GOrwell... you need to go to specsavers!
And...really?? skirst to move... OMG JWs really live in their own little world!
GOrwell... you need to go to specsavers!
And...really?? skirst to move... OMG JWs really live in their own little world!
only one is a guy...a mini serve .
one is a reg pioneer.... all are actually pretty key to my biz....three have been there over 20 years (ya...i am a great boss!!!).
how much pressure are they going to get to quit working for me???.
Oompa, reading your post made me sooo MAD! Grrrr... is still hard to believe this bastards have so much control over people's life! telling someone 6 months is a "reasonable" time to quit just because someone else does not agree w their beliefs is BS!!!
The borg has the guts to tell someone to quit their job but they won't help a member of their church financially because "they are not like the other churches"! of course they are not, because they don't give a crap if you don't have food to put in your family's table as long as you do what they say!! grrrr!! makes me so upset!! and... BREATHE... ::walking away to take some fresh air::
satan comes as a angel of light.. when i left the borg and things were going bad for me,.
my sister would tell me (jw) come back.
problem because you left jehovah and his organization.. ok, over the years my life have change drammatically.. a marriage that was doom from the start, a wife that.
Let's see.... while i was inside the borg i was always crying and depressed, felt "not good enough" and was in constant fear of offending Jah because of my doubts... since i left... I have been promoted (twice) doubled my income, traveled the world (on really nice vacations) and have more trips planned.... bought a house and got two litte dogs that make my life complete (i couldnt get dogs before because i HAD to be out in service and taking care of those dogs was going to make me "weak in the truth")... so in a nutshell... the JWs can kiss my @$$
it's from the jwtalk.net (the jdub forum).
the name of the topic is "bethel volunteers?":.
dub1: it was announced at our meeting last night volunteers for bethel in nyc.
Lost-in-translation= Like someone said before... is all about the $$$... in my old congregation they gave privileges to a brother that had been baptize for a little over 5 months.... they said he was always spiritual and Jehovah needed him... (ppppllllleeeeaaaasssseee)
friday at 4pm pacific is probably not the best time for this.
but what the hell...trying to kill the last hour of work here.. in my years as a dub and before i faded about 8 years ago i recall private bible reading was regularly encouraged by the org.. there was the weekly bible reading schedules to keep up on, remember it being repeated in publications the importance of reading your bible, and then the bethelite stories i heard where you were required to read the entire bible.. so, do they they still stress it as much as they used to?
they are increasingly placing the governing body as the ultimate authority, squeezing out jehovah and jesus, and stressing that you need the gb's publications to properly understand the bible.. based on that, wouldn't encouraging personal bible reading suggest you can understand it on your own and detract from their brain-numbing publications?.
Unshackled- I havent being to the KH in a long time, but for what my JW friends tell me and i have alway known, they said read the bible but you must use the WT publications to be able to understand the message... i know tht for family study nite they are telling people to chose whatever subject is convenient for their family or their area, so bible reading is one of the options.. like i said before, only THEIR bible and w THEIR publications...
friday at 4pm pacific is probably not the best time for this.
but what the hell...trying to kill the last hour of work here.. in my years as a dub and before i faded about 8 years ago i recall private bible reading was regularly encouraged by the org.. there was the weekly bible reading schedules to keep up on, remember it being repeated in publications the importance of reading your bible, and then the bethelite stories i heard where you were required to read the entire bible.. so, do they they still stress it as much as they used to?
they are increasingly placing the governing body as the ultimate authority, squeezing out jehovah and jesus, and stressing that you need the gb's publications to properly understand the bible.. based on that, wouldn't encouraging personal bible reading suggest you can understand it on your own and detract from their brain-numbing publications?.
yes they are... actually one of the reason they took away the book study meeting is to encourage people to do more personal study, including reading the bible... funny thing is, the only bible you can read is the one they print... anything else is WRONG!! (yeah ritteee)
i would practice the pretend ringing the doorbell... never actually knock unless i was w an older sister who would rat me out...
7 jean-claude, in the central african.
republic, is a married elder with.
three children.
Rocky_Girl... you read my mind!! that seems more like what they REALLY mean!!
i had a friend in the borg that i love and miss (the only one i miss for real) she got married and because she begged me to atttend her wedding i showed up after a loooong time at the kh (that was october 2010, never went back!
just for her i went that one time!
well, even though i faded and have almost zero communication w the jws every once in a while we exchage emails, typicall "i miss you" "take care" and "how's your life" kind of stuff.. she is respectful of my decision and never asks to many questions, but i make sure i always let her know i am ok and happy... so, this past weekend i emailed her just to say hello, i check my email today and have this..... "i think about you all the time too free!!.
fade_away... hahhaha!! hello cuz.. you n the wifey are a bad influence!!! hehehehehe
i had a friend in the borg that i love and miss (the only one i miss for real) she got married and because she begged me to atttend her wedding i showed up after a loooong time at the kh (that was october 2010, never went back!
just for her i went that one time!
well, even though i faded and have almost zero communication w the jws every once in a while we exchage emails, typicall "i miss you" "take care" and "how's your life" kind of stuff.. she is respectful of my decision and never asks to many questions, but i make sure i always let her know i am ok and happy... so, this past weekend i emailed her just to say hello, i check my email today and have this..... "i think about you all the time too free!!.
This was my reply:
Do not worry about me… there is nothing going bad with my life, I can assure you of that… I have not cried or being depress in a long time… I just bought a house, I am doing well at work, and traveling and I have my babies (my dogs).
I still have morals and respect myself , the Bible taught me to be honest to myself, and not he a hypocrite, I do not believe in faking my desire to be in the congregation…. For now, even thought I miss you and some of my friends, I am happy taking this time for myself and taking the pressures off my shoulders… again I love you very much… I do not expect you to understand or agree with my decision, but I expect you to respect it….. and I am pretty sure you will… take care, and remember I am always here to listen… never to judge.. love you!!