This post is just a continuation of my earlier post.
The second idea I want to bring up in wealth creation deals with learning NOT to play by the rules.
The rules to the traditional money making game are already well established and designed to keep the Rich richer and to keep everyone else in their place. The money game (and that is the way they look at it too) doesn’t favor the man on the street, and especially anyone who is good at following rules. If you follow the rules, you might as well bend over and kiss your wallet goodbye. LOL!
So, what I see that works is what is known as stepping outside the box. I’m not talking about a life of crime here; I’m talking about working around the rules.
Take taxes for example. Taxes are a wonderful invention to make everyone but you rich. In the USA, most people are aware that the top tax brackets are around 40% but this is really an illusion. When you start to investigate what you are really paying in taxes in this country (probably similar in the UK, OZ, and Norway) it comes out somewhere around 65% of all your income going for taxes! We have taxes on gasoline, taxes on everything from booze to sales taxes. So, the reality is that you could be paying 2/3 of your income in taxes!
I don’t think this probably really shocking news to any of you guys but maybe you are not aware that there are 100% legal and established ways to pay 0% taxes! I used to do privacy consulting on the Internet a few years ago and I worked mostly with wealthy clients who were willing to wheel and deal for my services and I did make some trades for information. I learned essentially three methods on the books to make you tax exempt, even in the USA. You don’t need to have an expensive lawyer or accountant to make use of this information. Further, I have been using it myself and know for sure it works.
I’m not going to post what this method is on a public board but if we get a group going like I was talking about, I’m willing to fess up for free about this.
Some people I’ve told about this get upset with me for finding and using such a loophole but hell the big corporations and the millionaires do it all the time. Further, I don’t need to defend myself from moral accusations about being unpatriotic and not feeding the homeless, etc. If you use this method and feel guilty about not helping your fellow man, you can simply contribute what you want to a charity.
Besides taxes, there are lots of other parasites out there that want to take away your money. These range from credit card debt to the high price of prescription drugs and health care for example. There are some ways you can moderate these costs. For example, I only use credit cards to make myself money. I never use them for simply everyday use. For everyday use, I use CASH and when that won’t work, I use a debit card.
Anyway, I’ve been through the school of hard knocks when it comes to credit and running up debts (I did this a lot in the past before I got smart) and learned a lot of useful information about cutting your debt in half almost instantly and how to get out of the hole.
To sum things up, with an ex-dub economic club we can network, exchange services, show each other different things we have learned and much more.
Any takers for this?
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings." - William Shakespeare