten fruit-age". Logically how can anyone infer Hitler had anything to do with the real Jesus, he no more in common with Jesus these fools on this video below! That's why I said "If you stop calling Kim Davis (West-borough Hatred) Christian true Christians will stop the "Hitler Atheist Debate", let's just say Hitler was a freak, he betrayed both Darwin and Jesus Christ's plus the Moral atheist's view of life, Hitler was human excrement, can we agree with that? Even Fox News can do decent actions when attacking Satanic Abominations by the West-borough Church!
Is Kim Davis more like Jesus or the Westbourgh Church of Hatred?