Well Cedars the issues in Ireland always seemed to be more the just sectarian...Seems like the Irish had their own language and culture that the English worked very hard to destroy. You always tend to take the Royal English line of thinking so I understand why you would want to paint it that way.
Posts by Diest
The Flaklands belong to Uruguay!
by Splash in(oops!
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
The Flaklands belong to Uruguay!
by Splash in(oops!
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
No I dont think the Britts are oppressing them Charlie....but you knew that. The Falkland Islands are a fun topic for the English because it is one of the few times they were not in the wrong.
Never saw how Ireland was below the belt.
The Flaklands belong to Uruguay!
by Splash in(oops!
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
Well Cedars you were the one who said it was 'below the belt." Do the Brits have some sort of analogy belt that I was unaware of?
I think that the people of the Falklands have the right to self determination. I also think the Enligsh were oppresive jerks who did not care about self determination until it suited them.
The Flaklands belong to Uruguay!
by Splash in(oops!
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
Why is N. Ireland below the belt? The English's dealings with Ireland were pretty shitty overall.
To circumcise or not to circumcise?
by srd inhere's a good one for you, looking at gen 17 and paul's subversive interpretive practices.
"Anything that encourages people to be less like animals is a good thing in my book. Perhaps circumcision doesn't go far enough."
I hope you are joking....otherwise you are just a sanctimonious duche bag.
Newbie Again (Kinda Sorta)
by lostinnj83 ini made my first post (which i have attached) more than 2.5 years ago.. sad to say i am still in the same situation.
still "physically in" but have mentally been gone for years.
i am still in my marriage and unfortunatly things have not gotten any better as far as me being able to help him see the light as far as the organization.. i am at a serious crossroad though because i am almost 30 years old, with no children.
Make a break for it. 30 is still very young. Rasing a child as a JW is child abuse so having a child that will be raised as a JW is a no go. This is not an easy path, but those are my 2 cents.
My Story - The story of Struggle in the midst of Civil War
by His Excellency inmy first glimpse into the horror and beauty that lurk uneasily in the human heart came in the mid 1980s.
i was born in 1987 at a time when my natal town- a population of 2 000 000 was in the midst of one the most brutal civil war in the history of the continent.. thinking back, i am amazed that wars terrifying images have since taken on a somewhat muted quality.
it requires sustained effort to recall the dread, the pangs of hunger, the crackle of gunfire that once made my heart pound.
Very interesting, and very well written.
Can Someone please help me find this book called: The Wind Demon Within Me????
by I_love_Jeff inhttp://www.amazon.com/the-wind-demon-within-possession/dp/1438929994/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=utf8&qid=1359675377&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=wind+demon+mercedes.
i understand it is out of print but surely someone must have a copy i can buy!
Any book that i out of print but on google books or something like thatcan now be printed by Espresso Book Machines. There are only like 70 in the country. We have one here in Denver http://www.tatteredcover.com/printondemand. I am sure they would print one for you and send it to you. Not sure of the price so just call them.
The Flaklands belong to Uruguay!
by Splash in(oops!
should read 'falklands' of course!).
who's going to be the next ones to claim them?.
This thread is ok but I really think the Quebec thread is crushing you. Perhaps a little more mutual shit talking is need. Emilie do you have any more Argentine Tango Dancers who will join JWN to fight with the Waltzing Brits?
A JW got checked in my congo
by XPeterX inthe announcement was something like "[name] got checked".well if he ain't got df'ed then what does this mean?is it based on the bible?where does this policy come from?how is the rest of the congregation supposed to behave to that person in a situation like this?what happened in the background anyway?is he checked for a period of time or what?any restrictions?.
Dont worry about it Peter. The jokes are not about you and your translation of Marked. It is really about mocking the stupidity of the WTS. Dont take it personally. We are glad to have you here.