Your brother is going to get an ulcer or worst cancer if he doesn't stop the hatred!
JoinedPosts by Bella15
Confusedandalone is in need of a name change
by confusedandalone inhey everyone, i want to apologize for not rtesponding to a number of messages i recieved over the last month or so.
i took a break as suggested by someone else to try and sort things out and clear my head.
my wife has been reading alot on here and kept me updated on all the fun that has been going on!.
Can one find God without studying the Bible?
by Dis-Member ini don't recall jesus ever once telling people that they should even read the bible to find god.. he said nothing about 'taking in knowledge' either.. .
he didn't encourage people to read the bible because 90% of people in his day couldn't read!
the bible was not read by most people, it was -heard- when someone else read it aloud.
"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."
Within the Christian faith - the oral found its way to the written word ... a collection of books like the bible it was necessary for future generations to also find the MESSIAH!!!!!
Child Molester dies and has a chance of resurrection
by Quarterback inrecently, in our community, a well known child molester died of old age complications.
his victims were jw's who have had to bear those horrible memories.
they are strong, and very faithful as to jw standards.
Oh Lord! Blondie ,,, I just read your WT quotes ... here is the WTC again with their favorite words "IMPLY" "REASONABLE" "IT APPEARS" .... LOL!
Actually, GOD protected CAIN ...
Child Molester dies and has a chance of resurrection
by Quarterback inrecently, in our community, a well known child molester died of old age complications.
his victims were jw's who have had to bear those horrible memories.
they are strong, and very faithful as to jw standards.
We all going to have a JUDGEMENT once.
In general, the people on this forum have a poor outlook spiritually speaking.
by Stand for Pure Worship inso i waz reading the august 15 wt study article, elisha saw fiery chariots, do you?
and it made me think about this forum.
if you remember, syria was hunting god's prophet, elisha.
Why don't you look into the ORGANIZATION of UPS, FedEx ... you send something overnight let's say by 7pm from Houston to Seattle and it gets there by 9am signed and delivered mister ... you worship an ORGANIZATION ... do you know how the business model of ORGANIZATION started ... it is a business model ... it was started by the British ...
You worship an ORGANIZATION ... which really DO NOT SHARE GOD'$ will which in their case BILLIONS OF DOLLARS .... LOL
Really you are just pulling a leg here with your Warwick comment ... but I am being serious about you researching where and how the business model of ORGANIZATION started ...
As Christians we are to follow JESUS not an organization or a group of gringo men in NEW YORK CITY.
Help! My 14 year old has a cyber stalker and won't take it serious
by CADSkin inso my 14 year old daughter recently has been duped into sending a facebook friend a video of her house and random crap by someone pretending to be a 17 year old in the uk.
this set off major warning bells in my wife and i so we started to investigate.
although all very innocent she was obviously being played by a cyber stalker.
How about getting rid of the computer and phone altogether ....
Where Do I Go Now?
by individual inwith all the problems in the 'truth' and all the things that we know are wrong with it there seems to be aspects of their theology (i.e the sequences of the world powers, statue in daniel, the promise of world restoration again found in daniel) that to me still make sense.
although i cannot follow a religion that believes in the destruction of all humanity barring those that respond to their own preaching work i still believe in a creator and cannot accept the teachings of other religions that have no purpose for the earth and believe that mankinds only destiny is in heaven.
my mind keeps telling me that if god was behind a religion it would be so much better than that of the jws.
talking from a Christianity point of view need to ask Who do I go to now...not where ...the answer is you go to JESUS. You need to recognize Jesus is the promised Messiah who having died and resurrected now He reigns. You need to ask him to come into you, your heart. But this is something you will have to discover by yourself. If you believe in God, he knows your heart and motives and will lead you, but you will have to experience life situations I think so when you recognize the Messiah no one can't tell you otherwise. People gets entangled in a lot of religion, some claim to find Jesus, but have they found the Messiah? this requires a deeper understanding of Jesus. God's plan for humanity. Overall, if you are sincere, trust that God will make sure you are born again to be able to enter into his kingdom. Christ's church is compared to a body of which all born again believers Are part of, at one point you will have to submit to that arrangement, no part of a body can exist separated from the body. But little by little you will find the way, once you give your life to Jesus, once you believe he is the Messiah oh you have eternal life and you will be a work in progress until our Lord comes back or we go to him if we died first.
The Governing Body Know What Makes Jehovah Sad :(, Happy :), Tired zzzzz, And Other Deep Feelings
by frankiespeakin inwell did you notice how these guys on the governing body seems to know such intimate things about jehovah like what he's thinking, what makes him sad/happy and yet they never even personally met the guy, because he is completely invisible except for those that claim to have seen him.
in other words they claim no direct communication with the corporate deity but claim to know his intimate feeling based on the study of an ancient text where writers claim direct inspiration and expression of the deity.. could these just be projections of their own thinking and feeling processes onto the corporate deity?
most likely.. isaiah 42:14-16.
lol ... so these Board of Directors of the Watchtower Corporation will hand over the kingdom to Jesus, then Jesus in return to The Father ... I am telling you people this is what they really think ... i wonder what the Heavens can do with the billions of dollars the Board of Directors will hand over to Jesus ...
Stand For Pure Worship, what convinces you that the governing body is being used by Jehovah? Thanks.
by The Quiet One ini struggled with this question before i got baptised.
what helped you to overcome any doubts?.
The person has failed to recognize Who Jesus is ..The Messiah ... and HE REIGNS ... we don't need more mediators ... He has bought into the Organization hype. if you would get to know how McDonalds, FedEx, ConocoPhillips, and all the world wide organizations work, you would worship them! They all operate under the same business model of the Watchtower Corporation because they are all Organizations!
New JW Bible nickname
by JWOP ini had a face to face conversation with an active jw today.
i was informed that they congregations don't like the new bible being referred to as the "gray bible", so some are starting to refer to it as the silver sword.. .
I LUV my women's bible - pink with flowers. My son's bible cover is racing cars. My daughter's bible is light green with butterflies ... if my husband were to buy a bible of his own he would choose a harley davidson or rockstar cover ... and that WOULD BE FINE WITH GOD AND JESUS!