God's real name and identity YHVH
YHWH - fraudulent identity.
Can we all sue WT for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ???
by *lost* 150 Replies latest watchtower bible
God's real name and identity YHVH
YHWH - fraudulent identity.
Can we all sue WT for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ???
The Herew Name for God YHVH
the name as revealed in the Tanakh.
YHVH is the personal name of God.
This is the Ineffable Name or Unutterable Name of the God of Israel.
Because it is composed from the 4 Hebrew letters Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey it also referred to as the Tetragrammatron.
Which simply means '' the 4 letters''
Moses asked for gods name. Ex 3v14. God simply answered Moses '' ehyeh - asher - ehyeh. ...... I AM THAT I AM
(hayah: '' I will be'' ) indicates a connection between the Nmae YHVH and BEING ITSELF.
YHVH is the SOURCE of all being and HAS being being inherent in HIMSELF (ie. He is necessary Being )
ELOHIM is the Name given for God as the creator of the universe (Gen1:1-2:4a)
YHVH on the other hand, expresses the idea of Gods closeness to humans.
for example
YHVH ''breathed into his (Adam's) nostrils the breath of life'' (Gen2:7)
YHVH is how they pronounce it in Sweden.
ROP - thank you
I have many Jewish friends and read a lot of Jewish understanding of God. From my background, I do not see connection to humans with "I AM WHAT I AM." Judaism's main theme is that God is never human. Humans cannot conceive of God. Our language cannot begin to describe God. Paul writes of groanings when expressing God.
Of course, Judaism believes God interacts with the Jewish nation in a special manner. This is why it is so hard to convert. It is a radically different mind set from Christianity.
I began to realize most of the above when researching notions of Christology and mesianic theory in college. Christians find it hard to read the OT with accuracy b/c we are so blinded by Christian culture. Our prof told us to write 3 adjectives to describe Jesus very quickly. We had all just taken the main NT course. I was stumped. The contrast between my gut JW beliefs and the text of the NT was so great. I was paralyzed. As we shared around the room, every Christian did not actually write a single adjective that was in the NT. We all filtered it through our beliefs. Two Orthodox Jewish men, though, were quickly able to write three adjectives accurately described Jesus in the NT.
What I ponder is why a God who refuses to name himself with "I AM WHAT I AM" could be called Yahweh or Jehovah at the same time. God could have just said, "Jehoover is my name." Many Jews refuse to write "God." They write, "G-d."
Band - I have more to put up that will go someway to shining light on what you have said there.
I'm sharing as I'm researching it. So, bit slow, sorry, lol
As far as I can ascertain so far THERE IS NO YAWEH, THERE IS NO JEHOVAH ... YHVH is the truth YHWH is counterfeit.
(fraud) BS like. As you go through it bit by bit it will become more obvious ( disclaimer - not a professor here, so if I make any mistakes I would be grateful to be corrected, nicely )
Yes, there is no way to pronounce it.
It is not about a name as in a label, it is the essence, the meaning, the ethos.
You ever see in baby naming books - the names had meaning.
I'll type up a bit more now.
edit: I wish I could of had chat about this months ago, it would of c=saved me a lot of head-wrecking. Such an eye opener.
''You want to know my name ?
i am called according to my actions.
When I judge the creatures I am ELOHIM
and when I have mercy with My world,
I am named YHVH (Exodus Rabbah 3:6)
ELOHIM is the Name given for God as the creator of the universe (Gen1:1-2:4a)
YHVH = Gods closeness to humans.
Qere [what is to be read] as opposed to Ketiv [what is to be written].
The Hebrew text, then, contains the Ketiv but uses the vowels of the Qere and this has led to the obviously incorrect pronunciation of the name as ''Jehovah'' ( in older english ''J'' had a ''Y'' sound)
thanks to the Masoretes.
Yahwe, yahoveh, Yahveh - are also incorrect.
There is no ''W'' sound in Hebrew.
Since ancient hebrew did not use any vowel markings, the actual pronunciation of the SACRED NAME is simply not known.
In ancient Temple times. only the Kohen Gadol (high priest) would utter the Name during Yom Kippur (Yoma 39b)
In Hebrew the SACRED NAME is called Shem HaMeforash, ''the ineffable name''.
Mystical specualtion about the Name found in kabbalistic literature.
Jewish tradition, pretend to ''truly'' understand the phonetics of the SACRED NAME and after to ''restore it'' to those of us willing to be initiated into their SECRET KNOWLEDGE.
LANGUAGE - is about MEANING, not about technique.
Consider the search for a conjunction of the SACRED NAME to be a form of gnostic occultism, symptomatic if people who elevate spiritual technique and 'acabracadabra' above the shared meaning of the ''presence of god''
Moreover, such conjuration is a sign of unbelief,
since once you understand the Namae, the words you use to express it are incidental.
the words you use to express your awe will always be limited and seem inadequate.
Where did you find this? Very interesting. It's something I could show my husband.