I personally dont believe in hiding my past. I am very honest that I am a former JW and that they are bat-shit crazy. Why hide what you have overcome? To me it is great to say i was raised in a cult, but I left that shit behind. To me it is a badge of honor to be a former JW. Most people are impressed when you tell them about the adversity that you overcame.
Posts by Diest
Can't be myself
by StephaneLaliberte in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:trackmoves /> <w:trackformatting /> <w:hyphenationzone>21</w:hyphenationzone> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:donotpromoteqf /> <w:lidthemeother>fr</w:lidthemeother> <w:lidthemeasian>x-none</w:lidthemeasian> <w:lidthemecomplexscript>x-none</w:lidthemecomplexscript> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> <w:splitpgbreakandparamark /> <w:dontvertaligncellwithsp /> <w:dontbreakconstrainedforcedtables /> <w:dontvertalignintxbx /> <w:word11kerningpairs /> <w:cachedcolbalance /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> <m:mathpr> <m:mathfont m:val="cambria math" /> <m:brkbin m:val="before" /> <m:brkbinsub m:val="--" /> <m:smallfrac m:val="off" /> <m:dispdef /> <m:lmargin m:val="0" /> <m:rmargin m:val="0" /> <m:defjc m:val="centergroup" /> <m:wrapindent m:val="1440" /> <m:intlim m:val="subsup" /> <m:narylim m:val="undovr" /> </m:mathpr></w:worddocument> </xml><!
[endif]i had a diner with the neighbors... they don't know i'm a jw cause i don't tell people anymore about it.
somehow, the topic of cults came up and one of my neighbors said that the jw require 10% of their income to go to the church.
For those who still beleive in a God
by Kool Jo infor those who still beleive in a god...does he answer prayers or does he choose who to answer?.
I had a good conversation with my friend about this. She grew up in the south, and was very poor. She would take the church bus to church on sunday and sit in sunday school. She was a smart 8 year old and would ask how they could melt the gold for the golden calf if they were in the desert. They told her how much God looked after her and how Jesus cared about her. She remembered thinking, Jesus didnt care that I have not eaten for the 3 days. No animocity, just a very mater of fact thought from a 8 year old girl.
My life was never so tough, but when I prayed I cant think of a time that I got an answer.
Valedictorian Rips Up Preapproved Speech, Recites Prayer Instead
by Sam Whiskey inreally proud of this young man for his speech.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nir4zbz18e.
Where is the part where he ripped it up? His speach was unimpressive and I think it might be taken from someone else.
Wallkill is it a Commune?
by PaintedToeNail inafter reading how many people live at the wallkill facility, it made me ask the above question.
after looking up what 'commune' meant in secular sources, it seems that wallkill has all the hallmarks necessary to actually be a commune.
meals complete with assigned seats and required attendance, dress requirements, wake up times, music and tv restrictions, work assignments, heirarchy making all decisions, no money being earned by the workers, the vow of poverty.....
I always thought of communes as self supporting. They get their money from outside sources. Granted you could say that the money they recieve was purchasing the fine literature they print.
IF you believe in the bible.....Jesus was born in Isreal to Jewish Parents. So even with divine intervetion he still came from his mother therefore he is a Jew. He also knew the law and talked about it, so I would think he is a Hebrew.
As to what is hidden from mankind....Ask yourself why people didnt write things down about him till well after his death (Josephus bore 4 years after Jesus died and therefore really would not have written much down till well past 20 years after his death). The 'Gospels' were all written 40 or so years after he died according to bible scholars, and we have no actual copies until 150 CE. (Makes the 70CE temple prophecy rather unimpressive.)
marrying younger spouses
by ssn587 inmy wife passed away 2 years ago we had been married over 30 years, i have since remarried and my new wife is younger than 3 of my children from my first marriage.
i just wondering if there are any more like me out there.
i stay in excellent shape for my age, work out almost daily eat good and have absolutely no medical problems or at least none i can do anything about, bad knees, but my vitals are excellent, and i am known as the teenage because of them when i have my yearly medical checkup.. so was wondering if there are others out there like me, and what some may think about it, just for the record i am extremely happy once again, and we have a 18 month boy who delights me, have a whole new outlook on fatherhood and child raising.
Well the moral to this thread is.....there are several ideas and none of the agree fully. So do what you want.
YHWH v YHVH - yes, V not W
by *lost* ingod's real name and identity yhvh.
yhwh - fraudulent identity.. .
can we all sue wt for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ??
I honestly dont think that this will be the information that will break the damn. Which would blow a JWs mind more: They messed up a v and a w, or Jehovah was just a construct of Canonite gods and that he was not the only god of Isreal until aboutn 600 BC?
If they are not bothered by the Jehovah/Yahweh issue, why then would they be botherd by YHWH v YHVH?
YHWH v YHVH - yes, V not W
by *lost* ingod's real name and identity yhvh.
yhwh - fraudulent identity.. .
can we all sue wt for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ??
Well it is honestly not a big point because it is well known that transliterated letters are not always right and should be considered and aproximation. Case in point look at China. The city of Peking had that name in English for years. Then it was later changed to Beijing. Did the city's name change? No a better aproximation was made for the name of ?? . Yahweh, Jehovah, etc are all aproximations for a word that we dont know how to say.
I understand your excitement for this topic and I hope you can understand why it might seem nit-picky. I go back to my earlier post about the origin of Yahweh and his many names, and have to think that is a more salient topic.
Freeminds 2.0 has launched
by Dogpatch intoday we are launching freeminds2.org.
this is stage 3 of a three part project spanning over 30 years since i left watchtower headquarters in 1980 and gave the 18 members of the then-governing body, including president nathan knorr and vice-president frederick w. franz.. the new site will be more blog/news oriented (and updated more often with articles, blogs and videos almost daily).. all of our previous sites, such as armageddonokies.com and watchtowerworld.org, randytv.com, exjws.net, and others will be incorporated into the previous freeminds site, which is currently being revised and converted from its joomla-based format to this wordpress format.
i am sure you will find it much easier to search for words, people, articles, and subject very easy.
Randy a lot of heavy computer users are starting to use stand up desks, or desks that can be positioned to stand as well as sit.
YHWH v YHVH - yes, V not W
by *lost* ingod's real name and identity yhvh.
yhwh - fraudulent identity.. .
can we all sue wt for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ??
Lost here is a brief video about Yahweh just being the war god and a member of the Pantheon of the cannite gods. He was not chosen as the 'God' until babylonian captivity. It makes sense that a country that was positioned as a path inbetween 3 major power regions (Egypt, Greece, Persia/Babylon) would eventually turn to a war god. The Isrealites always blame the world powers taking them over because of a lack of faith in Jehovah. But if you think about it, it is more likely that they were just the Poland of the middle east and therefore easy to capture.
This video is based of of the book, A History of God by Karen Armstong
Here is a PBS video that goes into differnt aspects of the same theory that the bible was not in its current form until the Babylonian Captivity.
Click on the picture and the video will play, it is almost 2hrs long so be prepared.